
Female Reproductive Organs consists of
 Ovaries
 Uterine Tubes/ Fallopian Tubes
 Uterus
 Vagina
 External Genitalia
 Mammary Glands
Internal Reproductive Organ
Located within the pelvis between urinary
bladder and the rectum.
Uterus and vagina are in the midline,
ovary in each sides of the uterus
Internal organ are held in place within the
pelvis by a group of ligaments
2 ovaries, almond shape organ, measuring 4x 2 cm
(1.5x0.75 inches)
Suspended in the pelvic cavity by ligament
Ovarian ligaments attaches the ovary to the superior
margin of the uterus
Ovaries are attached to the posterior surface 0f the
broad ligament by fold of peritoneum called the
Outer part of the ovary- dense connective tissue,
contains follicles. Each follicle contains an oocyte.
Inner part of the ovary- loose connective, where blood
vessel, nerve and lymphatic vessels are located
Uterine Tubes / Fallopian tubes
Extends from the uterus to the ovary.
4 inches long (10 cm)
They opened directly into the peritoneal cavity near each
ovary and receive the oocyte.
The opening of each uterine tube is surrounded by long,
thin processes called fimbriae.
The fimbriae nearly surround the surface of the ovary.
As soon as the oocyte is ovulated, it come into contact
with the surface of the fimbriae.
Cilia on the fimbriae surface sweep the oocvte into the
uterine tube
Fertilisation occurs in the ampulla region of the tube.
Pear shape organ with thick muscular wall.
In young nulliparous adult, it measures 3 inches long (8
cm), 2 inches wide (5 cm), I inch (2.5 cm) thick.
Divided into body, fundus, cervix.
Fundus- part of the uterus that lies above the entrance
of the uterine tubes.
Body- Part of the uterus that lies below the entrance of
the uterine tubes. It narrow below where it becomes
continous with the cervix.
The cervix pierces the anterior wall of the vagina and
divided into supravaginal part and vaginal part of the
Cavity- triangular shape in coronal section.
Cavity of the cervix- cervical canal
Cervical canal communicate with the uterine cavity through the
internal os and communicate with the vagina through the external
Uterine wall is composed of 3 layers- serous layer (perimetrium),
muscular layer (myometrium), inner layer (endometrium).
Endometrium consist of simple columnar epithelial cell with an
underlying connective tissue layer. Endometrial glands are formed
by fold of endometrium.
Superficial part of the endometrium is sloughed off during
Supported by broad ligament and round ligament (minor
Much support is provided inferiorly by skeletal muscle of
the pelvic floor (levator ani muscles) and condensations
of the pelvic fascia which forms 3 important ligaments transverse cervical ligaments, pubocervical ligaments
and sacrocervical ligaments.
If ligaments or muscles that support the uterus are
weakened, the uterus can extend inferiorly or descend
into the vagina, a condition called prolapsed uterus.
Female organ of copulation.
Functions to receive penis during intercourse. Functions to receive
penis during intercourse.
Measures 3 inches long (8 cm)
Upper half of the vagina lies above the pelvic floor and the lower
half within the perineum.
The area of vaginal lumen which surrounds the cervix is divided into
4 region- anterior fornix, posterior fornix, right lateral and left
Hymen- thin mucosal fold surrounds the entrance into the vaginal
orifice. After child birth the hymen consist of hymen tags.
Also allow menstrual flow and child birth.
External Genitalia (Vulva)
Consists of vestibule and its surroundig structures.
The vestibule is the space into which the vagina and the urethra
Urethra opens just anterior to the vagina.
The vestibule is bordered by a pair of thin, longitudinal skin fold
called labia minora.
A small erectile structure called the clitoris is located in the anterior
margin of the vestibule.
2 labia minora unite over the clitoris to form a fold of skin called the
On each side of the vestibule, between the vaginal opening and the
labia minora, are opening of the greater vestibular gland-produce
lubricating fluid that helps maintain the moistness of the vestibule
External Genitalia (Vulva)
Labia majora- lateral to labia minora
2 labia majora unite anteriorly called the mon
Medial surface of the labia majora are covered
with numerous sebaceous and sweat glands.
The space between the labia majora called the
pudendal cleft.
Region between the vagina and the anus is the
clinical perineum.
Oocyte Development
Primordial Follicle- primary oocyte
surrounded by a single layer of flat cells
(granula cells).
Primordial follicles – Primary follicle –
secondary follicle – mature follicle –
ovulation – corpus luteum– corpus albican
Ovarian Cycle
Hormon involved
 GnRH from hypothalamus
 FSH, LH from Pituitary anterior
 Estrogen from ovary
 Progesteron from ovary
Menstrual Cycle
 Menstrual cycle- Series of changes that occur in sexually
mature, non pregnant female.
 Menses- bleeding that occur during which part of the
endometrium sloughed and expelled from the uterus.
 Typically menstrual cycle every 28 days. Menstrual cycle
can be as short as 18 days or as long as 40 days.
 Menstrual cycle results from the cyclical changes that
occur in the endometrium of the uterus (controlled by
the secretions of FSH, LH from the anterior pituatary
 Menstrual Flow usually 4-6 days.
 Ovulation occurs at day 14 of menstrual cycle
Menstrual Cycle
Proliferative phase
Time between ending of menstruation and
ovulation. Maturing follicles in ovary mature.
Follicles produce estrogen and act on
endometrial gland start to form.
Time between ovulation and the next menses is
called the secretory phase (luteal phase)
Series of Cyclical hormon changes occur during
menstrual cycle.
Menstrual Cycle
If fertilization occurs, the zygote undergoes several cell
divisions to produce a collection of cells called the
Blastocysts arrives the uterus by 7-8 days after
ovulation. The endometrium is prepared to receive the
If secondary oocyte is not fertilize , the endometrium is
sloughs away as a result of declining progestero. Unless
the secondary oocyte is fertilized, the CL begin to
produce less progesterone by day 24-25 of the MC.
By day 28, declining progesterone causes endometrium
to slough away to begin menses and the next menstrual
40-50 yrs
Declining ovarian function