guide for the notebook - Center Point

Iowa History Notebook Project
The Iowa Notebooks is an interesting, exciting, and challenging project. You
will be required to complete at least twelve (12) activities. No more than one
activity per group, except group A. You need to do all four projects. If you would
like to do more for extra credit that would be fantastic. You will not have to do a
report out of each section. Pick the ones that are the most interesting to you.
Many activities are suggestions in this guide. You may wish to do one special
project of your own invention. This is a terrific idea as long as you get approval
before you start. Near the end of the Exploratory, you will present your entire
project to the class. This is NOT optional it is required.
The majority of this project will have to done ON YOUR TIME.
Each project’s grade will be broken down in the following areas:
Information. This refers to the information being accurate and complete. The
project must include the project number in the upper right hand corner and the
source of information on the bottom. We will have a lesson on how to site the
Presentation. This means that the information is presented in an attractive,
creative way. This might include colored pictures, drawings, tracings, or maps.
Neatness. This includes writing, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and drawings.
This is one area where a supportive parent can be very helpful as a proofreader.
Things to do to have a great notebook:
1. Get your work done before deadlines. See handout for due dates.
2. Be neat!
3. Use a variety of attractive colors.
4. Include the project number and source on each project.
5. Add maps to show the location of your project.
6. Be complete
7. The final draft should be neatly written or done on a word processor.
8. Proofread very carefully.
9. Write letters to interesting people and places and include as part of your
10. Talk to Your teacher about questions you may have.
Things to AVOID in order to have a great notebook:
1. Do not photocopy.
2. Do not copy word for word. Do not cut and paste your work. Rewrite in your
own works.
3. Do not do your work at the last minute.
4. Do not allow your parents to write, type, or draw for you.
5. Do not allow parents to do your research.
A. Mandatory Projects: These projects must be done!!!
These projects are worth 30 points.
A1. Make a cover for your notebook. The cover may be as
simple as a piece of cardboard or as a specially designed and
created needlepoint covering. It should include the title
“IOWA” and your name.
A2. Conduct an interview with a senior Iowan. They should be
at least 60 years old. We will discuss some ideas for questions
in class. It works best if you have questions written or typed
ahead of time. Give them to your subject a day or two before
the actual interview. Practice asking questions, it will make the
interview go smoother. Take notes during the interview.
After the interview, sit down and recopy the interview notes
into neat paragraphs. Make sure to proofread. This would be a
great place to add a picture of your Iowan.
A3. You will be assigned a county in Iowa. This project will
include a report composed using information about your
county. The report should include information about your
county’s history, historic and scenic sights, festivals, industrial
and agricultural developments. You should include a map of
Iowa with your county shaded. Include a picture of the county
court house. This project would be good with pictures of your
county. If your family has time you may be able to visit your
county. Take some pictures of you in your county.
A4. Write a brief history of the town or city you live in or the
town closest to your home. Include how it got its name, if it
had any other names, when it was established, early citizens.
Tell about some of the major business in your city today.
Including pictures would also help this project.
B. The Physical Landscape
B1.Through the study of rocks and other natural features, geologists are able
to create a history of Iowa's physical characteristics. Write about several
rocks that are part of Iowa’s History. Examples of some rocks are quartzite,
calcite, geodes, coal, gypsum, and petrified wood.
B2. Several glaciers covered Iowa at various times in the ancient past.
Watch the video at Iowa Pathways website.
Write several paragraphs about the glaciers in Iowa. Include a map with
glaciers shaded.
B3. Iowa's rich topsoil is a product of the thick grasses that have lived
and died on the prairies for centuries. Write a two or three paragraph report
on Iowa’s native grasses and include a drawing, picture, or a sample of the
grass. Choose one of the following: Turkey foot/Big Bluestem, Indian Grass,
Side Oats Grama, or Canadian Wild rye.
B4. Loess Hills in western Iowa is an interesting land formation in Iowa. Find
out how it was formed and describe what it looks like.
Native Americans
C. Archaeologists believe that people first arrived in what is today Iowa
approximately 12,000 years ago. These people were the ancestors of the
American Indians of today. They lived during the glacial times in Iowa.
C1. Go to the following website:
Write two or three paragraphs about the early Iowans. Be sure to include
the information about where you got your information.
