Genes, Chromosomes and DNA A. Mendel and Peas simple inheritance patterns phenotype/genotype, dominant recessive heterozygous/homozygous, Mendels “laws” B. Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Chromosomes Cell division: mitosis and meiosis Gene linkage, crossing over, nondisjunction C. Molecular basis of Inheritance DNA structure and replication No two individual people are exactly alike, but most people resemble their parents Heredity was compared to mixing of fluids: WHY? “blending inheritance” No two individual people are exactly alike, but most people resemble their parents Heredity was compared to mixing of fluids: “blending inheritance” Gregor Mendel (1860’s) Lived in a Monestary Loved to garden Was very meticulous Pea Plants Reproduce sexually Have both male and female organs Have distinctive traits Started with pure-breeding plants Gregor Mendel (1860’s) Lived in a Monestary Loved to garden Was very meticulous Pea Plants Reproduce sexually Have both male and female organs adult sperm adult gametes gametes fertilized egg (zygote) adult egg Hermes messenger archer Hermes Aphrodite goddess of Love Aphrodite Hermes Aphrodite Hermes sperm Aphrodite egg Hermes Aphrodite Hermaphrodite female male Gregor Mendel (1860’s) Lived in a Monestary Loved to garden Was very meticulous Pea Plants Reproduce sexually Have both male and female organs Have distinctive traits (seed, flowers, size, etc) Fig 2-1 Gregor Mendel (1860’s) Lived in a Monestary Loved to garden Was very meticulous Pea Plants Reproduce sexually Have both male and female organs Have distinctive traits Started with pure-breeding plants Mendel crossed: tall plants X green seeds X round seeds X violet flowers etc… short plants yellow seeds wrinkled seeds X white flowers Mendel crossed: tall plants X green seeds X round seeds X violet flowers etc… An example: short plants yellow seeds wrinkled seeds X white flowers violet flowers X Parents (P)violet flowers x white flowers white flowers The offspring (F1) all had red flowers violet flowers X Parents (P)violet flowers x white flowers white flowers The offspring (F1) all had violet flowers Fig 2.3 violet flowers X Parents (P)violet flowers x white flowers white flowers The offspring (F1) all had violet flowers Red is dominant (it appears) White is recessive (it doesn’t show up) violet flowers X Parents (P)violet flowers x white flowers white flowers The offspring (F1) all had violet flowers Violet is dominant (it appears) White is recessive (it doesn’t show up) violet flowers X Parents (P)violet flowers x white flowers white flowers The offspring (F1) all had violet flowers Violet is dominant (it appears) White is recessive (it doesn’t show up) Fig 2-1 The physical “appearance” of the organism Phenotype The genetic makeup of the organism Genotype Are these violet plants the same? Fig 2.3 Mendel did a self cross (F1 cross) (F1 X F1) Fig 2.3 F1 cross F2 3/4 were violet fig 2.3 1/4 were white How did Mendel explain these results? see pages 36-37 in text •Inheritance of traits is controlled by factors (genes) •Everyone has two factors (genes) for each trait •There can be different forms of genes (alleles) e.g. violet vs white •Homozygous means alleles are identical Heterozygous means alleles are different •Dominant always show up (are expressed) Recessive can be masked •Factors (genes) don’t “blend” •Gametes (egg or sperm) contain only one factor (gene) •Two factors separate from each other (segregation) • How to solve genetics problems: – Define terms – Parent genotypes – Gamete genotypes – Punnett square Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. Define terms Violet White dominant recessive V v Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. Define terms 2. Parent genotypes Violet White dominant recessive V v Pure breeding violet plant would be V V Pure breeding white plant would be v v Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. Define terms 2. Parent genotypes Violet White dominant recessive V v Pure breeding violet plant would be V V homozygous dominant Pure breeding white plant would be v v homozygous recessive Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. Define terms 2. Parent genotypes 3. Gamete genotypes Violet White adult VV vv Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. Define terms 2. Parent genotypes 3. Gamete genotypes Violet White adult VV vv gamete V v Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. 