PSYCHOLOGY 2015 FINAL EXAM REVIEW PACKET Word Bank Behaviorism case study circadian rhythms Cognitive control group corpus collusum describe dopamine Ego eustress external locus of control Humanistic hypothesis ID internal locus of control longitudinal study Milgram experiment myelin Negative Reinforcement nocturnal parasomnias Phineas Gage Positive Reinforcement rapid eye movement REM Sigmund Freud stage 1 Sublimation suppression unethical alzheimer's disease Behaviorism cataplexy cloth mother Cognitive Theory Conversion cross sectional Displacement double blind Ego eustress Glasgow Coma Scale Humanistic Theory hypothesis independent variable lobotomy maladaptive Moro narcolepsy Neurobiological NREM Philip Zimbardo placebo projection reaction formation repression somnambulism Stage 2 Super Ego unconscious wire mother Babinski Breaking Set Cerebellum cloth mother conscious corpus collusum Dependent variable. distress Dr. Oliver Sacks ethics experimental hippocampus hypnogogic reaction ID influence lobotomy Maladaptive Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy negative reinforcement Neuropsychological Theory occipital lobe Phineas Gage positive reinforcement Psychoanalytic Theory regression serotonin spindle bursts stage 3 Super Ego undoing wire mother 1) Variable controlled by researcher. "If people are asked a request by someone in uniform, then they are more likely to comply." _______________ 2) Group actively partipating in experiment_______________ _______________ 3) Statement of expected results. Can be proved or disproved through observation, experimentation and replication. _______________ 4) Medicine with no active ingredients. Works by power of suggestion._______________ 5) Rewards for good behavior that increase the possibility of it repeating _______________ 6) The process of conditioning good behavior to increase by using _______________ can result in continued good behavior by the removal of a negative consequence. 7) In a 1971 study, college students were paid 15 dollars a day to participate in a study of obedience and authority by playing roles of prisoner and prison guards. This study was entirely _______________ and caused no anxiety among subjects. 1 PSYCHOLOGY 2015 FINAL EXAM REVIEW PACKET 8) Experiment with neither the subject nor research knows who has the placebo. Removes bias and expectations that can disrupt results. _______________ 9) Guidelines for Psychological experiments - results must outweigh risks, no harm must come to participants, signed consent, etc. _______________ 10) In psychology, we seek to describe, predict, understand and influence _______________ thoughts and behaviors in order to prevent or stop people from hurting themselves and others. 11) Harry Harlow's famous experiment on rhesus monkeys was designed to test contact comfort, or "attachment theory" which measured a baby's love for its mother. Infant monkeys in this experiment routinely chose the _______________ and not the _______________ even though it provided nutrition. 12) The organization that is in charge of how practitioners should behave when it comes to dealing with clients...ethics and guidelines for safe treatment. _______________ 13) You are _______________ when you are physically aware of your environment. Even when you are sleeping, you are still in this state. 14) When you are physically unable to respond to your environment, as in a coma or under anesthesia, you are _______________. 15) There are two categories of sleep. Stages 1-4 which is _______________. 16) _______________ stands for _______________. You are physically paralyzed during this phase of sleep. Your brain is very active. This is the most refreshing and important part of your sleep cycle. HCG or human growth hormone is excreted during this phase. 17) When you are in _______________, you are drifting off to sleep and may experience a sensation of falling. This is known as a _______________ 18) This stage of sleep is characterized by an increasingly lower level of alertness. You would most likely respond to your name if someone called it a few times. Sleep talking occurs most frequently during this stage. _______________. 19) A neurologist looking at an electroencephalograph or EEG would see these changes in your brain activity during stage 2 sleep. _______________ 20) Most sleep walking occurs in _______________ 21) Sleep walking is also known as _______________ 22) Your sleep cycles are also known as _______________ and can be affected by long trips through different time zones. This is known as jet lag. 23) Everyone has their own individual biological clock. Some people are nocturnal (stay up later/wake up later) and some people are more diurnal (day people/wake earlier/sleep earlier). People who are day people often benefit from short naps. Someone who is _______________ will likely feel worse with a short nap and need at least 2 hours of sleep to feel refreshed. 