C2. The first Iowans used the earth's resources for food, clothing, and
shelter. Describe the food, clothing, and shelter of the first Iowans. Drawing
pictures or finding pictures would be a good addition to this project.
C3. The Federal government tried to control American Indians through
treaties and forced land sales. As a result, tribes frequently moved into and
out of Iowa. Watch the video, Iowa Indians to Minnesota and write a few
paragraphs describing the video.
b_000271. Remember to write the paragraphs in your own words.
C4. The Meskwakis, one of the most enduring Iowa tribes, still live on their
settlement near Tama. Visit the official Website of the Meskwaki Indians, Read about the history of the tribe. Write about
some of the famous Indians that were part of the tribe.
C5. Describe the Tama Indian Pow Wow. Explain its purpose and include a
picture of the Pow Wow.
C6. Write a short biography of Black Hawk. Draw or trace a picture of him.
C7. Write a report on Chief Keokuk. Include a picture of him. Remember,
color adds attractiveness to your projects. Remember to include the project
number in the right-hand corner.
C8. Write a report on the Effigy Indian Mounds. Include information on the
Hopewell Indian Culture.
C9. Write a report about one of Iowa’s Native American tribes. Chose from
one of the following: Fox, Sac or Sauk, Sioux, Winnebago.
C10. An event in Iowa history that is connected with Native Americans is the
Spirit Lake Massacre. Find out about the event. Write a two or three
paragraph report on what happened.
European Contacts
D1. The French, English and Spanish claimed large sections of land in North
America at various times during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Investigate
areas these countries claimed. Describe what one of the three countries
D2. The land area of present-day Iowa became part of the U.S. in 1803 with
the Louisiana Purchase. Read about the Louisiana Purchase. Tell about the
countries involved, cost and what was purchased. Include a map of the
D3.Several exploring parties were sent to the lands west of the Mississippi to
assess the possibilities for settlement. Write a few paragraphs on these early
explorers. You may want to write about Lewis and Clark, Marquette and
Joliet, Zebulon Pike. Include a map of what they explored.
D4. Iowa became part of the United States in an orderly process provided by
the Federal government, moving through district and territory status to full
statehood in 1846. Iowa has had three capitals. Tell when they became a
capital. Include a map of the three capitals. (If you do this activity you
cannot do F2.)
Pioneer Life on the Prairie
E1. Most pioneer settlers came to Iowa from the eastern United States and
Europe. List some of the European countries these early pioneers came
from. Why did they travel to Iowa. Find out if any of your ancestors came
from European countries. Tell about the countries they came from.
E2.Iowa land was surveyed by the government and sold at auctions held by
government land officers. Describe some of the tools used to survey land.
E3. For most settlers, living on the prairie meant a change in farming and
household practices. Tell how living in a city and moving to the prairie was
different for the early settlers.
E4. Pioneer raised or made most of the items they needed for daily life. Tell
about some of the animals they raised and how they used these animals.
What other things did they make to be used in their daily life?
E5. Pioneer families developed a sense of social community and
interdependence by sharing work and social events. Describe one of the
following events: Quilting Bee, spelling bee, barn raising, or box social.
F. Providing a Government
F1.A region cannot arbitrarily become a state on its own. It must first be a
district and a territory before it becomes a state. Create a timeline when
Iowa became a district, territory, and then a state.
F2.Iowa's territorial and state capitals were moved from Burlington to Iowa
City to Des Moines. Tell when these capitals were formed and make a map
including the three capitals. (If you do D4 you cannot do this activity.)
F3. Iowa became a state on December 28, 1846. To become a state Iowa
needed a constitution. Describe where and when the Iowa constitution was
F4. As Iowa's population grew, counties were set up to provide for local
government. Create a list of Iowa’s 99 counties. Describe how 10 of them
got their name. Include the county you live.
F5. Iowa's first constitution of 1846 was replaced by a new constitution in
1857. Describe why Iowa’s constitution was replaced in 1857. This website
gives good information on why it was changed.
F6. Two political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, have influenced
politics in Iowa for 150 years. These two political parties have had great
influence over the government. Describe the elections process in Iowa.
G1. Transportation was very important for Iowa's early pioneers. Not only
was it important for people coming to Iowa, but after arriving, people relied
on transportation for their livelihoods. Explain how early pioneers relied on
transportation for their livelihoods.
