Slide 1

• Describe the process of binary fission. What
type of organisms have this reproduction?
• Differentiate between the prokaryotic and
eukaryotic chromosomes
• Explain why and how DNA coils up into
• Name the phase of the cell cycle where DNA
replication takes place. Why is this process
important in cell division?
• Explain what happens during: G1 phase, M
phase, metaphase, telophase.
• List the phases of mitosis and the main
purpose of this process
• Identify the stages of mitosis on the following
• List all learned external regulators of the cell
• List all internal regulators of the cell cycle.
• What is the role of checkpoints in the cell cycle?
• What happens when the cell regulation of the
cell cycle does not work properly?
• Name the stages of mitosis:
Determine the shape and number of
chromosomes and the number of chromatids if
the chromosome number of the species is 56
• In G1
• G2
• S (end)
• Prophase
• Metaphase
• Anaphase
• During cytokinesis in each nucleus
• What are the characteristics of cancer cells?
• List the stages of cancer
• Differentiate between benign and malignant
• Describe what the main purpose of mitosis and
cytokinesis is.
• What type and how many daughter cells are
produced by mitosis?
• Differentiate between haploid and diploid cells.
• Define what homologous chromosomes are
• Name cells in your body that would be haploid
• Name cells in your body that would be diploid.
• List three internal regulators of the cell cycle.
Describe them.
• Describe what happens if the cell cycle regulation
• Name three characteristics of cancer cells.
Determine the number of
chromosomes/chromatids if the
diploid chromosome number is 20
• Number of chromatids in a diploid cell during
• Number of chromatids in a diploid cell during
• Number of chromosomes in a haploid cell
• Number of chromatids in a haploid cell after S
• Number of chromatids in a haploid cell after
• Number of chromosomes in a diploid cell after
• Number of chromatids in a diploid cell during
prophase (beginning of mitosis)
• Number of chromatids in a haploid cell during