EPE IN THE PROJECT COMENIUS - BEST DATE OUT.2012 BY Jorge Costa Between 15th and 19th October, it was held at the Medpodjetniški Izobraževalni Center (MIC) in the town of Velenje, Slovenia, the first meeting under the Comenius Project, named BEST - Be European Saviour of Treasures. At the meeting were representatives of the schools of the involved countries, such as Cyprus, Poland and Portugal, with the common objective of defining the guidelines and activities to be undertaken during the next 2 years. The project seeks international cooperation among the participating schools, the deepening of European consciousness and the promotion and practice of intercultural dialogue. By addressing common themes (origin of local names and legends), the students from these different schools will learn about the differences and similarities of the countries geographically distant and culturally different. Representing the Vocational School of Esposende, from Portugal, were present Dr. António Conde and the teacher Jorge Costa who, besides participating in the decisions about the themes and activities to be performed, brought the ideas and documentation needed to develop this project within our school community . DISCOVERING FÃO COURSE Restaurant Technician DATE OUT-NOV.2012 Since most of our students are from neighboring localities, it is important that they become aware of the historical treasures that there are in the small town where they study and, accordingly to this, over the months of October and November, the 1st year students of the Restaurant Technician Course, visited some examples of built heritage and natural systems of the parish of Fão within the discipline of “Integration Area”. The pedestrian route began at the firefighters pier, following downstream near the bridge, estuary, pine forest, dunes and sandbanks of “Ofir”, “Facho” and “Bonança” chapel, medieval cemetery and ended at school. BY João Jaques During the walk, the students were alerted to the appreciation and preservation of our heritage, and reminded of the ecological and socioeconomic importance of the natural systems to the environmental problems in this region. At the end, the students were much more receptive, regarding the adoption of environmental friendly habits and behaviors. CHILDREN CARE STUDENTS DYNAMIZE ACTIVITIES IN ANTÓNIO CORREIA DE OLIVEIRA’S SCHOOL COURSE Children Care Technician DATE NOV.2012 BY Sara Cepa As it has been the long-standing tradition, the “Feira do Livro”(Book Fair) is always an important milestone in the memory of everyone, reporting us to moments of childhood, and it was with great dedication and professionalism that some students of the Child Care Technician Course animated António Correia de Oliveira’s school “Book Fair”. Thus, from 26 to 30 November the students organized several sessions of storytelling aimed at children from pre-school and first cycle of basic education in our county, promoting reading habits, contributing to their development, and literary and cultural growth. The techniques used were many from the “cineminha”, the apron, the “flanelógrafo”, roleplaying, the box, the projector to the video projector, among many others. These strategies were developed and implemented in the disciplines of Pedagogical Techniques and Educational Intervention, and Artistic Expression, under the orientation of the teacher Sara Cepa. The dynamics implemented enabled the exploitation of various resources and an excellent opportunity to become closer to the young audience. Thus, we believe that this participation was an excellent opportunity to develop a set of skills very important for these future professionals. THE STUDENTS OF EM6 CLASS WATCH THE PLAY “AUTO DA BARCA DO INFERNO” COURSE EM6 CLASS DATE 07.11.2012 BY Ana Soares Within the contents of the Portuguese Language subject, Gil Vicente is a playwright of mandatory study. This poet, father of the Portuguese theatre and a big name in Portuguese literature, marks a whole period of transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, however, his work is still very current nowadays. Thus, the class of EM6 (Waiter Course), went to the theatre on the 7th of November, more precisely to “Teatro Circo” in Braga, accompanied by the teachers Ana Soares and Cristina Azevedo, in order to attend the representation of the play “Auto da Barca do Inferno” of Gil Vicente. On this visit, they had the privilege of beholding the beauty and grandeur of the “Theatro Circo” while watching this play. This representation, performed by the Braga Theatre Company, followed the original text, providing various comic and interactive moments with the audience, communicating all the critical and satirical intent, allowing students to consolidate their acquired knowledge in the context of the classroom. It should be noted the unexpected participation of a student from the classs EM6, who acted with “Fidalgo” (one of the characters). SCHOOL TRADITIONAL “MAGUSTO” (CHESTNUT ROAST) COURSE SCHOOL DATE 14.11.2012 BY Joana Fernandes Legend has it that Martinho (Martin) was a brave roman knight, who on a very, very cold day, wind and bad weather, found a very poor man, dressed in old clothes, ripped and soaked. When he saw the beggar, and without anything else to give him, Martinho took his sword and tore his thick cloak to give half to the poor. Suddenly, it seemed that it was summer, the clouds and the bad weather disappeared. That's why every year, at this time of year, the weather gets better and