BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources

BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessment Kit
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Table of Contents
About this RPL Kit
Page 3
The Certificate IV in Human Resources qualification
Page 4
The RPL process
Page 5
Gathering evidence
Page 6
Submitting the evidence
Page 8
Summary of Evidence (Matrix)
Page 10
Evidence Planner
Page 12
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
1. About this RPL Kit
This kit is designed to help you compile evidence through a recognition process to
achieve this qualification. This is a formal process that is based on a portfolio of
evidence submitted by you, the student.
You are going to work through the requirements of the qualification and gather:
Evidence of prior training and qualifications Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Evidence of current competence Recognition of Current Competence (RCC)
This is an “assessment only”pathway
This is an “assessment only” pathway based on designed for candidates with relevant
qualifications and/or business experience. You may be eligible for some but not all of
the units that make up the qualification. So it is possible you are mixing the recognition
process with some formal learning (components of a course).
Quality portfolio preparation takes time
We appreciate that evidence gathering and portfolio preparation takes some time. It is
in your best interest to start planning, organising and get the process under way as
quickly as possible.
Planning, organisation and presentation are important
This kit provides planning tools that guide the evidence gathering. Use these tools and
tables to build up your planned evidence. Here are some tips to putting your portfolio
Look for evidence that meets the requirements for multiple units of
competency 
If you can demonstrate evidence that covers several units of competency, it will
minimize time spent searching for and compiling multiple forms of evidence for
each unit.
Authenticity 
You need supporting evidence to authenticate that the products and processes
you are submitting are indeed your work. Third party letters or references may
be requested to support your portfolio.
Recent evidence is preferred 
The assessor is looking for currency of competence so use recent projects as
evidence. As a rule of thumb, evidence from the last two years is preferable and
do not go back more than five years. This should be discussed with the
assessor. Your academic training and qualifications may go back further than
five years to demonstrate knowledge of vocational education and training.
Label the evidence 
Complete the cover page, evidence summary matrix, provide an index and label
the evidence. The assessor will not proceed unless the cover page and summary
are submitted and the evidence is organised and labelled.
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
2. Course Structure
BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Support performance-management processes
Review human resources functions
Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to
meet legislative requirements
Establish effective workplace relationships
Support employee and industrial relations procedures
Develop and implement strategies to source and assess candidates
Develop and provide employment management services to candidates
Manage the recruitment process for client organisations
Identify risk and apply risk management processes
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
3. The RPL Process
1. Enquiry-call Open Training Institute on +61 (03)86282500
2. Enrolment and payment of fees
1. Access RPL Kit online via My Study Centre
1. Read RPL Kit thoroughly
Support Available from your
Assessor on +61 (03)86282500
2. Commence compiling your Portfolio
1. Upload Evidence Planner, Summary of Evidence and your
supporting documents.
2. Portfolio assessed
1. Conversation with Assessor for validity.
2. Assessor signs off
1. Assessor will provide feedback and request
additional evidence or information on supporting
documents provided.
2. You submit additional evidence/information.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
4. Gathering Evidence
Contact with the Assessor
If required, you can contact the Assessor by calling student services on (03) 8628 2500
to assist the evidence gathering process.
The Assessor can help to:
interpret the units of competency 
advise on matching evidence to the competencies 
clarify ways to organise the portfolio 
clarify the underpinning knowledge and skills required 
identify ways to fill gaps in experience and learning 
What will the Assessor be looking for in the assessment of the portfolio?
The Assessor will take an integrated and holistic approach to assessment and is looking
evidence of the specific evidence requirements for each unit of competency 
evidence of valid, current products that align to the units of competency, the
performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work
of the candidate 
evidence of valid, current processes that aligns to the units of competency, the
performance criteria and evidence guide which can be authenticated as the work
of the candidate 
evidence of the application of required skills and key competencies/employability
skills 
What if I don’t achieve all competencies by the end of the portfolio appraisal?
