europe content test review

Euro rev 14ss
A. Define and know the importance of:
Industrial Revolution
North Sea resources
Ural Mtns. separates?
Pyrenees Mtns.
Ethnic cleansing_
Ind Revolution vs Cottage Industries
1. Why does Europe have a milder climate than comparable latitudes of the world?
2. How have the mountains of Europe affected cultural diffusion?
3. “Chokepoints” found in Europe include (3)
4. Where is the “Gateway to the Mediterranean?”
5. Significance of being 300 miles from the ocean.
6. How has geography protected Britain from most invaders?
7. Where is the largest oil field in Europe found?
8. The coastline of Europe was carved out by
9. Know the importance of the Northern European Plain.
10. Where do people tend to settle and build cities?
11. Before the Industrial Revolution, how did most people make a living?
12. Why was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?
13. Be able to explain the phrase “a million dead, a million fled.”
14. A majority of the people of Northern Ireland practice this faith.
15. What is the goal of the Irish Republican Army?
16. How and why will voting patterns between wealthier Protestants and Catholics change in the future?
17. Be able to explain the phrase "the Sun Never Sets on the British Empire.”
18. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
19. What drove Europe’s obsession with colonies?
20. The Strait of Gibraltar has been called “the Gateway ______________________________________”
21. American democracy’s roots are found in the country of
22. How did the Romans influence democracy?
23. How were the Romans able to keep in contact and move around such a large empire?
24. Why were the Olympics founded in Greece rather than Britain?
25. Reasons for the creation of the Greek city states (geography)
30b. After World War II, this county dominated Eastern Europe.
26. Eastern European countries gained their freedom after 1989 as a result of ?
27. What was the “Cold War?”
28. Know the purpose of the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall.
29. When did Soviet control of Eastern Europe end?
30. An example of a population pyramid for a European country and the future we can predict based on the
31. Be familiar with the goals of the EU._
32. How were European countries different from the USA economically before the EU.
33. Explain what the Euro is and who uses it.
THE BALKANS 34. The young people in the film think the conflict in Bosnia is really over
35. Define Balkanization
36. The most dangerous issue that the people of Bosnia have to face today is with
37. Be familiar with the cultural differences among the people of Bosnia.
38. Throughout history, what have more people have been killed over?
39. How do we determine if a country is overpopulated?
40. GDP per capita refers to
41. Identify acculturation, assimilation, diffusion, xenophobia, ethnocentrism
42. Population pyramids