Psychology Hypothesis Placebo Cognition Control Group Longitudinal Study Wilhelm Wundt Experimental Group Debriefing (ethics) Field Experiment Independent Variable L. Hemisphere roles Introspection Dependent Variable Frontal Assoc. Area (location & function) Role of Neurotransmitters Temporal Lobe Axon Cerebellum Occipital Lobe Terminal Button Thyroid Gland Parietal Lobe Pituitary Gland RAS (Reticular Formation) Corpus Callosum Adrenal Gland Gonads R. Hemisphere (tasks & skills) Dendrite (role on behavior) Phineas Gage Gustation (Taste) Set Point Proximity Cue Drive ( case study) Olfaction Gestalt Theory Ambiguous Fig Glucose (effects on behavior) (Necker Cube). Illusion Maslow’s (processes & dysfunction) Needs Pheromones Effects of Sleep Deprivation of Dependency/Tolerance/ Withdraw Perception ( define and apply) Sensation Metabolism ( define and Apply) Kinesthetic Motivation ( define and apply) Homeostasis Consciousness Triangular Theory of Intrinsic Needs Extrinsic Needs Contact Comfort (Harlow Experiment) (Sternberg) Unconscious Maslow’s Belonging Uses & Benefits of Hypnosis Needs (define and apply) Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Circadian Rhythm Causes of Insomnia Incubus Attack Forgetting Chronobiology Sleep Apnea Lucid Dreams Flashbulb Memory Short Term Recognition Vs. Memory (STM) Recall REM & NREM Long Term Interference Memory (LTM) Narcolepsy Retrieval Failure Learning Disability Mental Retardation ( define and categorize) Nature Vs. Nurture (themes and arguments) Divergent Thinking Critical Period Convergent Thinking Chromosomes IQ Formula Agoraphobia Obsession Compulsion (define and calculate) Alzheimer’s Disease Maladaptive Behavior Effect of Concussions Neurosis Deviance (behavioral and physical) DSM-IV Schizophrenia Sigmund Freud Psychotherapy B.F. Skinner Therapeutic Alliance Jean Piaget Internalization Carl Rogers Oedipus Complex Albert Bandura (uses and value) Affective Disorders Somatoform Disorders “Organic” Types of Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Robert Sternberg Alfred Binet Abram Maslow Robert Plutchik Harry Harlow Hans Esenyck Bruno Bettelheim Elizabeth Loftus Behaviorist (Theory) Cognitive (theory) Psychoanalytic (Theory) Humanist (Theory) Neurobiological (Theory) Concepts & Themes Nature vs. Nurture Role of Scientific Psychology Experimental Method Ethical Code Division of Behavior Thoughts (cognition) Actions Emotions (feelings) Goals of Psychology Describe Explain Predict Control Apply all of the above concepts to: Schools of Thought Behaviorism Cognitive Humanism Psychoanalytic Neurobiology Concepts & Themes Concepts & Themes Physiology Influencing Behavior Brain & Body Connection Specific Neurotransmitter and Behavioral traits Hormonal Influences over emotion and maturity Limbic System Endocrine System Specific Structures o Hindbrain o Midbrain o Forebrain Motivation & Emotion o Maslow Hierarchy o Love Theory o Genetic Trait o Harlow Experiment o EQ o Universal Facial Expression All Seminar Topics including Dysfunctions of Neurology o Charts & Diagrams o Case Studies Gestalt Psychology o Sensation and Perception o Perceptional Cues and Rules of Organization o Illusions and Perception States of Consciousness o Sleep Cycles o Abnormal Sleep Effects o Internal Clocks o Sleep Disorders o Dreams and Theories o Freud’s Unconscious Memory o Normal & Abnormal o Retrieval o Practical Applications IQ o What is Smart? o Uses of IQ o Creativity Concepts & Themes Abnormal Psychology o Diagnostics o Definitions Specific Disorder Categories o Childhood & Adolescence o Anxiety o Somatoform o Sleep o Affective o Impulse o Eating o Schizophrenic o Dissociative Common Symptoms Contributing Factors o Sociopsychobiological Factors Effective Treatments (see Schools of Thought)