Part I: The Constitution

Forward …………………………………………………………………………………….. 15
Preface …………………………………………………………………………………….. 17
Introduction………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Part I: The Constitution
1. The Constitution of the United States ……………………………….… 29
2. Article I: The Legislative Branch………………………………………..... 35
Section 1: Power Granted to the Congress – Senate and
House of Representative…………………………………..…..... 36
Section 2: Structure of the House of Representatives…….. 37
Section 3: Structure of the Senate…………………………………… 40
Section 4: The Time, Place, an d Manner of Holding
Section 5: Rules and Regulation……………………………………… 51
Section 6: Compensation for Members of Congress..……. 52
Section 7: Raising of Revenue by the House and
Senate……………………………………………………………………… 54
Section 8: Enumeration of the Powers Granted to
The Congress………………………………………………………….. 57
Section 9: Right of Habeas Corous, Bill of
Attainder, etc……………………………………………..…………… 71
Section 10: Restriction on States with Foreign Nation
or Between States …………………………………………………. 82
3. Article II: The Executive Branch ………………………………………. 87.
Section 1: Term of Office, Setup of Electors, Other
Requirements ……………………………………………………….. 88
Section 2: Outlines of Powers Granted to Executive ….. 96
Section 3: State of Union to Congress …………………………101
Section 4: Impeachment of President and Other
Offices …………………………………………………………………..102
4. Article III: The Judicial Branch ………………………………………… 103
Section 1: Supreme Court and Other Inferior Courts … 104
Section 2: Judicial Powers Extended to Courts ………….. 107
Section 3: Defines Treason Against the United States . 110.
5. Article IV: Duties Between States …………………………………… 113
Section 1: Full Faith and Credit Between States ……….. 114
Section 2: Citizens of Each States Entitled to All
Privileges and Immunities …………………………………… 115
Section 3: Admission of New States into the Union …… 117
Section 4: Guarantees to Each State a Republican.
Form of Government …………………………………………….119
6. Article V: The Amendment Article …………………………………….125
7. Article VI: Establishment of the Constitution …………………..143
8. Article VII: Ratification Requirements ………………………………151.
9. Amendments I – X: The Bill of Rights ………………………………159.
Amendment I: On Religion, Speech, and Press …………..167
Amendment II: Right to Bear Arms ……………………………..175
Amendment III: Privacy of the Home from the Military.181
Amendment IV: Right to be Secure in Person, Papers,
House, and Effects ………………………………………………..182
Amendment V: Protection from Incarceration Without
Due Process …………………………………..………………………183
Amendment VI: Right to Speedy and Public Trial the
by Impartial Jury ………………………………………………….186
Amendment VII: Right by Jury Exceeding Certain
Amount …………………………………………………………………189
Amendment VIII:8 Protection Against Cruel and
Unusual Punishment ………………………………………….. 190
Amendment IX: Protection of Rights Not Enumerated. 191
Amendment X: Powers Not Delegated, Remains to
States and People ………………………………………………. 192
10. Amendments XI – XXVII ……………………………………………… 199
Amendment XI: Suits Against the States …………………. 200
Amendment XII: Election of the Executive Branch ….. 201
Amendment XIII: Prohibition of Slavery ………………….. 207
Amendment XIV: privileges or immunities, Due
Process, Elections, and Debt …………………………….. 211
Amendment XV: Race, and Right to Vote ……………….… 224
Amendment XVI: Income Tax …………………………………... 229
Amendment XVII: Senators Election s and Number … 234
Amendment XVIII: Prohibition on sale of Alcohol ……. 241
Amendment XIX: Sex and Right to Vote ………………….. 242
Amendment XX: Lame–Duck Session of Congress.
Eliminated ………………………………………………………….. 244
Amendment XXI: Repeal of Amendment XVIII ……….. 248
Amendment XXII: Limit of Presidential Terms ……..... 249
Amendment XXIII: Election Rules for District of.
Columbia ……………………………………………………………. 254
Amendment XXIV: Right of Citizens to Vote ……………. 256
Amendment XXV: Succession of the President ………… 257
Amendment XXVI: Age and Right to Vote ………………… 262
Amendment XXVII: Pay Raises and Congress …………..265
Part II: An Analysis of the Issues and the
Constitution in Twenty–First Century America
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… 271
11. The Declaration of Independence ……………………………….. 279
12. Who and What We Are ……………………………………………..…. 287
13. The Constitution: Know What It Says …………………………. 305
14. Taxation and the Constitution …………………………………….. 311
15. Health Care and the Constitution ………………………………… 325
16. Education and the Constitution …………………………………… 335
17. Entitlements and the Constitution……………………………….. 343
18. Religion, Morality, and the Constitution ……………………… 365
19. Freedom of Speech and Assembly and the
Constitution ……………………………………………………….. 371
20. The Right to Bear Arms and the Constitution ……………… 379
Turn Limits and the Constitution …………………………………. 387
Campaign Finance Reform and the Constitution ………… 395
Immigration and the Constitution ………………………………. 405
Children Born to Non-Citizens Parents and the
Constitution ……………………………………………………………….. 415
Illegal Aliens and the Constitution ……………………………… 419
National Defense and the Constitution ………………………. 429
Foreign Policy and the Constitution ……………………………. 437
A Federal Balanced Budget and the Constitution ………. 445
A National Citizenship of Service and the
Constitution ………………………………………………………..451
The Republic and the Constitution ………………………………459