Study Sheet for Quest 8A

Honors Biology Review for Chapter 8 Test
1. Contrast sexual and asexual reproduction:
number of parents needed
how alike the offspring are from the parents
2. How are chromatin, chromosomes, and chromatids alike and different?
Shape and when you they would appear in the cell cycle
3. What is a fertilized egg called? What is fertilization?
4. What is asexual reproduction called in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes?
5. How do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ in chromosomes’:
-size (number of genes)
6. Be able to put the phases of mitosis in the correct order: (P PM M A T)
7. Be able to identify how the nuclear envelope changes in prophase and telophase.
8. Define: cytokinesis. How is cytokinesis different in plants and in animals?
9. What goes on in each G1, S, and G2 phases? What phase includes all three G1, S,
and G2 phases? Where do each of these happen?
-DNA replication
-growth of more organelles
-doubling of centrioles
10. Be able to locate in a diagram of a dividing cell:
-spindle fibers
11. How are the kinetochore spindles and non-kinetochore spindles different in
where they attach and whether they shorten or lengthen during mitosis? What
powers the movement of the chromatids to the opposite poles? (see p. 131)
12. What is the purpose of a growth factor? What does the growth factor VEGF
HB Review for Chapter 8 p. 2
13. How does density-dependent inhibition affect growing cells? How does
anchorage dependence affect growing cells? How are cancer cells behaving?
14. What type of cancers are these?
a. carcinomas
b. sarcomas
c. lymphomas
What do these cancer terms mean?
a. benign
b. malignant
c. metastasis
d. tumor
15. What is the name of the gene that causes breast cancer? What is the job of p53?
16. How do the number of chromosomes in the parent cell and the daughter cells
compare to after mitosis and to after meiosis?
17. How do cdk’s and cyclins work together? Which is the enzyme? What is the
purpose of the phosphate group? What is their job in the cell cycle?
18. What body cells divide a lot? What body cells do not divide after they are
formed? How are cancer cells abnormal in the cell cycle? What part of the cell
cycle is when cells that do not divide leave the cell cycle to differentiate?
19. In what phase does each of these occur in mitosis?
-the chromatin thickens to form chromatids
-nuclear envelope disappears
-nuclear envelope reappears
-centrioles begin to move to the opposite poles
-centrioles have just reached the poles
-spindle fibers form and attach to kinetochores
-cell plate forms
-chromosomes line up at the equator
-cytoplasm divides
-nucleoli break down
-nucleoli reform
-chromosomes thin out to chromatin and nucleoli reforms
-centromeres split
20. What are somatic cells? What are the two gametes of humans?
21. Contrast sex chromosomes and autosomes.
22. What is the difference between diploid and haploid numbers and the symbols that
represent them? What is the diploid number for humans? The haploid number of human
sex cells? Be able to calculate the haploid number if the diploid number is given.
HB Review to Chapter 8 Test p.3
23. How are males and females represented with X’s and Y’s?
24. What is synapsis? During which phase of meiosis does it occur? Define tetrad.
25. What is crossing over? Which chromatids are involved? Define chiasma.
26. What is the formula for showing how many possible combinations are possible if
given the haploid number? How many possible combinations would be possible for a
human with a haploid number of 23?
27. Is it the male or the female that determines the sex of the child? WHY?
28. How are sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes related? How are they
29. What are gametes? What are the gametes for humans?
30. Be able to recognize the phases and structures of meiosis.
31.Contrast mitosis and meiosis:
a. parent and daughter cells if diploid or haploid
b. which makes identical cells and which makes different cells
c. which has one division and which has two divisions
d. how many cells are made at the end of each divisions
e. which makes somatic and which makes sex cells
f. which makes 2N to 2N and which makes 2N to N cells
32. What three factors increase the genetic variability of cells after meiosis?