Bullying in Schools - Bureau of Indian Education

Bullying in Schools
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Office of Justice Services
Albuquerque NM
The Problem of Bullying in Schools
 Bullying affects students’ sense of security.
 Bullying is widespread and perhaps the
most underreported safety problem in
 Bullying is now KNOWN to have long-lasting
harmful effects.
 Approximately 2/3 of school shootings, the
attackers had been bullied.
The Problem of Bullying in Schools
 Bullying occurs at all grade levelsmost frequently during elementary
 Bullies are more likely to develop a
criminal record than peers.
 Bullying victims suffer psychological
harm long after the bullying stops.
Definition of Bullying
Bullying has two key components:
Repeated harmful acts; and
Imbalance of power
It involves repeated physical, verbal or psychological
attacks or intimidation directed against a victim
who cannot properly defend him-or herself
because of size or strength, or because the
victim is outnumbered or less psychologically
Definition of Bullying includes:
Rumor spreading and
Demands for money
Destruction of property
Theft of valued
Destruction of another's
Sexual harassment
Ostracism based on
perceived sexual
Definition of Bullying
Not all taunting, teasing and fighting among
schoolchildren constitutes bullying.
Bullying entails repeated acts by someone
perceived as physically or psychologically
more powerful.
Extent of Bullying Problem
other countries:
Between 8 to 38 percent of students
are bullied with some regularity.
Between 5 and 9 percent of students
bully others with some regularity.
Chronic victims, bullied once a week or
more, are at 8 and 20 percent of school
Extent of Bullying Problem
United States:
13 percent of sixth through tenth grade
student bully.
10 percent reported being victims.
6 percent are victim-bullies.
Several smaller studies confirm high
levels of bullying behaviors, with 10 to
29 percent of students reported to
either be bullies or victims.
Extent of Bullying Problem
The percentage of students who are
bullies and victims varies by research
study, often depending on the definition
used, the time frame examined and
other factors.
Despite these differences, bullying
appears to be widespread in schools in
every country studying the problem.
A Threshold Problem:
The Reluctance to Report
 Fearing retaliation
 Having no confidence
 Feeling shame at not
that anything would
 Thinking their parents’ or
teachers’ advice would
make the problem worse.
 Fearing their teacher
would tell the bully
 Thinking it was worse to
be a “snitch”
being able to stand up for
 Fearing they would not
be believed.
 Not wanting to worry their
A Threshold Problem:
The Reluctance to Report
 The same is true of student-witnesses
Rarely tell teachers and infrequently
Worry that intervening will make them the
next target.
Falsely believe that no one person has
responsibility to stop the bullying, absent a
teacher or parent.
A Threshold Problem:
The Reluctance to Report
 Student-witnesses appear to have a
central role in creating opportunities for
 In one study of Juniors and Seniors, 88
percent reported having observed
A Threshold Problem:
The Reluctance to Report
Ringleader Bully
Assistant Bullies
They join in
Provide audience,
laugh with or
encourage the bully
Stay away,
Take no sides
Step in, stick up or
Comfort the victim
A Threshold Problem:
The Reluctance to Report
Studies suggest only between 10 and 20
percent of noninvolved students provide
any real help when another student is
Bullying Behavior
Despite country and cultural differences,
certain similarities by gender, age, location
and type of victimization appear in the U.S.
and elsewhere.
Takes place at school most often.
Boy bullies rely on physical aggression.
Girl bullies often use teasing, rumor spreading,
exclusion and social isolation.
Bullying Behavior
Direct and Indirect bullying:
Direct: physical and verbal (may be also indirect).
Physical is the least common.
Verbal is the most common.
Indirect: teasing, rumor spreading etc…
Girls tend to bully girls, boys will bully girls
and boys.
Research shows boys are more likely to bully
than girls.
Bullying Behavior
Bullies often do not operate alone. Almost
half of the incidents are one-on-one, the other
half involves additional kids.
Bullying by boys declines at age 15.
Bullying by girls declines at age 14.
Bullying Behavior
Researchers believe bullying rates are
unrelated to school or class size, inner city or
Socially disadvantaged areas seem to have
higher rates.
Classes with students with behavioral,
emotional or learning problems, have more
bullies and victims.
Bullying Behavior
Racial bullying: 25 percent of students
victimized, reported they were belittled about
their race or religion.
