APUSH Chapter 11 Questions America

APUSH Chapter 11 Questions America’s History
Answer in complete sentences. Save as a word file and type your answers below the question or write it
out on a separate paper.
Identifying the Big Idea: To what extent did individualism, new religious sects, abolitionism and
women’s rights change American culture between 1820 and 1860?
1. What were the main principles of transcendentalism and how did their beliefs differ from
Protestant Christians?
2. Pick any two transcendentalist writers and describe their impact on the literary period known as
the American Renaissance.
3. What social and economic factors led to the emergence of utopian communities in the 19th
4. Analyze the Utopian Community movement by outlining the belief and practices of each of the
following communities.
a. Shakers
b. Fourierism
c. Oneida Community
d. Mormonism
5. What factors help to explain the success of the Mormon community while other utopian
societies failed to last more than a few years?
6. What was the impact of rapid urban growth on the lives of people living in America’s largest
cities during this period?
7. Describe some of the cultural entertainment activities that could be found in large urban
8. What factors led to the rise of nativism and how did anti-foreign attitudes manifest themselves?
9. Analyze the Abolitionist movement by describing the strategies of each of the following people
or organization.
a. Social uplift for free black
b. David Walker and Nat Turner
c. American Colonization Society
10. Describe the three strategies used by evangelical abolitionists such as Garrison, Grimke sisters,
Weld and Douglass in their pursuit to end slavery in America.
11. Which groups of Americans opposed abolition and what methods were used to deter
12. In what ways did women first begin to enter into political discussions and activities?
13. How did each of the following reform leaders impact American society between 1820 and 1860?
a. Dorothea Dix
b. Horace Mann
c. Catherine Beecher
14. What were the two main strategies of temperance reformers in their push to eliminate
15. How did the Abolitionist movement help to give rise to the Women’s Rights movement?
16. What legal and social gains were achieved by women as a result of the Seneca Falls Convention
and subsequent efforts of lobbying state legislatures? What political rights were still denied to
women by the 1860s?