On submission of your portfolio, you will receive feedback from the Assessor. If there
are gaps in evidence or a question arising from the quality of the evidence, authenticity
or currency you will be contacted and given the opportunity to resubmit further
evidence. You will have an agreed time from when you enrolled in the RPL process to
complete all assessments with reasonable adjustments depending on your
The Assessor will sign off on the units of competency that have been achieved and the
Statements of Attainment indicating partial completion or the full qualification will be
What sort of evidence should you provide?
The Assessor is looking for specific evidence across the units of competency.
The evidence will be made up of:
1. Products –that have been developed, documented and used by you.
2. Processes –evidence that shows “how” you do what performed tasks, conducted
research or applied required knowledge and skills
3. Required knowledge and required skills –that demonstrate your
understanding of theory, legislation, and the principles of business.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Rules of Evidence
Currency – relates to the age of collected evidence. Competency requires
demonstration of current performance – therefore the evidence collected must
be current/very recent. Try to find evidence which shows that you can perform
the competency now. If all your evidence is 5 to 10 years in the past and you
have not been active in recent years then currency of skills and knowledge is
questioned. 
Validity –is when the process assesses what it claims to assess. Try to ensure
that the evidence relates clearly and directly to the elements and performance
criteria in each unit of competency. Check the overview of evidence and the
specific evidence requirements if you are not sure if the products and processes
are appropriate. 
Sufficiency –relates to the amount of evidence collected. The collection of
sufficient evidence is necessary to ensure all aspects of the competency have
been captured and to satisfy the need for repeatable performance.
Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. Try to present enough
evidence, not too much, not too little across the units of competency. The
specific evidence requirements in each unit will indicate the minimum amount of
evidence that must be submitted.
Authenticity –relates to ensuring the evidence is from the candidate and not
another person. The assessor needs to be satisfied the own work. Do not make
things up and do not say that work done by someone else is yours. Provide
evidence that the work is yours through third party letters of authentication or
statutory declarations. 
Range –Try to collect a number of pieces of evidence that cover a range of
contexts, locations and the times you have demonstrated the competencies. 
These explanations have been adapted from the TAA04 Training and Assessment
Training Package Glossary of Terms ©ANTA 2004
Examples of Evidence
Curriculum Vitae and authenticated work history 
Qualifications (E.g- Vocational, Higher Education), Certificates of Attendance
(Training Seminars) or Training records 
Products, Processes and examples of work (E.g- Strategic/Business/Marketing
Plans, Procedures, Job Descriptions, Performance Appraisals, Coaching logs) 
Third party reports from verified and appropriate people, preferably from the workplace 
Work records that support your evidence (E.g- project files, emails, meeting
notes, diaries) 
Reports, Assignments 
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Putting the portfolio of evidence together
Step 1: Start preparing the Summary of Evidence Matrix
The matrix is an overview of your portfolio. Keep building this table as you
continue evidence gathering. The Summary of Evidence Matrix must be submitted
with the portfolio.
Step 2: Start to fill in the Evidence Planner table–by unit of competency.
Fill in the Evidence Planner table listing your evidence and explaining how it aligns
to each units of competency that it addresses. Remember, some evidence will
address more than one unit of competency. The Evidence Planner explanation will
give the Assessor a better understanding of how the documents you submit meet
the requirements of the unit and your understanding of the required knowledge
and skills across the qualification.
Read the units in detail this time clarifying your potential evidence against: the
elements, required skills/knowledge and performance criteria. Check the range of
variables to clarify the language and terms and the application of performance
criteria in your own work context.
Step 3: Review and finalise your evidence
You should now have your evidence organised and be able to see areas where the
evidence might be weak. Organise the verification and third party letters. The
Assessor will prefer to see letters on company stationery. Emails are not
acceptable. The declaration forms in this kit can also be used.
Step 4: Compile the portfolio
Check the labels and organise the evidence. Do not send originals of qualifications;
get copies certified as a true copy.
