Golgi Body

Golgi Body
Alexandra Aggidis
Structure, Function and how the
structure helps the function…
• A group of flattened
cavities, is located
near the nucleus.
• To take enzymes and other
proteins that have been
synthesised in the
endoplasmic reticulum and to
package them into membranebound vesicles.
• The appearance of the Golgi
Body is constantly changing as
material comes in on one side
from the ER and is lost from
the other as completed
vesicles ‘bud off’. Such
vesicles transport materials to
other parts of the cell, or fuse
with the cell surface
membrane, releasing their
contents outside the cell.
How structure helps function?
• The structure of the Golgi apparatus supports its
function. Electron microscopy indicates that the
structure resembles interconnected, deflated
balls or bags.
• One end serves as a
“receiving point,” the other a
“shipping center,” and the
middle contains molecules
that sort products and
synthesize vesicles to surround