G2. The major modes of commercial transportation - steamboat, stagecoach,
and railroad - developed significantly during the 19th century. Pick one of the
commercial transportations and write about how they were used.
G3. Each of these means of transportation had positive and negative aspects,
and each helped Iowa develop economically. Tell about two positive aspects
and two negatives aspects of early transportation and how it helped develop
Iowa economically.
G4.The railroad was the most important form of transportation for 19thcentury Iowa. It was faster and more dependable than any other form of
transportation. It greatly assisted new settlers coming to the state and also
aided in the development of new industry. One of the great stories of the
railroad is Kate Shelby and the Midnight Express. Listen to the story and write an
account of the story in your own words.
G5. Describe one of Iowa’s scenic highways. The Great River Road, the
Hiawatha Pioneer Trail, Lincoln Highway, or the Lewis and Clark Trail in two
or three paragraphs. Be sure to include a map showing where those roads
run through Iowa.
The Civil War
H1. Iowa was created as a free state according to the Missouri Compromise,
and most Iowans were glad slavery was prohibited in Iowa. Describe how
most Iowans felt about slavery. Did they have a warm welcome for slaves or
were there restrictions?
H2. Iowans helped slaves escape to freedom by working on the Underground
Railroad. Describe the Underground Railroad in Iowa. Make a map of some
of the towns that the railroad when through.
H3. Although no Civil War battles were fought in Iowa, many Iowans were
directly involved in the Civil War. How were Iowans involved in the Civil
H4. Numerous regiments of Iowa soldiers were sent to battle, while many
Iowa women ran the farms and businesses. Women also helped with the war
effort by sending supplies to soldiers far from home. In two or more
paragraphs describe the role Iowa women had in the Civil War.
H5. Some Iowans, known as Copperheads, were actively opposed to the Civil
War. The “Peace Democrats” were in Iowa. Describe how they opposed
they Civil War.
H6. During the Civil War Iowan’s were involved in the “Honey War.” Describe
the Honey War and the impact it had on Iowa.
H7. The Greybeard Regiment was a fascinating part of Iowa’s Civil War past.
Write a short report explaining who was in this unusual group and what
duties they performed.
Settlers from Many Lands
I1. Julian Dubuque was very important to Iowa’s past. Draw a picture of
him and explain his importance.
I1. All Iowans have ancestors who immigrated to Iowa from other parts of
the United States or the world (although American Indians came a few
thousand years before the rest.) Visit with your family and find where your
family ancestors immigrated. Share any details they my have on when,
where and how they immigrated. Ask your teacher for a world map and
show where from where they immigrated.
I2. People immigrated to Iowa for many reasons, including 'push-pull factors'
and events related to World War I. Describe at least three push and three
pull factors on why people moved to Iowa.
I3. Numerous ethnic settlements with unique customs and traditions were
started in Iowa. Several festivals featuring the cultural traditions of these
ethnic groups are held annually across the state. If possible attend one of
these festivals. Include pictures if you can. Describe the event. If you are
not able to attend an event describe two festivals that are held in Iowa. Here
are some examples: Nordic Fest in Decorah, Pella Tulip Festival-Dutch,
Hobie Days-Czech in Cedar Rapids. These are only examples, there are
many more to choose.
I4. Communitarian groups that settled in Iowa developed their own particular
cultural norms and lifestyles that remind us that people of many different
points of view have helped to shape Iowa's unique cultural heritage.
Continued on next page.
1 The Icarians, a communitarian group, existed in Iowa from 1855
2 The Society of True Inspiration settled in Iowa in 1855. The
Inspirationists maintained their simple communal lifestyle until 1930
when they reorganized to form the Amana Society.
3 The Old Order Amish settled in Iowa in the 1840s. Although a
number of Amish groups have appeared over the years, many living
essentially in the same manner as most Iowa farmers did in 1900.
Pick one of the groups and give more information about the group. Where
were/are they located. Show their locations on a map. What traditions do
they still follow?
I5.Today Iowa continues to be a home for immigrants from all over the
world, including newcomers from Bosnia, the Sudan, and additional
immigrants from Mexico. Many new Iowans are Latinos. Describe where
they immigrated from and why they are coming to Iowa.