 Finalise the certified Summary of Evidence table with the explanations of
your evidence in your own words.
Finalise the Evidence Planner Matrix –the ‘at a glance” summary pa the top of your
Open Training Institute will accept photocopies certified by anyone who is currently
employed as:
 an accountant (they must be a member of the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising
Accountants, or the National Institute of Accountants, or the Association of
Taxation and Management Accountants or Registered Tax Agents).
 a bank manager, but not a manager of a bank travel centre
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
barrister, solicitor or patent attorney
credit union branch manager
commissioner for declaration
Justice of the Peace
medical practitioner (doctor)
police officer in charge of a police station, or of the rank of sergeant and above
postal manager
principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school
Step 5: Submit the portfolio
Presentation of your portfolio is important. RPL applications should be uploaded via
My Study Centre.
Copies of all parts of the applications must be retained by the applicant.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
6. Summary of Evidence (Matrix)
The following matrix is completed as an example. Please use the matrix provided in the following page
Letter from
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Certificate IV in Human Resources- Summary of Evidence Matrix
Use this summary to build a picture of your evidence across the units of competency in the Certificate IV in Human
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Certificate IV in Human Resources-Evidence Planner
Use these summary tables to gather evidence that addresses the details in units of competency.
BSBEMS402B Develop and implement strategies to source and assess candidates
Develop strategies to source
Screen and interview potential
Assess and select candidates
Performance Criteria
Undertake research to identify potential candidate channels
Identify a range of strategies to assist in sourcing candidates
Review and evaluate strategies for effectiveness
Develop advertisement copy to align with client requirements,
job specifications and place accordingly to attract candidates
Undergo preliminary screening with candidates in a fair and
equitable manner, in compliance with relevant legislation
Organise and conduct interviews and employment appraisal
assessments in accordance with organisational policy and best
Undertake general assessment of raw skills as required,
depending on the position
Obtain additional information from candidates as required
Conduct assessment and selection process in accordance with
organisational policy and legislative requirements, and in
consultation with the client
Judge information obtained from each candidate against
specified selection criteria and note any additional influencing
Align candidate suitability to specific client requirements and job
specifications, in consultation with the client
Prepare selection recommendations for the client and document
in accordance with organisational procedures
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Evidence Provided
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
of Assessment
Critical Aspects
Manage candidate outcomes
Inform all candidates of selection decisions in a timely manner
Provide feedback to unsuccessful candidates
Provide successful candidate with briefing and coaching for
interview with the client
Negotiate placements with the candidate and the client
development of strategies developed for sourcing
application of screening and interviewing candidates for a
assessment of a candidate's skills
placement of a candidate in employment with a client in a
position with a client outcome
notices to unsuccessful candidates
knowledge of relevant legislation.
analytical skills to determine fit between candidate
abilities and client organisational requirements
communication skills to establish and maintain effective
business relationships with potential and current clients,
to interview candidates and to provide feedback
culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to
people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse
information management skills to analyse and evaluate
candidate information obtained from résumés, letters,
references, interviews and aptitude assessments
presentation skills to promote organisation's services to
potential and current clients and candidates
research and data collection skills to check candidate
information for detail and accuracy
sales and marketing skills to present organisation's
services to prospective and existing clients
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
economic, social and industry trends affecting
employment levels
key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of
government that affects business operations, codes of
practice and national standards, such as:
occupational health and safety (OHS)
equal employment opportunity (EEO)
racial discrimination
industrial relations
freedom of information
disability discrimination
range of interview techniques and recruitment sourcing
range of organisational products and services
relevant state/territory and federal industrial relations
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBEMS403B Develop and provide employment management services to candidates
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Analyse current candidate information
Develop strategies for the
retention of candidates
Provide advice and support to
Provide training solutions to
Develop strategies for the ongoing
