
Question 1
Purchasing decisions within organizations are often made by more than one person, the ‘decision
making unit’ (DMU). Which of the following statements about the DMU is correct?
A. The role of the influencer is only relevant in the contracting phase.
B. Buyers have the final responsibility for the purchasing decision.
C. ‘Gatekeepers’ control the information that flows to other members of the DMU.
D. User and influencer roles can never be combined in one person.
Question 2
Below you see a picture which is a visual illustration of one of the principles of Gestalt
psychology. Which principle is illustrated here?
A. Figure and ground
B. Grouping
C. Closure
D. Selective attention
Question 3
The purchasing portfolio analysis of Kraljic characterizes products on two dimensions. These dimensions
A. Profitability and number of suppliers
B. Impact of product on the bottom line and number of suppliers
C. Supply risk and impact of product on bottom line
D. Strategic influence and supply risk
Question 4
Learning is all pervasive in our lives, but there are two different theories on how people learn: the
________ theories and the ________ theories.
A. behavioural; affective
B. cognitive; rational
C. behavioural; cognitive
D. emotional; affective
Question 5
The first part of this course was set up along the Consumer Decision Model (a.k.a. the EKB model).
Below are 2 statements about this model:
I. In the steps of the information processing process, “attention” directly follows “exposure”
II. In the steps of the decision process, “need recognition” directly follows “information search” Which
of these statements is/are true?
A. Statement I is true, statement II is false
B. Statement I is false, statement II is true
C. Statement I and II are both true
D. Statement I and II are both false
Question 6
Which of the statements about the integrity and trust in B2B relationships is TRUE?
A. Trust can be requested or asked for by a person.
B. As companies become more dependent on each other, trust becomes more important.
C. Ethical behavior by a buyer in relation to negotiations is not important for a company.
D. None of the statements above are true.
Question 7
Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahnemann are known for identifying three heuristics that people often apply
to estimate frequencies, probabilities, and magnitudes in (strategic) decision making. Which of the
following is NOT a heuristic they identified?
A. Availability heuristic
B. Anchor-and-adjustment heuristic
C. Representativeness heuristic
D. Systematic processing heuristic
Question 8
When measuring attitudes using the multiattribute attitude model, the concept of modal salient beliefs
is important. What are modal salient beliefs?
A. A limited list of product advantages in a given population
B. The belief that the majority of individuals in a population hold towards the most important product
C. A set of beliefs that are notable and relevant in a given population
D. None of the above adequately describes modal salient beliefs
Question 9
Multi-attribute models that measure attitudes have several shortcomings. Which of the following is NOT
one of them?
A. They do not inform marketers on the key factors in new product development
B. Attributes in expectancy value models are noncompensatory
C. They assume that individuals are highly involved and rationally weigh information
D. All the answers above indicate shortcomings of multi-attribute models
Question 10
Which of the statements about the purchasing policy of a governmental agency is NOT correct according
to Van Weele (2010)?
A. The purchasing policy of the government is primarily focused on meeting material needs.
B. The budget policy determines that goods that are budgeted in a certain period need to be ordered in
this same period.
C. Order procedures at governmental organizations are generally focused on realizing the lowest total
cost of ownership (TCO).
D. Governmental organizations often prefer to order from local suppliers.
Question 11
Which of the statements below about the category sourcing plan is NOT correct?
A. All sections of a category sourcing plan need to be considered, in order to get to an effective sourcing
B. A category sourcing plan should contain the most important products of an organization.
C. A part of a category sourcing plan is the analysis of historical data.
D. The internal negotiation, with regard to a sourcing strategy, is often more difficult and time
consuming than the external negotiation.
Question 12
Peter wants a new digital camera and will accept for consideration any camera with greater than 10
megapixel resolution. Peter is using a(n) ________.
A. lexicographic decision rule
B. affect referral decision rule
C. disjunctive decision rule
D. conjunctive decision rule
Question 13
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a theoretical framework that describes what factors
influence an individual’s attitudes and intentions towards using new technologies. On what other, more
general theory, is TAM built?
A. Social judgment theory
B. Elaboration likelihood model
C. Subjective norm theory
D. Theory of reasoned action
Question 14
The purchasing portfolio approach is often used for the classification of services. Which of the following
statements about the purchasing portfolio classification is FALSE?
A. Cleaning is an example of a leverage product.
B. Advertisement is an example of a strategic service.
C. Maintenance of the green space is a routine service.
D. Accountancy is an example of a specialist service.
Question 15 The formula Aobj = ∑ biei describes the expectancy-value model of attitude formation, and is
also known as the multi-attribute attitude model. In this formula, what does the ei term mean?
A. A person’s evaluation of attribute i
B. A person’s strength of the belief that object has attribute i
C. A person’s expected value of product i
D. A person’s expected value of attribute i
Q1: C
Q2: A
Q3: C
Q4: C
Q5: A
Q6: B
Q7: D
Q8: C
Q9: B
Q10: C
Q11: A
Q12: C
Q13: D
Q14: D
Q15: A