Slide 1 - Cannon River STEM School

Welcome to Band!
My name is Mr. Schafer
This PowerPoint is a highlight
of the program, practice tips, as
well as links to helpful and
educational sites for you!
Welcome to the
Cannon River S.T.E.M. School!
National Music Standards
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied
repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and
4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7. Evaluating music and music performances.
8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and
disciplines outside the arts.
9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Elements of Music
Terms: beat, tempo, dynamics, rhythm, and expression
Technique: articulation, slurs, tonguing, sticking, grip,
and posture.
Music Class Plan
Each class has a social contract, in which
they agree to follow.
•TAB In. Go to break chair in the room.
•TAB Out. Fill out break sheet, and go over
break sheet with Mr. Schafer after class.
•Sent to Nalani’s office, with teacher, student
conference and call or email home.
Attention Procedure
“Give Me Five”
Stop what you are doing
Look at the teacher
Listen for directions
Sample Grading Rubric
4-very strong sound, quality tone for instrument
3-solid sound, clear and open tone
2-tone sounds pinched, forced
1-lacks a solid, full tone, recommend mouthpiece playing and smooth
Rhythm and Beat
4-very strong sense of beat/rhythm
3-solid sense of beat/rhythm
2-the beat/rhythm is emerging
1-no beat/rhythm evident
needs support with metronome
Posture /
Air Support
4-has feet, back, and arms, and releases air fully.
3-has three out of three correct, releasing most of air.
2-has two out of three correct, some air support
1-has one out of three correct lacks air support
Recommend long tones
The items assessed in the rubric may change depending on the trimester yet
the overall scale will be similar.
Students have a three question personal goal sheet to fill out,
three per trimester.
1. List one part of your playing you want to improve upon this
2. A. Write down specifically how you worked on achieving this
B. Do you think you were successful this week at achieving
your goal? Circle yes or no. Why or why not?
3.Who did you play for at home this group lesson period?
Have that person write down two positive comments after they
have listened to you play and sign the goal sheet below.
Student Signature:
Listener Signature:
Cleaning and Care
Brass Instrument Care
(Trumpet, Trombones, French horn, Baritones, Tuba)
Put a decent amount of dish soap in the bathtub or plastic storage bin. The tub or plastic storage
bin could be lined with a towel to prevent scratches. Put a stopper in the tub, and/or make a
After the tub is 3-6’’ high with water, and before you put your instrument in the tub, remove all
tuning slides, valve caps and valves and set aside! (necessary to protect the valves/slides)
Submerge your brass instrument in the water.
Run your cleaning snake through the instrument starting at the mouthpiece entrance. Continue
through the instrument until you can pull it out of the bell. Flush the instrument with water.
Place your instrument on a towel outside of the tub.
Put ONLY your tuning slides in the tub and make sure you are secure with them while handling
them. Run your snake through your tuning slides. Flush them out with water. (Valves can not get
Place your tuning slides on a towel outside of the tub. Once your slides are dry, you can apply
slide grease.
Oil your valves put them back into your instrument. Most trumpets/baritones need the numbers facing
toward the mouthpiece.
Cleaning and Care
Woodwind Instrument Care
(Clarinet, Flute, and Saxophone)
• For clarinets, you must put your cleaning swab through the instrument after every playing. Start at
the bell and drop it through the instrument with the weighted piece first.
• For saxophones you should first remove your mouthpiece and then use your cleaning rod and push it
back and forth through the instrument after every playing.
• To apply cork grease, lightly put the grease around the cork. Wipe your hands off. You DO NOT need
a large amount of grease!
• For flutes, use a white cloth (thin cotton material, handkerchief material) and put it through the hole
that is in your cleaning rod. Lightly push it through your flute going in and out.
The woodwind instruments have pads in them to seal the holes. This seal allows the air to pass
through open holes of the instrument. Your thumb and fingers also produce a seal when covering
the holes.
These pads CAN NOT get wet with water! The pads need to be dry to stay in great condition and
create a seal.