management of candidates
Identify candidate requirements
Identify a range of strategies to meet candidate requirements
Evaluate and assess products and services for candidates
Establish and implement methods of monitoring candidate retention
Provide services including résumé counselling and preparation
Provide career advice and counselling to candidates
Undertake candidate induction in accordance with client requirements,
organisational policy and OHS compliance requirements
Provide advice and information on legislative industrial relations matters,
OHS and employment issues to candidates
Identify and document candidates' training needs, including OHS
Undertake research to identify suitable training programs available to
address candidates' identified training need
Provide advice to candidates on training options available
Provide relevant internal training to meet candidate requirements if
required, in accordance with organisational policies
Access relevant external training to meet candidate requirements if
required, in accordance with organisational policies
Review implementation of client training plan with client to ensure needs
are met
Establish monitoring strategies to determine issues in service delivery to
Provide post placement support to candidates
Develop strategies to evaluate and assess the effectiveness of the
employment management services
Develop and document recommendations to improve management services
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Critical Aspects of
Modify and/or expand management services as appropriate to incorporate
strategies developed to retain candidates
advice and support to candidates about employment
provision of appropriate training to candidates which promotes their
chances of employment
development and implementation of strategies to improve services
to candidates
knowledge of relevant legislation
communication skills to facilitate individual and group discussion
and to prepare résumés
culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
interpersonal skills to counsel candidates using the employment
services agency
presentation and training skills to provide training for candidates
research and data collection skills to check candidate information
for detail and accuracy.
key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government
that affects business operations, codes of practice and national
standards, such as:
disability discrimination
equal employment opportunity (EEO)
freedom of information legislation
industrial relations
occupational health and safety (OHS)
privacy legislation
racial discrimination
range of organisational products and services
range of training options and solutions
range of techniques used in training, coaching and mentoring
relevant state/territory and federal industrial relations systems
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBEMS404B Manage the recruitment process for client organisations
Provide advice on recruitment
strategy to client
Determine job specifications with
Manage recruitment process
Assess and select candidates
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Provide advice and information to client on workforce planning and
performance management systems and issues
Provide advice and information to client to assist in developing and/or
evaluating a recruitment strategy and processes
Identify and determine effective and accurate performance indicators
Discuss and agree with client, recommendations for necessary
assessments and profiling
Identify and analyse performance gaps as part of workforce planning
Evaluate for continuous improvement forms, procedures and induction
Undertake job analysis with client to determine needs and requirements for
recruitment, in line with organisational recruitment strategy
Provide advice to client on issues such as salary and conditions
Write clear and concise specifications which accurately reflect the job role
within the client's organisation, and comply with relevant legal
requirements and organisational format
Confirm specifications with appropriate personnel prior to undertaking
Develop a selection plan and criteria based on the job specification,
performance gaps and organisational needs, in consultation with the client
Write and place recruitment advertisements in relevant media in
accordance with job specifications and organisational policy
Employ strategies to source potential candidates
Organise and conduct job interviews and employment appraisals in
accordance with organisational policy and legislative requirements
Judge information obtained from each candidate against specified selection
criteria and note any additional influencing factors
Conduct assessment and selection process in accordance with
organisational policy and legislative requirements
Shortlist suitable candidates for client interview
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Refer candidates and complete
placement process
Recommend candidates best suited to selection criteria to client for
interview, and create and forward candidate profiles to client
Provide advice and support to candidates with résumé preparation,
interview preparation and presentation to the client
Inform all candidates promptly and accurately of selection decisions
Conduct job offer to successful candidate
Critical Aspects of
Complete placement follow-up
advice provided to clients about recruitment strategy to client
job specifications and selection plan developed
records of assessment and selection of candidates for a specific
records of recommendations for candidates best suited to the
knowledge of relevant legislation.
