style quiz- end of novel

Anthem End of Chapter Quiz
Please hand this in with your reading book upon completion of the quiz.
YOUR TASK: In the “style” section of your Anthem Reading Log, you wrote down two examples of each rhetorical device Ayn Rand used in the novel.
Choose ONE example for EACH rhetorical device. Below the example (simply circle the example chosen) write an analytical paragraph explaining how the
readers gain a better understanding of the characters or plot through the rhetorical device used.
Sentence Starters:
1. Because Ayn Rand used personification (or any of the other four rhetorical devices) the reader learns…….
2. Metaphors (or any of the other four rhetorical devices) are useful to readers because…… We can see this in Anthem when Ayn Rand……
3. The rhetorical device used by Rand further allows readers to see…..
Words From the Wise One (that would be me)
1. No you, please.
2. Capitalize, please.
3. Address the quote, don’t generalize, please.
Rhetorical Devices Scale
SCORE: ____________________
Common Core Standards Evaluated: RL.CS.4: Determine meaning of words and phrases as used in the text, including figurative language and connotative meanings; analyze the
cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. L.9-10.5a Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text.
Student shows a lack of understanding of rhetorical devices used by an author.
Student may be able to identify a rhetorical device but must do so with teacher
Student is unable to articulate why an author uses specific rhetorical devices.
Student can identify a rhetorical device without teacher help.
Student can identify a rhetorical device without teacher help.
Student can identify a rhetorical device without teacher help.
Student shows a lack of understanding of the purpose of the rhetorical device.
Student can make a basic and superficial claim about why an author uses a rhetorical device
but the claim does not clarify the role of the rhetorical device in the text.
Student shows an understanding of the purpose of the rhetorical device in a work of
Student can make analytical claims about the role of the rhetorical device in the text.
Student can articulate what the reader learns about the characters or plot from the
rhetorical device.
Student can complete task at a LEVEL 3 and can explain how the element deepens, clarifies
or enriches a reader’s understanding of an idea. The writer can also identify how the
rhetorical device fits into a writer’s pattern of diction and presentation.
Paragraphing Scale
Score: ____________
W.PDW.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
Topic Sentence (TS)
Context (Cx)
Concrete Detail (CD)
Commentary (Cm)
TS is a statement of
interpretation or opinion that is
accurate to the text; shows
insight and inference.
Cx is sufficient to introduce the CD, and
gives necessary background for the reader
to understand the text evidence.
CD is properly quoted and cited, is integrated into a sentence,
and illustrates the TS point in a way that encourages
Cm deconstructs the CD by identifying which
parts of the evidence prove the TS, and why;
the Cm also articulates how the TS premise is
relevant to the work as a whole.
TS is a statement of
interpretation or opinion that is
accurate to the text; shows
TS is a statement of fact, is
accurate to the text, but perhaps
is not interpretive.
Cx is present but is either too general or
too specific.
CD is properly quoted and cited, is integrated into a sentence,
and illustrates the TS point without simply restating it.
Cm explains how the CD evidence given
supports (proves) the TS premise.
Cx is present but does not give adequate
information to prepare the reader for the
text example.
CD is properly quoted and cited, is integrated into a sentence,
but is “direct” or “declarative” rather than “illustrative”; the CD
might simply repeat the TS.
Cm explains how the CD evidence given
supports (proves) the TS premise; elaboration
is needed to further interpret the evidence.
TS is missing or not identifiable;
TS does not address the writing
task or prompt.
Cx is missing, inaccurate, or not
CD is missing, “naked” or incorrectly cited, OR
CD does not clearly connect with the TS proposition.
Cm is missing, inaccurate, or not identifiable.