IPHY 3430 3-31-11 Skeletal Muscle Metabolism Use of ATP 1. Provide power stroke of myosin 2. Binding causes detachment of cross bridge on myosin and actin cross bridge binding site 3. Active transport of Ca++ into vesicles 4. Action potential of muscle membrane Skeletal Muscle Metabolism Temporal variation in supply of ATP as exercise starts 1. Creatine phosphate 2. Aerobic ATP production myoglobin donates O2 3. Glycolysis with lactic acid formation Fatigue Muscle fatigue 1) depletion of glycogen (more low intensity) 2) accumulation of lactic acid 3) conduction failure (K+ buildup) 4) Inhibition of cross-bridge cycling Central fatigue 1) brain no longer adequately activates motor neurons Muscle Fiber Types Slow oxidative Fast oxidative Fast glycolytic myosinATPase low contrct. speed slow fatigue resist. high oxidative phos. activity high glycolytic activ. low mitochondria high myoglobin high glycogen content low blood supply high high fast intermed. high fast Low high intermed high high intermed. high low high low low High low Muscle fiber types of world-class athletes Event % slow twitch long dist. 64.4 800 m 51.9 100 m 24.0 shotput 37.7 couch pot. 52.6 glycolytic oxidative 764 16.6 868 14.8 1287 12.9 1058 4.3 822 7.4 Other muscle fiber data Animal high oxidative Quarter horse 7% heavy hunter 31% greyhound mongrel 3% 31% hummingbird turkey 100% 1% low oxidative 93% 69% 97% 69% 0 99% Training Effects Aerobic vascularity, FA oxidative capacity, mitochondria, triglyceride storage, lactate dehydrogenase activity Strength diameter of fast, glycolytic fibers, myosin and actin, and in number of cells 5 mo weight training --> 11% circumf., 28% in strength 5 mo immobiliz.--> 5% circumf., 35% strength Smooth Muscle differs from skeletal actin, myosin and intermediate filaments that serve as cytoskeleton can be stretched very much and still contract actin lacks troponin, has tropomyosin myosin must be phosphorylated arrangement of actin and myosin differs slow contraction, can remain contracted for very long periods of time most cells myogenic, but also some can be stimulated by PNS Skeletal, cardiac and smooth all use ATP all have actin and myosin Ca++ plays some role in contraction initiation but... Skeletal innervation motor contr. initiat. neurogenic Ca++ source sarcopls. ret. T tubules yes Cardiac Smooth PNS, SNS myogenic xtracell. yes PNS both xtracell. no