J1. As soon as the first settlers arrived in Iowa, schools were set up for the
education of children. Describe a one-room schoolhouse. How is it different
from our schools? Drawing a floor plan would be a good addition to this
J2. Early Iowa schools were scheduled to accommodate the needs of children
from farm families. How was the school schedule different from the schedule
we follow today?
J3. Later high schools and academies were built to meet the needs of older
students. Tilford Academy in Vinton was one of those schools. A famous
graduate of the Academy was Ida Beam. Write a biography of Ida Beam and
tell about her education at the Tilford Academy.
J4. Around 1900 some schools began to consolidate to offer better
educational programs. Center Point-Urbana became part of the consolidation
process in the late 1900’s. Find out reasons why the schools of Center Point
and Urbana consolidated. Some of the teachers in our district were part of
that consolidation. Interview them to get their opinions.
J5. The State of Iowa and many religious groups set up colleges and
universities. Make a list of at least five college in Iowa that were set up by
religious groups. Pick one and give more details about that college.
K. Religion
K1. Many of Iowa's early religious groups were closely tied to cultural or
nationality groups that settled in Iowa. A group that settled in Cedar Rapids
was the Islamic religion. Cedar Rapids has the oldest mosque in the United
States. Write about the history of this mosque.
K2. Catholic and Protestant Christians were the dominant religious groups on
the Iowa frontier. The Basilica in Dyserville is an example of the Catholic faith
in northeast Iowa. Write a description of the Basilica. Pictures would be
good addition to this project.
K3. Latter Day Saints, often called Mormons, crossed southern and central
Iowa on their way to the West. Some stayed to become the first white
settlers in southwest Iowa. Mormons followed the Mormon Trail through
Iowa. On a map of Iowa trace their route. Describe their journey through
K4. Activities of religious groups provided cohesiveness for Iowa's early
communities. Describe some of the activities of these groups that helped
bring the communities together. Are there still some of those activities that
observed today? Describe these activities.
K5. Iowa's religious groups have been active in many social causes. Describe
some of the social causes groups have been active.
L. Agriculture and rural life in the early 20th century
L1. Corn and hogs were Iowa's main farm products following the Civil War.
Corn and hogs are still important products of Iowa. Today how does Iowa
rank in production of these products? Describe several ways in which corn is
used in making other products.
L2. Farm work varied with the seasons and required cooperation among
families and neighbors. Describe the life a farmer by seasons. What is done
during each season? Also, describe how neighbors and family help in farm
L3. Many technological advances began to profoundly affect farm production
and farm life. One company that has really changed farm production in Iowa
is John Deere. Describe the technological advances John Deer has been
involved. Start with the plow.
L4. After 1920 farmers faced two decades of economic difficulty. This time
was known as The Great Depression. Describe how it affected Iowa Farmers.
L5. Write a two or three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s crops.
Choose from one of the following: Corn, soybeans, Wheat, Sorghum, or
Alfalfa. You may wish to include a leaf, seed or picture of the crop.
L6. Write a two or three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s livestock
animals. Choose from the following: Hereford, Guernsey, Black Angus,
Holstein, Hogs, Hampshire Sheep, Suffolk Sheep, or Colombia Sheep. Please
include a picture.
L7. Write two or three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s farm fowl.
Choose from the following: Ducks, Turkeys, or Chicken. Perhaps you could
include a picture or a feather to go with your report.
L8. Hay is a major crop in Iowa. Write a three or four paragraph report
describing hay and how it is used by farmers.
L9. The thresher made life on the early farm both easier and more profitable.
In Two or three paragraphs tell how the thresher worked. The hold
Thresher’s Museum in Mount Pleasant might be a good place to visit on a
familing outing.
M. Urbanization
M1. Immigrants and rural migration swelled Iowa cities after the Civil War to
work in factories. What does it mean that Iowa cities swelled? Describe
reasons why people were moving to cities.
M2. Labor unions played an important role for many Iowa factory workers.
Read about the labor unions in Iowa and in your own words describe how
they have influenced Iowa factories.
M3. New trades and services developed to meet the needs of city families.
Tell about new services that developed as more people moved to the city.