24) Sleep disorders are also known as _______________ 2 PSYCHOLOGY 2015 FINAL EXAM REVIEW PACKET 25) Excessive daytime sleepiness is called _______________ 26) Falling into REM sleep immediately when startled or affected by a strong emotion is known as _______________ 27) The results of your experiment are this variable. "If a person wearing a uniform makes a request (IF being your independent variable), "Then people will more easily comply with his directive." is the _______________ 28) In a research study, the group that is chosen to resemble the experimental group in all ways but used for comparision purposes is the: _______________ 29) Parkinson's disease is a disorder of the brain that leads to shaking (tremors) and difficulty with walking, movement, and coordination. This disorder primarily involves the destruction of nerve cells by the lack of this brain chemical _______________ 30) The brain chemical that give us our sense of well being is: _______________ 31) If a neurologist asksyou to draw a clock, he or she is likely testing you for:_______________ 32) The separation of nervesor complete removal of the frontal lobe, from the 1930's to late 60's sometimes done with icepick type instruments is known as a _______________ 33) The super highway of nerve fibers that connects the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere of the brain is called the _______________ 34) This is the protective coating, (sheath), that prevents harm to peripheral nerves. In certain diseases it wears away and we call it "sclerosis". _______________ 35) That the root of personality is the prefrontal cortex. This man; _______________ had a complete personality change due to the accident with a tamping iron which went through his eye and out the back of his skull damaging the prefrontal lobe. 36) Long term memory is located in this part of the brain: _______________ 37) The _______________, located at theback of your head, this lobe actually controls your eyesight 38) Somatoform Disorders are often characterized by _______________ of one disorder to another, sometimes a psychological problem can cause a physical disorder. 39) _______________ sometimes considered the "healthy defense mechanism" It provides an outlet, but can also benefit the individual and humanity because people can turn their negative emotions into healthy activity, actions or creativity. 40) A mother who brings her child to the hospital frequently for injuries and illnesses that often resolve around medical staff but return once the child returns home may be investigated for _______________ 41) The _______________ reflex that babies are born with that is the only human "unlearned fear" also known as the startle reflex. Absence of this reflex can be a sign of significant neurological deficits 3 PSYCHOLOGY 2015 FINAL EXAM REVIEW PACKET 42) The _______________ reflex is normal in babies and children under the age of 3. Testing for this involves watching the movment of the toes while running the back end of a reflex hammer down the middle of the foot. The big toe separates and the small toes move in the other direction. You should never see this in an adult. It can sometimes be an early sign of multiple sclerosis or neurological disease. 43) Surgical separation of nerves or complete removal of the frontal lobe was a procedure used from the 1920's to 1970's on psychiatric patients. It was over-used with unpredictable results. _______________ 44) _______________ is characterized by a problem in adaptation to change, and is the major cause of conflict in our lives. Even positive changes can cause this sense of uneasiness when there are too many at one time. This type is due to positive change. 45) The _______________ measures the severity of a coma and the likelihood of recovery 46) _______________ is a defense mechanism where you may take out your hostilities on someone or something other than your actual target of aggression. Often a "safer" target where you have less risk of conflict 47) You are angry at your best friend and it is causing you to feel anxious and distressed. While talking to them you ask "Why are you so angry at me?” They respond with surprise since they absolutely don't feel angry. You are exhibiting the defense mechanism known as: _______________ 48) Your mother picks up your phone and looks at your text messages. You are so upset by this that you shout at her to put your phone down. She responds by apologizing and says it is because she thought it was her phone since you both have the iPhone 5. After thinking about your outburst you can't stop feeling guilty and decide to clean the kitchen and start dinner to give her a break. This is known as _______________. 49) When you absolutely DO NOT remember a traumatic incident. It feels like it was entirely erased from your memory. This is a defense mechanism known as _______________ 50) You choose to deny a memory of an unhappy or traumatic incident. You are aware that this happened, but choose to not think about it and even sometimes deny that it happened. This defense mechanism is called _______________ 51) This defense mechanism that is characterized by expressing feelings and actions that are actually the opposite of what you're feeling is called _______________ 52) Reverting back to behaviors of a younger age or a time in your life when you felt safer or happier is known as _______________. This defense mechanism can sometimes be a good coping skill unless the behavior interferes with your ability to adapt to change. 53) Statement of expected results. Can be proved or disproved through observation and experimentation is a _______________. 