analysis and evaluation of information such as résumés, letters,
references, interviews and aptitude tests against job selection
communication and interpersonal skills to counsel candidates about
available, suitable or possible work opportunities and skill
development options
communication skills to listen to candidates and clients; to provide
advice and present solutions; and to write clear, accurate position
information management skills to check information for detail and
interpersonal skills to establish and maintain relationships with
candidates and clients
organisational and time management skills to work quickly and
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government
that affects business operations, codes of practice and national
standards, such as:
disability discrimination
equal employment opportunity (EEO)
freedom of information
industrial relations
occupational health and safety (OHS)
racial discrimination
range of organisational products and services
range of recruitment sourcing methods, strategies and techniques
range of workforce planning and performance management
techniques to assess the competency of individuals
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBHRM403B Support performance-management processes
Review performance-management
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Ensure that all positions have current position descriptions specifying key
requirements of the role
Assist in reviewing the performance-management system to ensure it
aligns with the strategic direction of the organisation
Ensure that managers have provided reports of performance indicators
that are consistent with the position description requirements
Check that performance appraisal meetings are held in line with
organisational timeframes, that correct documentation has been
completed, and that necessary parties have recorded agreement
Check that appropriate organisational procedures have been followed for
acknowledging good performance and addressing under-performance
Provide advice and support where there is dissention about performance
appraisal outcomes
Clarify goals and methods of the performance-management system to
Promote performancemanagement system
Promote the performance-management system to stakeholders
Arrange or deliver training or instruction in how to use the performancemanagement system
Encourage ongoing and regular feedback on personnel performance as
well as formal performance appraisals
Recommend improvements to
performance-management system
in response to collated data
Review performance-management documentation to establish trends or
problem areas requiring attention
Review patterns in skill or performance gaps and consider requirements
and options for performance development
Assist in revising policies and procedures where necessary
Suggest improvements to the performance-management system
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Critical Aspects of
BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
explain the benefits of effective performance management and how
it links with performance development
communication skills to:
advise on methods for giving feedback
assist managers with methods for addressing under-performance
organisational skills to check that:
systems are followed
necessary documentation is kept and maintained according to
privacy and confidentiality policies and legislation
technology skills to:
write reports
access records of interviews
apply appropriate security controls to records.
key elements and purposes of performance-management
processes, and their contribution to organisational objectives and
the human resources cycle
rewards and incentive schemes
warning systems and grievance procedures
support the implementation of the performance-management
system and analyse its strengths and weaknesses
provide information about the performance-management system
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBHRM404A Review human resources functions
Research human resources
Review policy and procedures
Apply ethical framework
Analyse HR metrics
Report on research outcomes
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Review business strategy and human resources strategy, clarify human
resources issues for review, and document scope of review
Identify local, state or territory, national and international human resources
networks for human resources professionals
Identify information sources for human resources data and information
Select a research strategy suitable to the topic and consult with relevant
Undertake research and review research findings
Locate policies and procedures relevant to the organisation
Analyse strengths and weaknesses of policies and procedures
Consider legislation, regulations and standards that apply to the policies
and procedures and the organisation
Identify sustainability issues that relate to human resources functions
Review ethical requirements associated with the human resources function
under review
Consider ethical obligations and confidentiality requirements of human
resources personnel working in the area under review
Document behaviours associated with working ethically in the area under
Select appropriate technology to gather workforce data and information to
review human resources functions
Identify sources of workforce data
Collate and analyse data and establish key trends and critical information
Identify options for change suited to organisational culture, and any
possible change barriers
Collate, analyse and document key findings of the review
Write report on outcomes of research
Develop recommendations for change
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
apply knowledge of legal and compliance requirements for working
in human resources
judgement and decision-making skills to review ethical and policy
frameworks and recommend suggested improvements
literacy skills to:
research an issue
write a clear and legible report that documents key issues
technology skills to:
gather and analyse workforce data
manage data in human resources information systems according to
legislation and policies.