N. Technological change in the early 20th century
N1. Technological advances of the 20th Century had a profound impact on life
in Iowa. One company that has had a large impact on Iowa is RockwellCollins in Cedar Rapids. Describe the company and the technologies they
N2. The telephone saved rural Iowans both time and money as cooperative
companies were formed across the state. How did telephones save early
Iowans time and money? Tell how your life would be changed without a
N3. The automobile, being fast and dependable, facilitated social and
economic development as Iowans' individual mobility increased, allowing new
businesses to flourish. Read about automobiles in Iowa. In your own words
describe how cars influenced Iowa.
N4. Electricity has not only benefited agriculture and business, but also
provided many new time-saving conveniences for the home. Make a list of
all the conveniences you have at home that use electricity. Write about five
that you feel you could not give up.
O. Business and Industry in Iowa
O1. Iowa's first industries, such as lumber milling, grain milling, and coal
mining, depended on local natural resources. Describe the natural resources
these industries needed and how they were used.
O2. The development of railroading was pivotal to the tremendous growth of
Iowa industry after 1870. How did railroads affect industry? How did it
affect the development of cities?
O3. Factory work opened new opportunities for Iowa women to work outside
of the home. Iowa has many factories. Tell about two of these factories that
have given women opportunities to work outside the home.
O4. As part of a global economy, Iowa's manufactured products are
distributed throughout the nation and the world. Two of the largest
industries in Iowa are cereal factories. Pick one of the factories and write
about how the company has helped the global economy of our nation.
O5. The button-making industry was big on the rivers, especially the
Mississippi River. Write an interesting report explaining how the buttons
were made.
P. World War I and its impact
P1. In the early years of WW I, Americans attempted to be neutral and avoid
entering the war. Tell about why Iowans tried to stay neutral during WWI.
P2. On April 6, 1917, America entered WWI by declaring war on Germany.
Describe some of the reasons the United States declared war on German.
P3. Iowans participated in the war by sending soldiers, purchasing war
bonds, and producing large amounts of agricultural products. Women played
important new roles. Describe how war bonds were used in WWI. Many
posters were developed to encourage people to buy bonds. Create your own
war bond poster.
P4. On the Iowa home front, anti-German sentiment was rampant. Many
people thought it was patriotic to remove any suggestion of German culture.
Explain why people were trying to remove German culture.
Q. Depression and WWII
Q1. Following WW I, farm prices steadily fell, causing economic depression
and hardship for many Iowans. Describe how the Great Depression affected
Q2. Because of high unemployment during the 1930s, the federal
government responded with work programs that not only provided jobs but
also developed Iowa's roads, parks, and public buildings. Describe the WPA
(Work Projects Administration) and how the jobs and work affected Iowa.
Q3. Despite the economic hardships, many technological advancements
occurred during the depression, making motion pictures, radio, and
automobiles accessible to more people. Describe the role of radio during the
Q4. Both men and women took on new roles after WW II. Describe some of
the roles that people had during WWII.
Q5. The impact of events around the world was felt by Iowans as the state
emerged from the Depression, entered the WW II era, and moved into the
atomic age. Describe the impact these events had on Iowa.
Q6. The Sullivan brothers were World War Heroes. Explain what happened
to them during WWII.
R. Post-war Adjustments, 1955-Farm Crisis of 1980s
R1. Changes in transportation lead to a rise in the interstate highway system,
the decline of railroads, relocation of highways, and impact on communities
and the economy. Draw a map of the Interstate Highway System in Iowa.
Tell about the impact the interstate system has had on Center Point and
R2. Social controversies brought about adjustments in civil rights (gender,
race) and moral issues. One person that had a large impact on civil rights in
Iowa is George Washington Carver. Describe him and the impact he had on
R3.Declining population in rural areas had a major impact on rural
communities, school systems, school consolidation, and politics. Describe
how declining population affected these areas.
R4. Iowa's agricultural transition to the 21st century brings changes in
corporate farming, the farm crisis of the 80s, and farm foreclosures. Describe
the farm crisis of the 1980’s.
S. Transition to the 21st Century, Farm Crisis to 2002
S1. New environmental challenges (water pollution, prairies, wetlands,
erosion) increase awareness and activism. Many organizations have been
created to help with these challenges. Read about and describe the efforts of
one of these organizations. Some examples of these organizations: DNR
(Department of Natural Resources), NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation
Service), IPN (Iowa Prairie Network).
