Trading Networks Group Activity

Trading Networks
Group Activity
Assignment: In your reading and in lecture, you have learned about three extremely important ancient trading networks.
The Silk Road, The Indian Ocean trade, and the Trans-Saharan trade were crucial for the exchange of goods and
ideas throughout the postclassical world. In groups of 4-6, you are going to research and develop a presentation
about one of the three trading networks. Your assignment should include all of the following:
1. Mental Map
- Map is drawn from the perspective of a person traveling along the assigned trade route.
- Map must be neat, colorful, and labeled accurately
- Major Civilizations, Bodies of Water, and Flow of goods must be labeled.
2. Power Point
- Make sure Power Point includes the following:
-maps of the trade routes
-include only short pithy statements in Power Point
-commodities exchanged( include luxury goods)
-cross cultural exchanges (diasporas communities,, diffusion of literary, artistic, & cultural traditions, diffusion of scientific & technology
- Biological exchanges ( diseases, agriculture etc.)
-discuss any government support of trade (Minting of coins, Use of paper money]
-technology used to facilitate trade( Caravanserais, camel saddles, dhows, Junks
3. Skit
- Skit must illustrate the key concepts for Trade Routes according AP World History framework.
- Skit can be interpretive, but must be based on historical fact.
- Skit must be at least 3-5 minutes long and easy to follow.
- Must include key terms, concepts, and ideas exchanged
- Include a written script
Total Project Points:
/150 pts
1.Indian Ocean Trade
2. Silk Roads Trade
3. Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
4. The Mediterranean Sea