You should polish your flute as much as possible to keep it clean, since metal gathers finger prints
quite well.
I will let parents know through email or phone calls which instrument they should rent or buy by the second
week of school.
• Warm-Up
Use long, slow, and low tones.
• Brass players buzz on the mouthpiece.
• Woodwind players play using your mouthpiece
and barrel or neck.
• Articulation
Use the syllable "ta, ti, or tu" and play a five
note scale pattern up and down.
Ex: C,D,E,F,G then G,F,E,D,C
• Slurs
Use the same five note scale and slur the notes
up and down.
Listen to music before you play to get your mind
ready to practice.
•Always spend time sight
reading a new song every
other week. One way to do
this to look ahead, either in our
Essential Elements or band
sheet music.
•Make sure to practice naming notes,
fingerings, clapping rhythms and dont
forget to sing your band music!
•"Listen to it, Sing it in your head, sing it
out loud, and play it"
•Use nonsense syllables such as: dah,
du or bum when singing your band
Practice Ideas
• Daily 15-20 minutes
• minimum 4 days a week
• Buy a tuner / metronome
• Tune - o - Rama tuner app
• Steinway metronome app
• "Be consistent, and NEVER
• "Never have any tension in the
body when playing, just learn to
always relax."
- Adolph "Bud" Herseth
"I will help you keep the
beat, play in tune, and
create great music!"
"Please use me!"
Dr. Mark Dma, elementary age but concepts are applicable
Canadian Brass, Empire Brass, Dallas Brass
James Gallaway - Flute
Benny Goodman- clarinet
Stan Getz- saxophone
Wynton Marsalis - trumpet
Joseph Alessi- trombone
Gary Burton- percussion
Recommended Musical sites, CD’s, and DVD’s for CRSS Students
By Mr. Schafer
DVD’s: Ken Burns Jazz(for adults) Marsalis on Music, STOMP, Blast,
Blue Man Group
(for kids)
CD’s: Louie Armstrong plays Disney, Greg and Steve, Jazz for Kids:
Sing, Clap, Wiggle and Shake
Websites:,, jazz at Lincoln center
Band Parent Information
•I would like to have the students bring their instruments and Essential Elements book by the second week of
school. The book comes with a DVD and cd, available for $8.99 @ or The Music Mart
and Eastman Music for $8.99 and percussion book is $14.99)
•Eastman Music and The Music Mart have Conn-Selmer Cleaning Kits: Brass $15-20 – polishing cloth,
snake, mouthpiece cleaner, valve oil, slide grease. Woodwind: $15-20
•I would like interested saxophone students to consider clarinet first, unless they have prior experience with a
•Eastman’s first month’s rental price of $25-30 is good for 90 days. After the thirty days, the rent is $25-30
per month.
•Music Mart has an offer of rent one month and you receive two months free.
Music Mart and Eastman Music are both using a rent to own concept. This is where you pay the month to
month rental price until you reach the value of the instrument. Once this value is reached it is yours to own.
Music Mart has a 20% discount after purchase price is reached through renting, if parents decide to purchase
the instrument
Purchased Price
Rented Price
Eastman Music
Rented Price
The Music
Geimeinhart, Selmer,
Jupiter Bundy, Yamaha
E $400-800
MM= $600-700
$ 30-40 /month
$ 25-30 / month
Selmer, Yamaha, Bundy
$ 30-40 /month
$ 25-30 / month
Yamaha, Bach, Jupiter,
E $400-800
MM= $600-700
E $400-800
MM= $700-900
$ 30-40 /month
$ 25-30 / month
Yamaha, Bach, Jupiter,
E $400-800
MM= $700-900
$ 30-40 /month
$ 25-30 / month
Selmer, Bach
E $1200-1500
MM= $1300-1500
$ 55-60 /month
$ 50 / month
Snare drum w/ stand
bells and stand
E= $400-500
MM= $500
$22-32 / month
$30 / month