S2. While Iowa has traditionally been a heavily Republican state; today both
the Republican and Democratic parties are strong. Make a list of the current
political leaders and the Party they represent. Include in the list the
following people: Governor, US Senator, US Representative, State Senator,
State Representative, and Mayor of your town.
S3. Iowans have pioneered in the development of agricultural processes,
computers, and the exploration of outer space. John Deere, George
Washington Carver, Arthur Collins, Norman Bourlough, and James Van Allen
are just a few of the people involved in development of new ideas. Write
about one of these people and their contribution to the world.
S4. Iowans today are part of the world community southeast Asian, Hispanic,
Bosnian, Sudanese, and Somalian refugees and immigrants, international
trade, technology. On a world map show where each of these groups have
immigrated. Explain why Iowa is now part of the international trade and
T. Famous People in Iowa’s History
T1. Only one person born in Iowa has become president. Herbert Hoover
was born in West Branch, Iowa. Write a biography of his life. Be sure to
include a picture.
T2. Many baseball players have been from Iowa. Write about one of these
baseball players. Tell about where they were born, who they played for and
outstanding statistics or honors. Bob Feller, Bing Miller, Cal Eldred, Mike
Boddicker. If there is another Iowa baseball player you would like to write
about see your teacher.
T3. Football is also an important sport in Iowa. There are many players that
were born in Iowa or played in Iowa. Listed are a few of those players: Nile
Kinnick, Jack Trice, Kurt Warner, Alex Karras, Chad Hennings. Write about
one of these players or one that your teacher has approved.
T4. There are many other sports figures from Iowa. Write about one of
these people or one that your teacher has approved: Shawn Johnson, Dan
Gable, Zach Johnson.
T5. Iowa has had many people in entertainment. Write about one of the
following people or one that your teacher okays: Donna Reed, John Wayne,
Harriet Nelson, Ashton Kutcher, Elijah Wood, Bill Daily, Johnny Carson,
Anabeth Gish, Jan Seaberg, Cloris Leechman, Tom Arnold, Tony Danza.
T6. One of Iowa’s most famous painters is Grant Wood. Write about his life
and accomplishments.
T7. Tell how William Cody was and explain in two or three paragraphs how
he became famous. Draw a picture of him doing a famous activity.
T8. Tell about the contributions that General Grenville Dodge made to
transportation in the United States. Make sure you proofread your work
T9. The Wallace family provided three great men to help Iowa become a
great state. Write at least one paragraph for each of these notable men and
their contributions not only to Iowa, but the United States.
T10. John Froelich created an invention in the late 1800’s that revolutionized
farming. Write a two or three paragraph report about this very important
T11. Did you know Wyatt Earp was born in Iowa? Write a few paragraphs
about the legend of the Wild West. Please have mom or dad proofread your
T12. Ding Darling was a political cartoonist from Iowa. Find out and explain
what is a political cartoon. Include three or four cartoons and explain the
message he was trying to convey. You may also write about one of these
cartoonists: Brian Duffy or Frank Miller.
T13. Many students participate in 4-H. Do you know the founder of 4-H?
Write a two or three paragraph report on Jesse Field Shamough.
T14. Iowa has had many important governors. Write about one of Iowa’s
governors. Governor Lucas, Governor Samuel Kirkwood, Governor Robert D.
Ray, or Governor Tom Vilsack are possible choices. Be sure to include a
picture of the governor.
T15. Anne Wittenmyer helped orphans during hard times in Iowa. Write a
two or three paragraph report on the caring women.
T16. Iowa has many notable authors. Include at least three of their works.
Choose from the following: Paul Engle, Robert Waller, May Hill Arbuthnot,
Natalia Belting, Duane Bradley, Harold W. Felton or go to one of these
websites and see if there any authors you are familiar and write about them
and their works:
T17. Write a short report about one of Iowa’s famous musicians. Include at
least three of their song titles and a picture. Choose one of the following:
Glenn Miller, Karl King, Meredith Willson, the Everly Brothers, Andy Williams
or Traci Spencer.
T18. Dr. Norman Borlaug has gained worldwide acclaim for his research in
agriculture. Explain why his contributions are so important to the world.
Find a picture of Dr. Borlaug.
