Youth in Action

Youth in Action:
Weight Training Program
Youth in Action Weight Training Program
Rules and Etiquette of Conditioning Centre:
Dress in proper foot wear and clothes
Share equipment
Return all weights to their appropriate racks
Clean all machines when you are finished with them (cardio, resistance, benches, mats)
Sign up for cardio machines (30 minutes maximum)
Goals of the Program:
Health Benefits
Increase Muscular Strength
Increase Muscular Endurance
Improve Cardiovascular Fitness
Weight Loss
Improve Flexibility
Stress Relief
Build Relationships
Strategies for Success:
Make exercise a high priority
Review your goals weekly to remind yourself what you are working towards
Eat healthy by following Canada’s Food Guide To Healthy Eating
Ask our YMCA staff for support, and read diagrams on resistance machines
Try different equipment
Have fun and ensure you get about 8 hours of sleep per night
Warm Up/Cool Down:
Aerobic: 2-10 minutes of low intensity exercise (walking, running, cardio machines). The
purpose of a warm up is to break a sweat and decrease the chance of injury.
Dynamic Stretching: Incorporates movements that mimic a specific sport or exercise. Stretch
muscles that you will be using during the workout.
Static Stretching: Stretching a muscle to the point of mild discomfort by holding it in a maximal
stretch for an extended period.
Weight Training:
Mode of Exercise:
Resistance Machines
Free Weights (Dumbbells)
Free Body Exercises
Picking Exercises:
8-10 exercises that target all the major muscles groups (legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms,
and abdominals).
Muscles by Category:
Chest (Pectoralis), Back (Rhomboids), Legs (Quadriceps), Legs (Hamstrings),
Abdominals (Rectus Abdominis)
Arms (Biceps), Arms (Triceps), Shoulders (Deltoids), Legs (Calves)
Types of Weight Training:
Endurance: Recommended Repetitions (12-15)
Rest between Sets (30-45 seconds)
Toning: Recommended Repetitions (10-12)
Rest between Sets (45-90 seconds)
Strength: Recommended Repetitions (6-9)
Rest between Sets (90-120 seconds)
Muscles of the Human Body
Youth in Action: Instructors Guide (6 Sessions)
Day 1
Welcome participants to the YMCA/Introductions
Rules and Etiquette of the Conditioning Centre
Discuss the different goals of an exercise program
Strategies for meeting your goals
Show participants the cardio machines, sign up board, and discuss maximum time limit
(30 minutes) for booking a machine.
Teach participants how to properly wipe down a cardio/resistance machine
Each day instructors will show participants one cardio machine (upright bike) for our
warm up. (5 minutes)
Discuss how a Warm Up is an important part of an injury free workout.
Benefits of Dynamic Stretching before your workout opposed to Static Stretching.
Discuss the difference between Resistance machines and Free Weights.
Today’s exercises are: Chest Press (machine)
Lat Pulldown
Bicep Curl (machine)
Shoulder Press (machine)
Pec Deck
Seated Row
Tricep Pushdown
Leg Extension
Cool Down: Discuss the importance of a cool down; along with static stretching to ensure
your muscles remain loose.
Day 2
Review Rules and Etiquette of the CC
Review exercises we did last session
Show participants a new cardio machine (treadmill) for our warm up. (5 minutes)
Today’s exercises are: Dumbbell Bench Press
Back Extension
Leg Curl (machine)
Tricep Extension (machine)
Abdominal Crunch (machine)
Side Lateral Raises (machine)
Dumbbell Chest Flys
Leg Press
Cool Down/Static Stretching
Flexibility Exercises: Full Body Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Groin Stretch
Calf Stretch
Quadricep Stretch
Back/Shoulder Stretch
Chest/Bicep Stretch
Tricep Stretch
Day 3
Review exercises we did last session
Show participants a new cardio machine (elliptical) for our warm up. (5 minutes)
Today’s exercises are: Cable Flys
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Calf Raise (machine)
Bicep Curls (dumbbells)
Tricep Extension (dumbbells)
Iso-Lateral Chest Press (machine)
Squats (free body)
Front Raises (dumbbells)
Cool Down/ Static Stretching
Day 4
Review exercises we did last session
Participants choose cardio machine for our warm up. (5 minutes)
Today’s exercises are: Hammer Curls (dumbbells)
Military Press (barbell)
Tricep Kickback
Straight Leg Dead Lift (dumbbell)
Reverse Flys (machine)
Seated Upright Row
Incline Chest Press (dumbbell)
Cool Down/Static Stretching
Day 5
Review exercises we did last session
Participants choose a cardio machine for our warm up. (5 minutes)
Today is all Core Exercises: Plank
Side Plank
Russian Twists
Leg Raises (on floor or captains chair)
Leg Throws (with partner)
Mountain Climber
Lying Toe Touches (on floor)
Cool Down/Static Stretching
Day 6
Review exercises we did last session
Participants choose cardio machine for our warm up. (5 minutes)
Today is Stability Ball/Medicine Ball Exercises: Push Ups (SB)
Abdominal Crunch (SB)
Tricep Lift (SB)
Lying Leg Curl (SB)
Wall Squats (SB)
Plank (SB)
Medicine Ball Pass
Wall Sit and Twist (MB)
Medicine Ball Smash
Standing Lunge and Twist (MB)
Cool Down/Stretch
Thank participants for signing up for the Youth in Action Weight Training Program.
Exercise Glossary
Chest Press (machine)
Incline Chest Press (dumbbell)
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Chest Flys
Cable Flys
Pec Deck
Reverse Flys
Iso-Lateral Chest Press (machine)
Push Ups
Seated Row
Back Extension
Lat Pulldown
One Arm Rows (dumbbell)
Seated Upright Row
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Lying Leg Curl (SB)
Leg Press
Squats (free body)
Wall Squats (SB)
Lunges (free body)
Calf Raise (machine)
Wall Sit
Straight Leg Dead Lift (dumbbell)
Bicep Curls (machine, dumbbell, barbell)
Hammer Curls (dumbbell)
Tricep Pushdown
Tricep Extension (machine, dumbbell)
Tricep Kickback (dumbbell)
Tricep Dips (free body)
Tricep Lift (SB)
Shoulder Press (machine, dumbbell)
Front Raises (dumbbell)
Side Lateral Raises (machine, dumbbell)
Military Press (barbell)
Pull Ups (free body)
Medicine Ball Smash
Abdominal/Core Exercises
Plank (free body, SB)
Side Plank (free body)
Abdominal Crunch (machine, SB)
Russian Twists (free body, MB)
Leg Raises (on floor or captains chair)
Leg Throws (with partner)
Mountain Climber
Lying Toe Touches (on floor)
Medicine Ball Pass
Flexibility Exercises
Full Body Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Groin Stretch
Calf Stretch
Quadricep Stretch
Back/Shoulder Stretch
Chest/Bicep Stretch
Tricep Stretch