hotter, causing the traditional "summer of S. Martinho.” It was based on this legend, that EPE also showed its solidarity on S. Martinho’s Day, by organizing a Solidarity Fair, with the goal of raising money to buy baskets with food products to distribute by local institutions. This initiative took place in the building of EPE , in Ramalhão, where the students of each class set up their tents selling, at symbolic prices, products made and offered by them. The fair was open to the whole school community and to the invited parents and guardians who, like S. Martinho, demonstrated their solidarity by raising a reasonable amount of money to offer to local institutions. VIDEOCONFERENCE CONNECTS SCHOOLS OF THE BEST PROJECT COURSE Projeto BEST DATE 15.11.2012 BY Joaquim Jorge Inserted in the Comenius – Best Project, in which the Vocational School of Esposende (EPE) is involved, it was held on the 15th November, the first videoconference, with the goal of doing a brief point concerning the development of the project , in each country. This first videoconference, even without the presence of students, served to make the presentation of the project website, developed and managed by the Vocational School of Esposende, in which we can find a brief summary and information about the goals and agenda of the Comenius – BEST Project. Alongside this information, the participating countries are identified with a short text about the localities and the schools integrated in this project. This instrument will serve to publicize the project and the activities that it integrates, either those common to all countries or those that each country will hold. The meeting also served to introduce the working team and to define dates and tasks to be undertaken soon, in particularly concerning the preparation of the trip to Poland. Also in the course of the conversation some tasks and strategies were set up to create the Comenius- Best allusive mascot. Finally, this videoconference also served as experience for the next online meeting to be held on 13th December, with the presence of the students who are part of the working team involved in this project. THE “MUSEU DO PÃO” (BREAD MUSEUM) IN SEIA COURSE Tourism and Rural Environmental Technician DATE 21.11.2012 BY João Jaques Influenced by Mediterranean habits, bread can not be left out of the Portuguese people table, having been, in ancient times, the main food. Strongly rooted in our food, it was necessary to create a museum in order to perpetuate the transformations that have occurred over the years in the production of this precious good. The students of the courses Tourism and Rural Environmental Technician and Reception Technician held a study visit to Seia, more precisely to the Bread Museum, in a joint organization of their courses and technical areas subjects as well. In the morning, the students visited the four rooms that constitute the museum’s collection, including the Bread Cycle Room, where the tradition of bread in Portugal is characterized; the Political, Social and Religious Bread Room where there are exposed panels of the mystical and religious context; the Bread Art Room, with art objects related to bread (ceramics, dishes, wood, etc..) and finally the Pedagogical Room where it is shown the production of bread, and where the students had the opportunity of manipulating bread. After the visit, the students had lunch at the museum restaurant where they tasted some of the famous mountain delicacies. At the end, everyone was happy for the achieved goals. EPE STUDENTS SIDE BY SIDE WITH THE BEST IN HOSPITALITY COURSE Tourism and Restaurant Technician DATE 23-25.11.2012 BY Alexandra Vilar The culture and culinary traditions have always been part of the Portuguese families table. However, over the years, recipes are reinvented, without ever losing the essence of traditional Portuguese cuisine. It was in this sense that, between 23 and 25 November EPE, represented by the teacher Alexandra Vilar, accompanied by some students of the Restaurant Technician Course and Environmental and Rural Tourism Technician Course, collaborated in the VI edition of the “Essência do Gourmet” (Gourmet Essence) that was held at the “Palácio da Bolsa” in Porto. This gastronomic event brought together several renowned chefs such as: Luís Américo, Pedro Lemos, Renato and Dalila Cunha, Hermínio Costa, Justa Nobre, Paulo Morais, Chakall, Vítor Sobral, among other chefs and oenologists. In parallel, on the ship “Dona Maria Manuela”, it was temporarily installed the “Ferrugem” restaurant, property of Chefs Dalila and Renato Cunha who made the presentation of the "Pastel de Nata de Bacalhau" to the press and special guests, with the EPE students’ participation/help. In the opinion of the student Marisa Rodrigues, of the TR5 class, "our school was greatly praised by the chefs due to the students’ support and availability. The balance of this partnership with the Gourmet Essence was positive, as the students had the opportunity to interact with the world of work, learn and improve learning techniques, taking into account the courses, and expand their knowledge. "Finally, these three days were spent in the best way, along with chefs, sommelliers, oenologists and people related to the area of catering, hospitality and tourism, in a real team effort! GUIMARÃES: FROM PORTUGAL TO THE WORLD Being known as "The Cradle of the Portuguese Nation" and written in one of the towers of the old city wall "Portugal was born here," immortalizes the