Early Head Start Transition Packet | Preschool Planning

Motivation Education & Training, Inc.
Transition planning begins six months prior to your child’s third birthday. Our goal is to assist you and
your child in a smooth transition into the placement that you have determined will be most appropriate.
Your child’s Teacher and Family Service Technician will work closely with you to gather information and
discuss various choices.
You will be receiving the following information concerning this transition process:
Transition Survey:
Please complete, sign, and return the survey to your child’s teacher within one week. This will give the
staff information on how we can assist you in planning for the next phase of your child’s educational
A Look at My Child’s Development:
As we continue to support you in your role as your child’s first teacher, staff will incorporate your goals
for her/him into learning opportunities planned during the last phase of the Early Head Start experience.
Helping Your Child Adjust to Preschool:
A handout related to successful transitions to preschool is included to help you make the best decision
for your child and family. You should visit several centers before making your final choice.
Names and Addresses of Local Child Care Facilities:
The centers are intended for your information only. MET Inc., does NOT make recommendations for
specific centers.
Additional materials added as the transition process continues includes:
Individual Transition Plan:
Ongoing planning is vital to a smooth transition for your child. Your child’s teacher and Family Service
Technician are available to work with you. This form will be used to document informal and formal
conferences you have with your child’s teacher or Family Service Technician during the transition
At Home Ideas for Fostering Educational Development:
During the transition process, you will receive information and ideas for helping your child acquire
developmentally appropriate basic educational skills at home as you continue in your role as his/her first
Family Partnerships
Revised: 09/25/2012 - AM