54) Behavior viewed as a reflection of unconscious aggressive and sexual impulses - underlying issues in our subconscious._______________ 55) Theory that relies on biological responses as primary motivator of behavior._______________ 56) The theory that believes people are a product of learned responses: _______________ 4 PSYCHOLOGY 2015 FINAL EXAM REVIEW PACKET 57) Behavior viewed as product of various internal sentences or thoughts. This type of therapy is particularly useful in dealing with phobias and substance abuse programs._______________ 58) Approach to Psychology that seeks to help people rise to their potential. That all people have great potential and if treated with unconditional regard; will reach this and be psychologically healthy._______________ 59) The all important term that defines when behavior is not "normal". Means difficult to change to have a functioning lifestyle that helps yourself and others._______________ 60) The term _______________ is a term analyzing Creative Intelligence. . 61) This approach to Psychology looks as all behavior as a product of learned responsees, rewards and consequences _______________ 62) This approach to Psychology looks at all psychological problems as a medical issue, relating to the brain. _______________ Approach 63) This approach to psychology is often used in group therapy situations that utilize pneumonic devices, sayings and patterns to change negative thoughts and behaviors. Very common in organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Weight Watchers. _______________ Approach. 64) This approach to Psychology, utilized by psychologists Abraham Maslow in his Hiearchy of Needs and Carl Rogers in his Unconditional Positive Regard, believes that all people can reach their full potential if they are treated equally and fairly. That internal potential was stronger than outside influences. _______________ Approach 65) The goal of a psychologist is to _______________, predict, understand and _______________ maladaptive behavior. 66) This psychologist is the father of the Psychoanalytic Approach. _______________. 67) The process of rewarding behavior so that it continues. Usually means that you addd a stimulus to encourage good behavior to continue like a treat if your dog sits on your command. _______________ 68) Used to encourage continued good behavior by the removal or subtraction of a desired stimulus. An example would be the use of sun block to avoid a sun burn or waking up earlier in the morning to avoidbeing late to school and the consequences that would follow. _______________ 69) According to Freud's Psychosexual Theory of Development, you have three aspects of your personality. Your primitive need for instant gratification is your _______________, your moral code that tells you when something is wrong is your _______________ and the mediator, or your conscious self that decides how to get what you want while staying within what you think is right is your _______________ 70) The devil on your shoulder is your _______________. 71) The angel on your shoulder is your _______________. 72) You, in the middle of the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other in weighing a decision, (much like many Tom and Jerry cartoons!) is your _______________. 5 PSYCHOLOGY 2015 FINAL EXAM REVIEW PACKET 73) In a remake of the famous _______________ on obedience to authority, an increasing series of shocks were given to a subject in a different room if they were incorrect on an answer to a word association game. Women proved to actually be more cruel than the men by repeatedly giving shocks over a 100 volts 74) A study that involves ensuring a random sample of the popluation, multiple ages, both genders, etc. could be called a _______________ study 75) A study that looks at a subject in detail, including a lot of information about the subjects life is a _______________ 76) Looking at subjects for an extended period of time, usually from early life onward is called a _______________ 77) Known for his Stanford Prison Experiment, _______________ is often used as an expert witness in trials involving people who committ horrific acts because they claim they were following orders. 78) Harry Harlow's famous experiment on rhesus monkeys was designed to test contact comfort, or "attachment theory" which measured a baby's love for its mother. Infant monkeys in this experiment routinely chose the _______________ and not the _______________ even though it provided nutrition. 79) The super highway of nerve fibers that connects the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere of the brain is called the _______________ 80) That the root of personality is the prefrontal cortex. This man; _______________ had a complete personality change due to the accident with a tamping iron which went through his eye and out the back of his skull damaging the prefrontal lobe. 81) When under stress, sometimes it's not what is bothering you, but how much is going on or changing. Our ability to adapt to change is the determining factor in how well we handle stress.Bad stress is called _______________ and too much good change is called _______________. How you feel about who controls your life is called locus of control. If you believe YOU control your destiny you have an _______________. If you believe others, or luck determines your fate, you have an _______________. It has been proven that these two combined traits tend to lead to a healthier personality: 82) Known in Latin as "little brain", the _______________ is part of your brain that controls muscle tone and balance. 83) Known for using the new drug L-Dopa in 1969 on Encephalitis Lethargica Patients, he was at first successful at awakening people who had been in a catatonic state often for more than 40 years. _______________. Other information to know about for Exam: Dr. Harry Harlow’s Attachment Theory Experiments on Rhesus Monkeys Dr. James Fallon’s Studies of Pro-Social Psychopaths 6