historical and cultural reference of residents and visitors who associate Guimarães to the Portuguese nationality and identity foundation. COURSE Tourism and Rural Environmental Technician DATE 27.11.2012 BY Turma TTAR6 It was with this patriotic spirit that the classes of Environmental and Rural Tourism and Child Care Technician “went back in time” and revisited the birthplace of our nation, Guimarães, on November 27. This city, which is the European Capital of Culture, “breathes” culture, visible in spaces of reference, such as the Alberto Sampaio Museum, Guimarães Castle and the Palace of the Dukes of Braganza. In fact, it was a privilege to see, firsthand, some national treasures, including the triptych of the Nativity, the Loudel that D. João I used in the battle of Aljubarrota, which could be seen at the Museum of Alberto Sampaio. Then, the students strode the surroundings of the castle and the palace, where they became aware of the richness and importance of Portugal at that time. There was still an opportunity to see a puppet theatre, with all the history that led to the support given by this city to the King of “Good Memory,” crucial to the independence, in the years of 1383/1385. In short, the classes were not only dazzled by the beauty of the city, but also with its historic environment. COOPERATION IN THE CLOSING CEREMONY OF THE "SABORES DO CAMPO” (COUNTRY FLAVOURS) COURSE Restaurant Technician DATE 30.11.2012 BY Sandra Amorim Since earliest times that agriculture is part of the day-to-day of many inhabitants of the county of Esposende. To add value to local products, the municipality organizes an annual culinary contest at the municipal level, based on traditional Portuguese cuisine. This event took place during the month of November and distinguished, in a ceremony, all the partners who wanted to participate in this initiative. The prize awarding ceremony of "Sabores do Campo” Gastronomic Contest was held on the 30th of November at the “ Fórum Municipal Rodrigues Sampaio”, attended by the Mayor of Esposende, João Cepa, and the President of the Regional Tourism Authority of Oporto and the Northern Portugal, Melchior Moreira. In the ceremony were handed diplomas to all the restaurants participating in this second edition of "Sabores do Campo" and at the seven pastries associated with the event, as wells as at the five ”farm” wine producers of the county, to the company “Laticínios das Marinhas”(dairy products company) and to the “Cooperativa Agrícola de Esposende”(agricultural cooperative). Similarly, the Gastronomic Contest jury members including Paulo Sá Machado, of the Confraria da Broa(a kind of bread made from maize) de Avintes, Marco Gomes, chef of “Foz Velha” Restaurant in Porto, and José Silva, a journalist in the field of gastronomy and wines, were also awarded. The coffee break was served by two students of the 3rd grade of the Restaurant Technician Course, Inácio Vareiro and Raúl Real. “PESSOA” IN PERSONA COURSE Children Care Technician DATE 30.11.2012 BY Luzia Silva e Sara Cepa Considered one of the greatest figures of the Portuguese Language and the Universal Literature, with a literary work that is one of the greatest cultural heritages of the Portuguese nation, Fernando Pessoa not only lives in our collective memory, but he is also present in the experiences of the 3rd grade Children Care Technician Course students, who wanted to celebrate the 30th of November as the day of “Pessoa in Persona”, as this day marks the last day of his life among us. Seventy-seven years later, the poet's life won plurality in several registers, especially in documentary format, imaginary interviews with him and his heteronyms in drama with others. In a room full of students, the environment of the cafes frequented by the poet, namely “A Brasileira” and “ O Martinho da Arcada” was recreated, having as background a picture of the author of the “Mensagem”, painted by his friend Almada Negreiros. This resulted in an entertainment program, but also in a consolidation of the contents worked both in the Portuguese and Plastic Expression lessons. In conclusion, and quoting Fernando Pessoa: "Was it worth it? Everything is worth if the soul is not small!" VISIT TO THE “QUINTA DA SEARA”, PRODUCER OF “VINHO VERDE” (“GREEN” WINE-YOUNG WINE) COURSE Restaurant Technician DATE 04.12.2012 BY João Jaques On the 4th of December, the students of the Restaurant Technician Course,TR6 class, travelled to Palmeira de Faro, to make a visit to “Quinta da Seara”, one of the producers of “green”wine in the municipality of Esposende. The “green “wine is produced exclusively in the Demarcated Region of Green Wines, located in the north of Portugal, unique in the world and our county is part of this region. This activity, carried out under the Food Technology subject, aimed to visit the vineyards and wine cellar of the farm, enabling this way, an approach to the local vine growing issues and also to the questions of hygiene and wine storage. “Quinta da Seara” produces at the moment, white wine, red wine and rosé from traditional grape varieties such as “loureiro” and “vinhão”. According to the students, these visits are important because they help them to understand the concepts and contents debated in the classroom. IN THE ENCHANTMENTS OF “Tibães” MONASTERY COURSE Rural Tourism DATE 05.12.2012 BY Sandra Amorim To get to know the “Tibães” Monastery and its educational program was the main goal that took the class TTAR6 (Environmental and Rural Tourism