T19. Dr. James Van Allen has had a tremendous influence on the world of
science and the study of space. Write two or three paragraphs about his
U. Nature
U1. Write a three-paragraph report about one of Iowa’s trees. Choose from
the following: Pin Oak, Burr Oak, White Oak, American Elem, Slippery Elm,
Shag Bark Hickory, or Sugar Maple. Include a drawing of the leaf.
U2. Write two or three paragraphs about one of Iowa’s now nonexistent
native animals. Try to explain they they are no longer found in nature and
include a picture. Choose from the bison, elk, prairie chicken, or wolf. If you
have another animal you would like to write about check with your teacher.
U3. Write a three-paragraph report about one of Iowa’s songbirds and
include a drawing or picture. Choose one of the following: Baltimore Oriole,
Robin, Cardinal, Mocking Bird, Eastern Bluebird, Yellow-Throated Warbler,
Easter Meadowlark, Eastern Goldfinch or ask your teacher if you have
another choice.
U4. Write a three-paragraph report about one of Iowa’s game birds and
include a drawing or picture. Choose from the following: Mallard Duck,
Canadian Goose, Wood Duck, Pheasant, Quail, Ruffed Grouse, Turkey, or ask
your teacher if you have another choice.
U5. Write a three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s predatory birds and
include a drawing or picture. Choose from the following, Red Tailed Hawk,
Bald Eagle, Turkey Vulture, Great Horned Owl, Barn Owl, Peregrine Falcon, or
another of our choice with eh teacher’s approval.
U6. Write a three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s fur-bring animals
and include a drawing or picture. Choose from the following: Muskrat,
Beaver, Mink, Read Fox, Raccoon, Opossum, Coyote, Monk, or another of
your choice with the teacher’s approval.
U7. Write a three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s game animals and
include a picture or a drawing. You may want to include the hunting season.
Choose from the following: Cottontail Rabbit, Turkey, White-tailed Deer, Grey
Squirrel, Fox, Pheasant, or another of your choice with the teacher’s
U8. Write a three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s insets and include a
picture or drawing. Choose from the following: Monarch Butterfly, Mosquito
Buffalo, Gnat, Box Elder Bug, Cicada, Carpenter Ant, Red Ant, Lady Bug, or
another of your choice with the teachers’ approval.
U9. Write a three paragraph report about one of Iowa’s fish and include a
drawing or picture. Choose from the following: Channel Catfish, Flathead
Catfish, Gar Sturgeon, Loudmouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Carp, Crappie, or
another of our choice with the teacher’s approval.
U10. Write a tow or three-paragraph report about one of Iowa’s native
prairie flowers. Chose from the following” Black-eyed Susan, Purple
Coneflowers, Chicory, Wild Rose, or another of you choice with the teacher’s
approval. Be sure and include a drawing or picture.
U11. Iowa’s weather is call “unpredictable.” Pick one of the extreme
weather conditions of Iowa and write two or three paragraphs. Possible
choices would be tornadoes (Parkersburg), Floods (1993 or 2008), Missouri
River flood (2011), Dry Dusty 1936.
V. Places to visit
V1. The Grotto of Redemption in West Bend is an interesting place to visit.
Write about the history of the grotto and include a picture.
V2. Display a picture of the Amanas. Make a list of at least five products
still made there today. This project would make a fun weekend trip for the
whole family.
V3. Cedar Rock in Quasqueton, Iowa was designed by famous architect,
Frank Lloyd Wright. Write about the design and what makes the house
special. Include pictures of the house.
V4. Research the Old Shot Tower in Dubuque and write a few paragraphs
about its history. Dubuque might make a great weekend trip for you family.
V5. Learn about the Rotary Jail (Human Squirrel Cage) in Pottawattamie
County. Write two or three paragraphs on this interesting jail.
V6. Iowa has had many forts through its history. Most of the forts were
located along rivers or streams. Place at least five of these forts on an
outline map and label their river. Pick one of the forts and write about how it
was used.
V7. These Palaces are no longer in existence. Compile information for a
short report about one of these palaces: The Sioux City Corn Palace, The
Creston Blue Grass Palace, Ottumwa Coal Palace, or The Flax Palace in Forest
V8. Fort Dodge has a replica of the Cardiff Giant. Find out the history of the
Cardiff Giant and the connection it has to Iowa. Include a picture of the
Remember, if you would like to write a report on a topic not included in this
guide be sure and ask your teacher for approval before you start.