prepare a research report that reviews a key human resources
function in an organisational context and demonstrates
understanding of the requirement for sound policy, ethical
approaches, and appropriate organisational change processes
analyse workforce data
Critical Aspects of
human resources functions and policy frameworks
legal and compliance requirements for working in human resources
roles and responsibilities of human resources practitioners
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBHRM405A Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff
Plan for recruitment
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Obtain approval to fill position and clarify time lines and requirement for
Assist in preparing job descriptions that accurately reflect the role
requirements, according to organisational policies and procedures and
legislation, codes, national standards and workplace health and safety
(WHS) considerations
Consult with relevant personnel about job descriptions and workforce
Assist in ensuring that job descriptions comply with legislative
requirements and reflect the organisation's requirements for a diverse
Obtain approvals to advertise position
Choose appropriate channels and technology to advertise vacancies and/or
identify potential talent pool
Plan for selection
Support selection process
Advertise vacancies for staffing requirements according to organisational
policies and procedures
Consult with relevant personnel to convene selection panel and develop
interview questions
Assist in ensuring that interview questions comply with legislative
Assist in short-listing applicants
Schedule interviews and advise relevant people of times, dates and venues
Participate in interview process and assess candidates against agreed
selection criteria
Discuss assessment with other selection panel members
Correct biases and deviations from agreed procedures and negotiate for
preferred candidate
Contact referees for referee reports
Prepare selection report and make recommendations to senior personnel
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Critical Aspects
of Assessment
Induct successful candidate
for appointment
Advise unsuccessful candidates of outcomes and respond to any queries
Secure preferred candidate's agreement
Complete necessary documentation according to organisational
procedures, observing confidentiality and privacy requirements
Provide successful candidate with employment contract and other
Advise manager and work team of new appointment
Advise managers and staff of candidate's starting date and make necessary
administrative arrangements for pay and employee record keeping
Arrange successful candidate's induction according to organisational policy
work with job descriptions to support sourcing, selecting and
appointing suitable staff
participate in interviews and other selection techniques, and
demonstrate awareness of EEO and anti-discrimination
use different advertising channels to promote vacancies and/or
establish a potential talent pool.
communication skills to:
use networks to source suitable applicants
actively listen to what is being said in interviews
advise on the outcomes of the selection process
support line managers in recruitment and selection functions
literacy skills to:
work with job descriptions to devise suitable questions for
make job offers and prepare letters for unsuccessful applicants
review legislation to ensure requirements are reflected in job
organising and scheduling skills to arrange interviews and venues
technology skills to:
advertise jobs
communicate with applicants and new appointments
maintain information in the human resources information system
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
documentation required for recruitment, selection and induction
human resources functions, human resources life cycle and the
place of recruitment and selection in that life cycle
principles of equity and diversity and relevant legislation
range of interviewing techniques and other selection processes and
their application
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Identify the context for risk management
Identify risks
Analyse and evaluate risks
Treat risks
Monitor and review effectiveness
of risk treatment/s
Identify risks using tools, ensuring all reasonable steps have
been taken to identify all risks
Document identified risks in accordance with relevant policies, procedures
and legislation
Analyse and document risks in consultation with relevant stakeholders
Undertake risk categorisation and determine level of risk
Document analysis processes and outcomes
Determine appropriate control measures for risks and assess for strengths
and weaknesses
Identify control measures for all risks
Refer risks relevant to whole of organisation or having an impact beyond
own work responsibilities and area of operation to others as per
established policies and procedures
Choose and implement control measures for own area of operation and/or
Prepare and implement treatment plans
Regularly review implemented treatment/s against measures of success
Use review results to improve the treatment of risks
Provide assistance to auditing risk in own area of operation
Monitor and review management of risk in own area of operation
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Critical Aspects of
BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
identification, analysis and evaluation of risks
demonstrated understanding of personal role in relation to wider
organisational or project context
demonstrated understanding of risk management processes and
literacy skills sufficient to read and understand a variety of texts;
and to write, edit and proofread documents to ensure clarity of
meaning, accuracy and consistency of information
research and data collection skills to monitor and evaluate risks
problem-solving skills to appropriately address identified risks
