
Unification of Italy and Germany (“Nation building of the mid-19th c.”)
The Concert of Europe
* 1848 had been a year of revolutions, but in almost every instance the conservative powers of Europe—
France, Prussia, Russia, Austria, and England—had worked together to prevent liberal reforms from
taking hold
* The Europe of Metternich was to be maintained even after he was ousted
Italy in 1850
1. Kingdom of Sardinia/Piedmont
2. Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
3. The Papal States
1. Venetia
2. Lombardy
3. Tuscany
4. Parma
5. Modena
Feeling of Risorgimento, Italian resurgence, was sweeping through the regional and nationalism was
gaining support. The people felt Italy needed to be one nation, but how? And who?
Revolution led by the idealists and liberals?
A federated government led by the pope?
A constitutional monarchy as found in Sardinia and led by moderate nationalists?
Building the Italian Nation: Two Views
Mazzini and Romantic
* What three visions does he set out in
this excerpt?
* How is he Romantic?
* How is revolutionary?
Farini the National Society
1. How is Austria the
2. Why is Farina a
3. Why should Italy be
politically united?
Leaders of Italian Unification
* Count Camillo Benso di Cavour (1810-1861)
* Giuseppe Garibaldi (18-7-1882)
Timeline of Italian Unification
* 1848 – Hapsburg areas rebel, Sardinia fails to help them overthrow Austrian rule
* 1850 – Cavour plots with Napoleon III, help vs. Austria in exchange for Nice and Savoy
* 1859 – Sardinia provokes war w/Austria
o Magenta – French Sardinians defeat Austrians
o Solferino – Austrians defeated again
o Hapsburg areas hurry to join with Sardinia, but Napoleon III fearing Sardinia will become too
strong, pulls out of the war, signs treaty with Austria
* 1859 – Sardinia acquires Lombardy, Parma, Tuscany, Moderna, and part of the Papal States
* 1860 – Garibaldi and his “Red Shirts” liberate the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
* 1861 – Cavour and Garibaldi join forces and Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia becomes king of Italy
* 1866 – Venetia added as spoils of Austro-Prussian War
* 1870 – Rome is taken as French leave city
Count Cavour as a Leader
Your text makes the statement, “The spirit of Machiavelli must have smiled over the enterprise
The Germans unlike the Italians could only look back at a splintered past. They drew their national fervor
from Romantic ideals.
Johann von Herder – civilizations come from the genuine culture of the common people, the VOLK. Each
culture has its own unique historical character – VOLKSGEIST-the Spirit (genius) of the people.
George Wilhelm Hegel was history as a series of clashes between the old and the new, a synthesis of both.
Foresaw the creation of a new national-state out of the disunion of the German states.
Bismark: the Architect of Union
* has nothing to do with being liberal
* Prime Minister of Prussia
* Conservative
* Wanted Prussia to become the preeminent power over Austria
* The means justify the ends – Realpolitik
Bismark believed –
Nationalism was inevitable, thus control it
Middle class who supported liberal reforms was to economically wealthy to ignore, thus control the
liberal reform
Wars are inevitable, thus control them
Bismark used the mood of this age to achieve his strong goals—to have Prussia be firmly in control of
strong power
“…The great decisions of the day will not be decided by speeches and majority decisions—that was the
mistake of 1848-1849—but by iron and blood.” --- Bismarck’s first speech as minister
Timeline to Unification
* 1863 – Denmark moves to annex two German-speaking provinces, Schleswig and Holstein
* 1864 – DANISH WAR: Prussia allies with Austria to defeat Denmark
* 1865 – Holstein governed by Austria, Schleswig by Prussia
* 1865 – isolates Austria diplomatically
* 1866 – AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR – arguments over Holstein erupt and Austria declares war on Prussia (Seven Weeks War)
o Austria surrendered Holstein
o Austria surrendered Venetia
o Austria gave up any control over Northern German states
* 1867 – Prussia annexed Hanover, Hesse, Nassau, and Frankfort, formed the North German Confederation
o Ems Telegram
o France declared war on Prussia – July 19
+ Paris surrendered/Second Empire collapsed
o William I becomes the German Kaiser