Educational Master Plan Timeline Date Action Accountability Aug. 22, 2008 Submit next set of changes IE Office Sept. 4, 2008 Deliver 4th Draft GKK Sept. 8, 2008 Review @ Chancellor’s Executive Cabinet Chancellor, Presidents, and IE Office Oct. 1, 2008 Submit changes & missing program reviews to GKK IE Office & CIOs Oct. 10, 2008 Deliver 5th Draft GKK Oct. 13, 2008 Submit to PGC and CCC for Feedback/Approval Presidents Nov. 10, 2008 Submit final changes to GKK Presidents, Chancellor, IE Office Nov. 18, 2008 Board First Reading IE Office & Chancellor Dec. 16, 2008 Board Approval Chancellor "Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ Missing Program Reviews WHCL • • • • Geology *Health Science (General) *Health Science (Pre-Professional) Physics WHCC • • • • • • • • • • Agriculture Economics Education Geography Geology Performing Arts Philosophy Physical Education Social Science Sociology "Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ List of Updates to EMP 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Persistence rates Transfers Athletics section Financial aid information Online students concurrent enrollment and cities of residence. 6. High school students concurrent enrollment 7. Lemoore - Information on Active Military students 8. Number of hours students work 9. Enrollment and scheduling by time of day 10. Incorporate Student Services Plan into EMP a) Dorms, International Students, Food Services, CCSSE…. b) Include assessment, program goals, and challenges and opportunities for non-instructional programs. "Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ "Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ 2007-2008 Targets Target 1,358 868 Actual 1,344 902 + / - Target -14 35 % Growth from previous year 2.1% 14.01% 2,225 2,246 21 6.6% 1,389 887 1,337 989 -51 101 6.0% 3.3% 2,276 2,326 50 4.8% 331 236 456 304 125 68 7.5% -4.7% 567 760 193 2.2% Lemoore @ 58% Coalinga @ 42% 3,077 1,991 3,137 2,195 59 204 4.5% 6.1% District Total 5,068 5,332 264 5.2% 5,068 175 -5,049 -10 184 5,332 175 -5,049 -10 447 College Lemoore @ 61% Coalinga @ 39% Total FA07 (44%) Lemoore @ 61% Coalinga @ 39% Total SP08 (45%) Lemoore @ 58% Coalinga @ 42% Total SU08 (11%) District Total + Carried from SU07 - Target - High School PE Carry to 08-09 "Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™ 2008-2009 Targets 2008-2009 FTES Targets College Lemoore @ 60% Coalinga @ 40% Target 1,305.9 870.6 % Growth from previous year -2.8% -3.5% Total FA08 (42%) 2,176 -3.1% Lemoore @ 57% Coalinga @ 43% 1,299.6 980.4 -2.8% -0.8% 2,280.1 -2.0% 435.3 290.2 -4.6% -4.6% Total SU09 (14%) 725.5 -4.6% Total Lemoore @ 59% Total Coalinga @ 41% 3,040.8 2,141.2 -3% -2% 5,182.0 -3% Total SP09 (44%) Lemoore @ 60% Coalinga @ 40% District Total Total FTES + Carried from SU08 - Target @ 2% Growth - High School PE Carry to 09-10 5,182.0 447.5 -5,150.0 -10.0 469.5 "Once You Go Here, You Can Go Anywhere" ™