Australian and international standards for risk management
key provisions of relevant legislation from all levels of government
that may affect aspects of business operations, such as:
anti-discrimination legislation
ethical principles
codes of practice
privacy laws
environmental issues
occupational health and safety
organisational policies and procedures relating to risk management
processes and strategies
auditing requirements relating to risk management
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBWHS401A Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements
Provide information to the work
team about WHS policies and
Implement and monitor
participation arrangements for
managing WHS
Implement and monitor
organisational procedures for
providing WHS training
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Accurately explain to the work team, relevant provisions of WHS Acts,
regulations and codes of practice
Provide information about the organisation’s WHS policies, procedures and
programs, and ensure it is readily accessible to and understandable by the
work team
Regularly provide and clearly explain to the work team, information about
identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control
Communicate to workplace parties the importance of effective consultation
mechanisms in managing health and safety risks in the workplace
Apply consultation procedures to facilitate participation of the work team in
managing work area hazards
Promptly deal with issues raised through consultation, according to
organisational consultation procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory
Promptly record and communicate to the work team the outcomes of
consultation over WHS issues
Identify WHS training needs according to organisational requirements, and
WHS legislative and regulatory requirements
Make arrangements to meet WHS training needs of team members in
consultation with relevant individuals
Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring
assistance, to facilitate team and individual achievement of identified WHS
training needs
Identify and report to management the costs associated with providing
training for work team, for inclusion in financial and management plans
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Implement and monitor
organisational procedures and
legal requirements for identifying
hazards and assessing and
controlling risks
Critical Aspects of
Implement and monitor
organisational procedures for
maintaining WHS records for the
Identify and report on hazards in work area according to WHS policies and
procedures, and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements
Promptly action team member hazard reports according to organisational
procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements
Implement procedures to control risks using the hierarchy of control,
according to organisational and WHS legislative requirements
Identify and report inadequacies in existing risk controls according to
hierarchy of control and WHS legislative requirements
Monitor outcomes of reports on inadequacies, where appropriate, to
ensure a prompt organisational response
Accurately complete and maintain WHS records of incidents of occupational
injury and disease in work area, according to WHS policies, procedures and
legislative requirements
Use aggregate information and data from work area records to identify
hazards and monitor risk control procedures in work area
applying organisational WHS management systems and procedures
in the work team area
applying procedures for assessing and controlling risks to health
and safety associated with those hazards, according to the
hierarchy of control and as specified in commonwealth and state or
territory WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice
providing specific, clear and accurate information and advice on
workplace hazards to work team
knowledge of legal responsibilities of managers, supervisors, PCBUs
or their officers and workers in the workplace
analytical and problem solving skills to:
identify hazards
assess risks in the work area
review information relating to monitoring and evaluating incidents,
and the effectiveness of risk controls
coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues
literacy skills to understand and interpret documentation, and to
interpret WHS requirements.
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hazards and associated risks in the workplace
key provisions of relevant WHS Acts, regulations and codes of
practice that apply to the business
organisational policies and procedures relating to hazard
management, fire, emergency, evacuation, incident investigation
and reporting
relevance of consultation and participation as key mechanisms for
improving WHS and culture
WHS legislative responsibilities, duties and obligations of managers,
supervisors, persons conducting businesses or undertakings
(PCBUs) or their officers, and workers in the workplace
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBWOR401A Establish effective workplace relationships
Collect, analyse and communicate
information and ideas
Develop trust and confidence
Develop and maintain networks
and relationships
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Collect relevant information from appropriate sources and analyse and
share with the work team to improve work performance
Communicate ideas and information in a manner which is appropriate and
sensitive to the cultural and social diversity of the audience and any
specific needs
Implement consultation processes to encourage employees to contribute to
issues related to their work, and promptly relay feedback to the work team
in regard to outcomes
Seek and value contributions from internal and external sources in
developing and refining new ideas and approaches
Implement processes to ensure that issues raised are resolved promptly or
