Humanities-The American Experiment

Humanities-The American Experiment
Learning Period 2 Assessment Key
Name: ___________________________________________________
Date: _____________ Score: ____/40
Part I: Short Answer (1 Point)
1. List the 13 original colonies.
2. Name the document that was crucial in changing public opinion to support independence for the colonies.
3. The Boston Massacre was a response to his event.
4. What was the goal of most colonial protests?
5. Where did the Continental Army score its first victory?
6. What treaty confirmed U.S. independence and set the boundaries of the new nation?
7. The office of president of the United States was first established in this document.
8. Name the proposal that called for a two-house legislature with one house having equal representation for each state
and the other having representation based on population.
9. Provide the primary reason the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.
Humanities-The American Experiment
Learning Period 2 Assessment Key
10. This system was designed to prevent the dominance of one branch of government over the other two branches of
11. Who is considered the “Father of the Constitution”?
12. Where did the British surrender ending the Revolutionary War?
Part II: Match the Name & Purpose of the Act (1 Point)
a. The Proclamation of 1763
b. The Sugar Act
c. The Colonial Currency Act
e. The Stamp Act
f. The Declaratory Act g. The Townshend Acts
i. The Quebec Act
j. The Intolerable Acts
d. The Quartering Act
h. The Tea Act
13. _______ King George III and Parliament wanted to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party.
14. _______ Parliament canceled the Stamp Act, but said it had the right to govern and tax the colonies.
15. _______ England needed to raise money for the treasury. Sugar was taxed; duty on molasses was lowered; the Act
outlawed foreign sugar/molasses; a heavy tax on imports was enforced.
16. _______ Colonial government was forbidden to print currency; only gold and silver could be used to repay debts.
17. _______ This Act was put in place to settle problems in Canada. It allowed the French their customs and traditional
way of life.
18. _______ England wanted to raise money by taxing legal papers, pamphlets, newspapers, etc. with special tax
19. _______ England did not want to spend money defending frontier areas.
20. _______To raise money, taxes were placed on items like paint, glass, lead, paper, and tea.
21. _______It gave the British East India Company a monopoly to sell excess tea in the colonies. The British East India
Company had a surplus of tea in London warehouses.
22. _______ Colonists were to provide housing, food, and supplies for British troops.
23. ( 1 Point) Select one of the Acts from Part II. Describe how the Act affected the colonists and how the colonists
reacted to the Act?
Humanities-The American Experiment
Learning Period 2 Assessment Key
Part III: Multiple-Choice (1 Point)
24. Which is NOT true of the battles at Lexington and Concord?
a) They started the American Revolution.
b) The British found and destroyed the Massachusetts arsenal.
c) The militia fired on the British all the way back to Boston.
d) The militia ambushed the British in Concord.
e) Correspondents received a secret code and spread the information.
25. Who wrote Common Sense?
a) Nathan Hale
b) Patrick Henry
c) John Adams
d) Thomas Paine
e) George Washington
26. How did the colonists plan to pay for a war?
a) By collecting (but keeping) the tax money that should have gone to Britain
b) By issuing Continental Currency and borrowing money
c) By sanctioning piracy against ships from non-cooperating nations
d) By selling frontier territory to land speculators
e) By collecting donations from among the delegates
27. Who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Samuel Adams
c) John Adams
d) Thomas Paine
e) John Locke
28. What concept was removed from the Declaration of Independence?
a) defense of independence
b) Separation of powers
c) Consent of the governed
d) Grievances against the King
e) Opposition to slavery
29. On what Enlightenment principle is the Declaration of Independence based?
a) The consent of the governed
b) Taxation without representation is tyranny
c) God helps those who help themselves
Humanities-The American Experiment
Learning Period 2 Assessment Key
d) Give me liberty or give me death!
e) I regret that I have only one life to give for my country
30. When was the Declaration of Independence approved?
a) January 16, 1776
b) April 19, 1775
c) July 4, 1776
d) September 11, 1763
e) May 10, 1776
31. Put these in chronological order, listing the earliest first:
I. Americans win at Saratoga
IV. Americans take Trenton
II. British forced from Boston
V. British capture New York
III. France joins America's side
32. Which action prompted France to join the war on America's side?
a) Winning the Battle of Trenton
b) Driving the British from Boston
c) Surrendering Philadelphia
d) Winning the Battle of Saratoga
e) Losing control of New York
Part IV: Main Idea Response (4 Points Each)
33. What did Jefferson mean, and not mean, by the phrase “All Men are Created Equal”?
34. How did France help the colonies during the American Revolution?
Bonus: (3 Points) Describe three significant challenges facing the United States when the American Revolution ended.