Black youth reported being bullied less than
Hispanic and White peers.
Bullying Behavior
Whether certain types of bullying are more
harmful than others.
If certain types of bullying have longer-term
impact on victims.
What happens when the bully stops, does another
step in?
Must the victim change behavior to prevent
another from stepping in?
Tend to be aggressive, dominant, slightly
below average in intelligence and reading
Average popularity
Do not have much empathy for victims.
Young bullies tend to remain bullies.
“adolescent bullies tend to become adult bullies, and
then tend to have children who are bullies”
Possess similarities to other types of offenders.
Come from lower socioeconomic-status
families with poor child-rearing techniques.
Tend to be impulsive.
Tend to be unsuccessful in school.
Generally uncooperative.
Come from dysfunctional families low on love.
Parents criticized them and strictly controlled.
Research found a correlation between harsh
physical punishments and strict disciplinarian
parents and bullying.
Bullies have been found to have poor social
One study suggests that bullies have a keen
insight on others’ mental state and take
advantage of that by picking on the emotionally
less resilient.
Incidents of Bullying
Most often occurs where adult supervision is
low or absent:
 Schoolyards
 Cafeterias
 Bathrooms
 Hallways
“Olweus found that there is an inverse
relationship between the number of
supervising adults present and the number of
bully/victim incidents.”
Incidents of Bullying
 School buses
 The internet
 One
student, whose address and phone
number were published on the site, was
barraged with calls from people calling her a
“slut” and a “prostitute.”
Victims of Bullying
Most bullies victimize students in the same class
or year.
Its unknown the extent of personal attributes that
play a role in victim selection.
One major study found that the victims tended to
be smaller and weaker than their peers.
Another found those to be nonassertive and
socially incompetent were more likely to be
Victims of Bullying
Having friends appears to reduce the chances
of being bullied.
One study found:
“more than half of those who say they have no
friends are being bullied (51%), vs. only 11% of
those who say they have more than five friends”
Consequences of Bullying
 Embarrassment
 Frequently
 Psychological and/or
physical distress.
 Frequently absent from
 Cannot concentrate on
 Low self-esteem
contemplated suicide
Social dysfunction
Poor health
Consequences of Bullying
Chronic Victims of Bullying
 6 to 10% are chronic victims, bullied as often
as several times a week.
 Most are extremely passive and do not
defend themselves.
 Small number react aggressively toward the
bully due to their coping strategies.
Consequences of Bullying
Chronic Victims of Bullying
 These chronic victims tend to be anxious and
 Less able to control their emotions, more
socially withdrawn.
 Chronic victims may return to the bully to try
to continue the perceived relationship.
 Often remain victims after switching classes.
Consequences of Bullying
Chronic Victims of Bullying
 Olweus states:
“It does not require much imagination to
understand what it is to go through the school
years in a state of more or less permanent
anxiety and insecurity, and with poor selfesteem. It is not surprising that the victims’
devaluation of themselves sometimes
becomes so overwhelming that they seen
suicide as the only possible solution.”
Consequences of Bullying
Chronic Victims of Bullying
 This article
appeared in the
Journal on
December 24,
General Requirements for an
Effective Strategy to Counter
Bullying in Schools
1. Enlisting the principals commitment and
2. Using a multifaceted, comprehensive
Specific Responses to
Reduce Bullying in Schools
 Using the “whole-school” approach.
 Increase student reporting of bullying.
 Developing activities in less-supervised
 Reducing the amount time students can
spend less supervised.
 Staggering recess, lunch and/or classrelease times.
Specific Responses to
Reduce Bullying in Schools
 Monitoring areas where bullying can be
 Assigning bullies to a particular location or
chores during release times.
 Posting classroom signs prohibiting bullying
and listing consequences for it.
 Providing teachers with effective classroom
management training.
 Having high-level school administrators
inform late-enrolling students about the
school’s bullying policy.
Responses with Limited
 Training students in conflict resolution
and peer mediation.
 Adopting a “zero tolerance” policy.
 Providing group therapy for bullies.
 Encouraging victims to simply “stand up”
to bullies.
Understanding Your Local Problem
The information is only a generalized
description of bullying in schools.
You must combine this information with a
more specific understanding of your
school’s problem. Analyzing it will help
design a more effective response strategy.
Thank You