referred to relevant personnel as required
Treat all internal and external contacts with integrity, respect and empathy
Use the organisation's social, ethical and business standards to develop
and maintain effective relationships
Gain and maintain the trust and confidence of colleagues, customers and
suppliers through competent performance
Adjust interpersonal styles and methods to meet organisation's social and
cultural environment
Encourage other members of the work team to follow examples set,
according to organisation's policies and procedures
Use networks to identify and build relationships
Use networks and other work relationships to provide identifiable benefits
for the team and organisation
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Critical Aspects of
Manage difficulties into positive
Identify and analyse difficulties, and take action to rectify the situation
within the requirements of the organisation and relevant legislation
Guide and support colleagues to resolve work difficulties
Regularly review and improve workplace outcomes in consultation with
relevant personnel
Manage poor work performance within the organisation's processes
Manage conflict constructively within the organisation's processes
range of methods and techniques for communicating information
and ideas to a range of stakeholders
range of methods and techniques for developing positive work
relationships that build trust and confidence in the team
accessing and analysing information to achieve planned outcomes
techniques for resolving problems and conflicts and dealing with
poor performance
knowledge of the theory associated with managing work
relationships to achieve planned outcomes
coaching and mentoring skills to provide support to colleagues
literacy skills to research, analyse, interpret and report information
relationship management and communication skills to:
deal with people openly and fairly
forge effective relationships with internal and/or external people,
and to develop and maintain these networks
gain the trust and confidence of colleagues
respond to unexpected demands from a range of people
use supportive and consultative processes effectively
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
business operation, especially in regard to occupational health and
safety (OHS), and environmental issues, equal opportunity,
industrial relations and anti-discrimination
theory associated with managing work relationships to achieve
planned outcomes:
developing trust and confidence
maintaining consistent behaviour in work relationships
understanding the cultural and social environment
identifying and assessing interpersonal styles
establishing, building and maintaining networks
identifying and resolving problems
resolving conflict
managing poor work performance
monitoring, analysing and introducing ways to improve work
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
BSBWRK411A Support employee and industrial relations procedures
Communicate and implement
organisation’s employee relations
policies and procedures
Performance Criteria
Evidence Provided
Source and disseminate relevant legislation, agreements, policies and
procedures to relevant persons and groups
Implement agreements, policies and procedures according to site,
enterprise and statutory requirements
Support workplace strategies to effectively communicate with relevant
persons and groups on employee relations
Promote the organisation’s employee relations procedures to relevant
persons and groups
Represent the organisation appropriately in discussions with key
Monitor the implementation of industrial relations policies and procedures
Assist in minimising industrial
relations conflict
Enhance employee relations
Process documentation and report to management and other relevant
parties about potential industrial relations conflicts
Support managers to contain industrial relations conflicts and deal with
grievances and disputes, within limits of own authority
Work with employees to resolve personal grievances and prevent
escalation of industrial relations conflicts
Work under supervision to source specialist industrial relations expertise
Trial and implement strategies to monitor the implementation of the
organisation’s employee relations policies and procedures
Implement strategies to facilitate feedback on the industrial climate
Implement strategies to strengthen relationships with relevant persons and
Provide information and feedback to management on employee relations
Provide information and advice to relevant persons and groups
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BSB41013 Certificate IV in Human Resources
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Kit
Critical Aspects of
work with legislation, awards and agreements to provide written
and verbal advice on employee relations or industrial matters
support the resolution of workplace grievances and conflicts.
literacy and verbal communication skills to:
present information in clear and accessible ways
review complex documents from a range of sources
negotiation and conflict-resolution skills to:
deal with sensitive information
resolve issues
technology skills to use human resources information systems
according to access and security guidelines
grievance resolution policy and procedures
employee and industrial relations policies and procedures, such as:
enterprise agreements
enterprise and workplace bargaining
legislation, codes of practice and national standards relevant to role
of employee representatives and employee organisations, for
equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination
international industrial relations systems where work undertaken
has an international focus or context
workplace health and safety (WHS)
relevant federal, state and territory industrial relations systems and
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