Unit Organizer WWII

Class: World History
Last Unit:
World War I
Current Unit:
Totalitarianism/World War II
Next Unit:
Post WWII/Independence Movement
The Big Idea: As the world continued to change after the Treaty of Versailles, events such as the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party lead to WWII and
changed the world as we know it.
Learning Activities
Essential Questions
Intro to Unit
L- Totalitarianism, Communism, and Fascism
o Totalitarianism, Communism, and
Fascism Reading
What are the major differences between Totalitarianism, Communism, and Fascism and what
countries are they associated with?
Russian Revolution
o Russian Revolution in Color video
o R-Russian Revolution Timeline
Stalin Readings
o Stalin’s Secret Police Video
o Stalin Video
o Gulag Activity/Map of Gulags
o Modern Gulag reading
Terms Due
Rise of Fascism/Germany and Italy
L- Mussolini/Stalin/Hitler Comparison
o Mussolini Reading
o Mussolini Video
Terms Quiz
Hitler Comes to Power
Propaganda reading
Hitler’s Help to Power Video
Road to War
Appeasement Reading
Who Was Prepared for War Activity
L- WWII Begins
o Blitzkrieg short read
o Alliances
o Timeline
Terms Due
WQ- Battles of WWII
What caused the Russian Revolution and what was the result?
Who was Joseph Stalin? Why is he significant to WWII?
How did fascism and in turn Italy and Germany make their ferocious rise to power?
What events lead to Hitler and the Third Reich’s rise to power?
What were the people and events that began WWII?
How was Hitler able to overrun Poland and France?
What is significant about the battles studied?
Terms Quiz
Japan gets involved
Invasion of Nanking Activity
o Empire of the Sun video
What was Japan’s part in WWII? What was it like to be a POW in Japan?
The “Final Solution”
o One survivor Remembers video
o Map of Concentration camps
o R-Survivor Stories
What is the “Final Solution”? And what impact did it have on the Europe?
WQ – The End of WWII
Notebooks DUE
o The effects of WWII reading
What was the outcome of WWII?
How was the world effected by WWII?
Terms: Define in Notebook and Know for Quiz: Read Chs. 14-16, pp. 430-447 and 460-520
Hideki Tojo 481
Proletariat 434
Bolsheviks 434
Vladimir Lenin 436
Grigori Rasputin 435
Joseph Stalin 439
Francisco Franco 483
Benito Mussolini 494
Adolf Hitler 477
Winston Churchill 493
Third Reich 484
Charles de Gaulle 493
Erwin Rommel 494
Soviet Union 491
Manchuria 481
Great Purge 442
Rape of Nanking*
Blitzkrieg 491
Battle of Britain 494
Weimar Republic 471
Totalitarianism 441
Communism 303
Fascism 476
Mein Kampf 478
Appeasement 483
Communist Party 439
Collective Farm 444
Munich Conference 485 Holocaust 502
Battle of Stalingrad 507
Kristallnacht 502
“Final Solution” 503
Nuremburg Trials 516
Demilitarization 516
Democratization 516
Axis Power 483
Genocide 503
Non-Aggression Pact 491
Lebensraum 478
State Standards:
 What were the consequences of the choices made at the end of World War I? (Standard 1)
 What conflicts exist between national security and individual rights? (Standard 2)
 What were the sources of aggression in the first half of the 20th century? (Standard 3)
 What leader had the greatest impact on the world in the first half of the 20th century? (Standard 4)
 Why did democracy fail in Germany? (Standard 5)
*Definition will be provided by Mr. Manbeck; G=Glossary, L=Lecture, R=Reading, I=Internet, D=Discussion, P=Pair Work, SC=Socratic Circle