Europe Sub-regions - slhsworldgeography

Europe Sub-regions
Mediterranean Europe
 Definitions
 city-state- a political unit made up
of a city and its surrounding lands
republic- a government in which
citizens elect representatives to
rule in their name
Crusades- a series of wars to take
Palestine (Jerusalem) from the
Muslims; holy wars
Renaissance- a time of renewed
interest in learning and the arts14th-16th Century
Aqueducts-structures that carried
water for long distances
Mediterranean Europe
3.What are the 2 great civilizations of ancient Europe?
Greece, Rome
4. What are 2 geography advantages that have helped the
Mediterranean become the region where European civilization
was born?
Mild climate, Mediterranean Sea encouraged trade
5. What legacy did ancient Athens leave for modern
6. What spread through Europe starting in Rome’s territory of
Jerusalem due to the Roman Empire?
Mediterranean Europe
7. What helped Italian cities gain wealth and allowed them
to grow into powerful city-states?
Crusades- boats carried crusades so ports became rich
from foreign trade
8. How was the Renaissance an example of the movement
of ideas?
Ideas spread
9. What effect did the empires of Spain and Portugal have
on the rest of the world? (think about Latin America)
Spanish and Portuguese spread around the world;
10. What is Rome’s cultural legacy in Mediterranean Europe
Latin evolved into Latin, Spanish, and Portuguese;
Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox evolved
during that time
Mediterranean Europe
11. How has Mediterranean Europe’s
economy changed since WWII?
Traditional farming and fishing are less
important; service industries have
grown; tourism
12. What are 2 major economic
problems that the Mediterranean
Italy’s uneven economy (wealthier in
North); Med doesn’t have energy
resources- import
Mediterranean Europe
13. Who are the Basque?
Group of people who live in the Pyrenees; don’t speak
14. What is the problem associated with the Basque?
They are self governing but want complete independence
and use violence to achieve it
15. Where are many people moving to in Mediterranean
Europe? What problems is this creating?
Cities; housing shortages, pollution, traffic
Western Europe
 Definitions
 Benelux- an economic union of Belgium, the Netherlands, and
Reformation- a period when many Christians broke away
from the Catholic Church and started Protestant churches
Feudalism-political system in which powerful lords owned
most of the land and gave it to nobles in exchange for military
Nationalism- belief that people should be loyal to their nation
Holocaust- mass murder of European Jews and other
Berlin Wall- divided Berlin into communist East and
democratic West
Western Europe
3. Why are France and Germany the
dominant countries of Western Europe?
Largest; access to resources, ports, and
trade routes
4. How do language and religion reflect
the cultural division in Western Europe?
French is a Roman language, while
German is a Germanic language; France is
mostly Catholic, Germany is more
5. How did the Reformation create new
cultural divisions?
Created Protestantism- led to
Catholics/Protestant division
Western Europe
6. How did nationalism lead to conflict?
Sparked French Revolutions; led to rivalry b/t nations often leading to wars
7. What political change occurred during the Middle Ages? How did this occur?
Development of nation states from feudalism; kings gained power over feudal lords and
formed countries
8. How has Germany been divided in recent history?
Holocaust, Communism
Western Europe
9. Why is Western Europe’s economy so strong and
Diverse economy- Ag, manufacturing, service, and high
tech industries, tourism
10. Why do people believe their money is safer in
Switzerland’s banks?
Because Switzerland refuses to fight in wars
11. What economic problems has Germany faced?
Unequal economy due to communism- today, very strong
Western Europe
12. What cultural legacy do we see from this region?
Music, art
13. How has immigration produced conflict in
Western Europe?
Immigrants have been subject to racism and violence
Northern Europe
 Definitions
 Nordic countries- Denmark, Finland, Iceland,
Norway, Sweden
 Parliament- a representative lawmaking body whose
members are elected or appointed
 Silicon Glen- section of Scotland b/t Glasgow and
Edinburgh with many high tech companies
 Euro- European Union common currency
Northern Europe
3.What cultural impact did the British Empire have in
many parts of the world?
Spread English language and culture
4. What geographic advantages helped Great Britain
build its empire?
Iron ore and coal- industrial revolution; islandprotected it from invasion and encouraged the
development of a navy
5. How have Northern European countries advanced
representative government?
Magna Carta- trial by jury, no taxation w/o
representation, parliament
6. How did the Industrial Revolution motivate Britain
to build an empire?
Britain’s colonies were a source of raw materials and
also markets for finish goods
7. How did the English cause long standing and
continuing unrest in Ireland?
Seized Catholic lands and giving then to Scottish and
English Protestants, created poverty
Northern Europe
8. What role do natural resources
play in Europe’s economy?
Sweden- timber; Iceland- fishing;
Norway-oil; trade; high tech;
many natural resources
9. What is the European Union?
Economic, political union
10. Why do you think some
countries chose not to use the
Their currency is worth more
Northern Europe
11. How did the Reformation
affect religion in Northern
Protestantism became
12. Many countries in
Northern Europe provide
social welfare or services for
their people. What does this
mean? What kind of services
do they provide?
Subsidized child care,
national health care, national
health insurance
Eastern Europe
 Definitions
 cultural crossroads- a place where various cultures cross
Balkanization- process of a region breaking up into
small, mutually hostile units
satellite nations- nations dominated by another country
market economy- industries make the goods consumers
want to buy (supply/demand)
folk art- produced by rural people with traditional
lifestyles instead of professional artists
anti-Semitism-discrimination against Jewish people
Eastern Europe
3. Why have many empires tried to control Eastern Europe?
b/c it is a crossroads
4. What defines Eastern Europe as a cultural crossroads? What has this crossroad
led to?
Its location b/t Asia and Europe; migration of many different people to the region
Diversity in the region
5. How has ethnicity led to turmoil in Eastern Europe?
Want their own nation states
Eastern Europe
6. Why did independent nation-states develop
later in Eastern Europe than in Western
Eastern Europe had less history of
self rule
7. Who controlled Eastern Europe after
Soviet Union- used Eastern Europe
as a bufferzone
8. Why did Eastern European countries move
from farming to industry?
Soviet union promoted industry
9. What problems existed in the Eastern
European economy under Communist rule?
Factories were state owned and told
what they could produce; factories
were outdated and created heavy
pollution (production was more
important than the environment)
Eastern Europe
10. How has cultural diversity
impacted Eastern Europe?
Lack unity and creates division
11. In what ways might extreme
ethnic loyalty inhibit the
development of democracy?
Democracy calls for cooperationmany groups hate each other and
won’t work together
12. How has foreign control
impacted the development of
Eastern Europe?
Created diversity and lack of
cooperation, lack of a strong
economy, USSR- communism