Technician Course) to travel to Braga, on the 5th of December, with the teachers João Jaques and Sandra Amorim. Throughout its history, and given its importance in the Portuguese Empire, the monastery gathered the largest and most valuable collection in the region, becoming a cultural landmark of the country. The students got to know the history of the Monastery of “Tibães”, visited their interior and exterior spaces and learned about the daily lives of the monks who inhabited the spaces of the mother-house of the Benedictines. They were also sensitized to issues of heritage conservation, either cultural or natural. This visit provided an excellent opportunity to apply concepts acquired in the classroom as well as the discovery of the defining features of the Baroque style. It was a well spent morning despite the cold weather in the lands of Tibães. EPE FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT - CHRISTMAS 2012 COURSE ALL DATE 12.12.2012 BY Joaquim Jorge Football, the king of sports in Portugal, is the most practiced by the Portuguese population and it is part of our culture. Keeping with tradition, on the last week of classes, prior to the Christmas holidays, took place the traditional sport tournament of EPE. This year, the modality chosen was futsal. Due to the high number of entries, the tournament was held in two stages. Thus, on the first afternoon of December 12, the games for males qualifying tournament, from which resulted the qualification for the finals of the teams TPC1, TGP1, TPC2 and TM1, were played out. For the second moment, in the morning of December 14, were reserved the games of the men's final and the women's tournament games. After several games, and moments of sports conviviality and playfulness, the class TPC1 won both tournaments, the male and the female. This was another opportunity for healthy interaction between students and teachers, which greatly contributes to the strengthening of ties among the various elements of the school community. It should be noted the excellent organization of the tournament, by the TGP1 (Management and Programming of Systems Technician) class students. EPE RECEIVES ANOTHER PRIZE: Gastronomy as tradition Gastronomy is tradition! The Portuguese cuisine is very rich in flavor and also very diversified, based on the traditions and ingredients of each region, being this the main factor that every year attracts thousands of tourists to our country. COURSE Restaurant Technician Our school, EPE, is one of the promoters of our gastronomy promoting and modernizing it, never forgetting what it conveys and the traditions that cross generations and generations, to the present days. The Vocational School of Esposende organizes and participates in DATE 12-13.12.2012 several activities and competitions in the field of gastronomy divulging this way the school, BY Luzia Silva Recently, the school participated and won a national contest. “Young Talent of the Restaurant Technician Course and our customs and values as well. Gastronomy", so was this event called, in which it was compulsory the cooking of a Portuguese specialty, but interpreted differently. Creativity and innovation were the slogans, which led us to cook a " Cozido à portuguesa " (a typical Portuguese dish), in a different way, but keeping all its essence. The Vocational School of Esposende works continuously to promote our traditions and values, showing that way, the best that Portugal has to offer! SCHOOL COMMUNITY CELEBRATION: IT IS CHRISTMAS TIME COURSE SCHOOL DATA 14.12.2012 BY Luzia Silva Christmas has always been a festive time of celebration and family gathering and, keeping the tradition and customs, the Vocational School of Esposende celebrated the Christmas season with a party for the entire school community, on the 14th of December, in Ramalhão facilities, closing this way the 1st period activities, with the aim of strengthening ties and providing a moment of relaxation and conviviality among all. Some weeks before, several initiatives were already being prepared, including a solidarity fair, aimed to raise funds to provide Christmas baskets for institutions of the county and the traditional Futsal tournament. So, on that day, teachers, students and employees, gathered to watch men's and women's sport final event, which was followed by a sociable lunch, where there was abundance of all kinds of delicacies and cakes typical of this season brought by students, who in a spirit of solidarity, shared them. After the end of the activity, students returned home to enjoy their well-deserved holidays and regain energies for the next period. Merry Christmas! VIDEOCONFERENCE CONNECTS BEST PROJECT STUDENTS On December 18, took place the second videoconference of BEST Comenius project. COURSE BEST Project DATE 18.12.2012 BY Ana Soares On the agenda for this videoconference, it was predicted to take place the presentation of the participants of the trip to Poland, but due to some video connection problems, this only happened between the Polish and Portuguese teams. This videoconference had as main goals to make a progress report on the work done so far, to talk about some Christmas traditions and to prepare the trip to Poland. In addition, the students were able to establish a first contact with the Polish students, exchanging some information, contacts and even traditional songs of each country. At the end, the students were enthusiastic and had great expectations regarding the meeting of February. THE END – THANK YOU