No Taxation - John Bowne High School

Aim: How did tensions between Britain and the
Colonists after the French and Indian War lead to the
American Revolution?
Copy the timeline of events below.
French and
Indian War
1651-1673 Proclamation
Of 1763
The Sugar
Stamp Act
Tea Act
Boston Masacre
Boston Tea Party
Quick Review: French and Indian War (7 years war)
French and Indian war (1754-1765),
was the conflict between French
and British in North America.
The French and the British were fighting over the Appalachian territory.
Effect :
Britain abandons policy of Salutary neglect
and begins to strictly enforce the Navigation
Britain imposes Sugar Tax on the colonists to
generate money to pay for war debt .
Britain enforces Proclamation Line of 1763
• In pairs, use the reading to complete your
Chart on the Events Leading to American War
for Independence
• Description= What was it?
• Significance= Why was it important?
• Colonial Response= How did the colonists
react to these events?
The Navigation Acts (1651-1673)
The English Navigation
Acts were a series of laws
that restricted the use of
foreign shipping for trade
between England and the
Cause: England wanted to
force colonies to trade with
them ONLY
and stop direct colonial
trade with other countries.
Effect: Irritation with stricter enforcement of the Navigation acts after the
French and Indian War became one source of resentment by merchants in
the American colonies
Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763- The British
prohibited colonial Settlement west of
the Appalachians .
Native Americans were upset after
the defeat and were attacking
Britain did not want to provoke the
Britain wanted peace because more
war would equal need to spend more
Colonist become very upset
because of restrictions
Colonies begin to unify
Native Indians are
Angry over loss of
Colonist must stay
East of the line
Proclamation of 1763
The Sugar Act of 1764
The Sugar Act placed a tax on sugar, wine, and other important
goods in the colonies.
Cause: The British wanted more money
to help provide more security for the
The British wanted to force colonists to
sell their goods to Britain as opposed to
selling to other countries.
The Sugar Act made the colonies very
Trade restrictions caused colonist to
lose money
Some colonists started to boycott, or to
quit buying, British goods.
Stamp Act of 1765
Britain taxed all legal, commercial and printed
paper documents, as well as other materials
newspapers, customs documents, licenses,
college diplomas, playing cards, etc…
Items would be stamped when the tax was paid.
This was the first direct tax placed on the
The colonist were angered and boycotted All
paper goods and stores.
Offenders were to be tried in vice-admiralty
courts without a jury
The Declaratory Act of 1766
Although the Stamp Act was repealed by Parliament in 1766, new laws
were passed and new policies were enforced in order to tie the colonists
more closely to their mother country:
CAUSE: To save face
Parliament issued the
declaration of 1766 .
The declaration stated that
Parliament's authority was
the same in America as in
Britain has the right and
authority to pass laws that
are binding on the American
Townshend Acts of 1765
Series of 1767 laws named for Charles
Townshend, British Treasurer to raise
British Revenue.
These laws placed new taxes on glass,
lead, paints, paper, and tea.
Colonial reaction to these taxes was the
same as to the Sugar Act and Stamp Act
Britain eventually repealed all the taxes
except the one on tea.
In 1768, Great Britain sends more troops
to the colonies to deal with resistance in the
Video Clips
• As we watch two short clips on the Boston
Massacre and the Boston Tea Party…
• Why were these events so significant?
• How did these events lead to the American
Boston Massacre
On March 5, 1770 British troops fired on a crowd of Bostonians, killing
five people. The event was called the Boston Massacre.
 The colonists were angered and believed that Britain maintained too
much power over the colonies through the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and
the Townshend Acts.
The First person killed was an African-American man named
Crispus Attacks, was killed.
Effect: Shooting showed the dangers of having British
troops in the colonial towns.
The events of the Boston Massacre were spread quickly by
newspapers throughout the colonies, further angering
Great Britain was forced to repeal all of the new taxes.
However, in order to send a message that they were still in
charge, they left the tax on tea in place.
Tea Act of 1773
Cause: Britain needing money to
pay for the French & Indian war
The Tea act of 1773 was an attempt
to assist the British East India
Company out of its financial troubles.
This act gave the company a
monopoly on the tea trade in the
By eliminating the middlemen, it made
the tea cheaper than the highly taxed
imported tea that the colonial
merchants sold.
Tea Act - This act helped the
British east India company by
giving it control over the American
tea trade
Colonist were angry because
they still had to pay tax on the
Merchants were upset about
new law because they still had to
pay tax on there tea.
Boston Tea Party
Colonist (called Sons of Liberty)
protested British taxation
by dressing up as Indians and throwing
tons of tea into the harbor.
This event became known as "the
Boston tea party”
Colonial resistance resulted in damage to
private property and Britain felt that it could
not let this episode go unpunished. The
result was the Five Intolerable Acts.
Intolerable (or Coercive) Acts of 1774
These were laws that enacted in response to the Boston Tea Party that
severely restricting the rights of colonists:
Quartering Act (March 24, 1765): This bill required that Colonial Authorities to furnish
barracks and supplies to British troops. In 1766, it was expanded to public houses and
unoccupied buildings…
Boston Port Bill (June 1, 1774): This bill closed the port of Boston to all colonists until,
the damages from the Boston Tea Party were paid for.
Administration of Justice Act (May 20, 1774): This bill stated that British Officials could
not be tried in provincial courts for capital crimes. They would be extradited back to
Britain and tried there. This effectively gave the British free reign to do whatever they
wished, because no justice would be served while they were still in the colonies.
Massachusetts Government Act (May 20, 1774): This bill effectively annulled the
charter of the colonies, giving the British Governor complete control of the town
meetings, and taking control out of the hands of the colonialists.
Quebec Act (May 20, 1774): This bill extended the Canadian borders to cut off The
western colonies of Conn. Mass. and Va.