2. 3. 4. Define terms Parent genotypes Gamete genotypes Punnett square Possible gametes from parent 1 Possible gametes from parent 2 Gene for flower color (violet vs white): 1. 2. 3. 4. Define terms Parent genotypes Gamete genotypes Punnett square V V v Vv Vv v Vv Vv P F1 F2 VV X vv All are V v (heterozygous) ?? F1 cross Do it! • Do Punnett square for F1 cross on board • Mendel’s first law: Law of segregation Factors (alleles, genes) separate from each other when gametes are produced fig 2.3 • We have just examined one trait (gene) Any questions? • Look now at two traits together: –Seed color –Seed shape Y=yellow, y = green R =round, r = wrinkled fig 2.4 Do the F1 cross (selfcross): YyRr x ? 1. 2. 3. 4. Define terms Parent genotypes Gamete genotypes Punnett square YyRr Do the F1 cross (selfcross): YyRr x Gametes ? (test hypotheses on board) 1. 2. 3. 4. Define terms Parent genotypes Gamete genotypes Punnett square YyRr yellow, round green, round yellow, wrinkled green, wrinkled 315 108 101 32 • Mendel’s first law: Law of segregation Factors (alleles, genes) separation from each other when gametes are produced • Mendel’s second law: Law of independent assortment How one pair of factors separate is independent of how all other pairs separate. Chapter 2 Chromosomal basis of inheritance Don’t know: Where are genes located ? Why do they exist as pairs ? Why do the assort independently ? Microscopes: •Organisms are made of cells •Cell has a central nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm fig 2.5 Organisms grow because their cells can divide to make more cells During cell division structures called chromosomes are visible in the “nucleus” We can now examine the chromosomes individually and see that they are different: centromere long arm short arm Count the chromosomes in gametes N Count the chromosomes in somatic cells 2N Count the chromosomes in gametes N Count the chromosomes in somatic cells 2N Count the chromosomes in gametes N haploid (single) Count the chromosomes in somatic cells 2N diploid (double) Examine the chromosomes in somatic cell more closely: They are found as pairs called homologous pairs (think socks) “socks” karyotype Sutton noticed •Eggs cells and sperm cells were very different in size, but the nucleus was about the same size. •Genes are probably in the nucleus •Chromosomes are in the nucleus •Therefore genes may be on chromosomes Chromosomal theory of Inheritance See page 41 of BT3 Mitosis (cell division) Mitosis (cell division) gamete vs somatic cell Mitosis (cell division) Mitosis (cell division) Fig 2.6 Mitosis (cell division) gamete vs somatic cell Mitosis (cell division) gamete vs somatic cell 2N 2N 2N Mitosis (cell division) Before cell division, cell is in interphase duplicate chromosomes fig 2.7 Cell cycle interphase telophase anaphase prophase metaphase M i t o s i s Cell Cycle Interphase Chromosomes duplicate Prophase Chromosomes condense Metaphase Chromosome line up at equator Anaphase Chromosomes separate and migrate Telophase Chromosomes reach “end” cytoplasm splits-cytokinesis fig 2-8(1) fig 2-8 (2) Cell Cycle Interphase Chromosomes duplicate Prophase Chromosomes condense Metaphase Chromosome line up at equator Anaphase Chromosomes separate and migrate Telophase Chromosomes reach “end” cytoplasm splits-cytokinesis Draw metaphase (of mitosis) Mitosis vs Meiosis Meiosis sexual reproduction adult adult meiosis sperm gametes fertilized egg (zygote) mitosis adult egg fig. 2-9 Mitosis Meiosis interphase interphase gametes telophase II telophase metaphase I prophase anaphase II anaphase prophase I anaphase I metaphase II metaphase telophase I prophase II interphase fig. 2-10 Gene linkage Genes are on chromosomes Chromosomes move during cell division If there are multiple genes on a chromosome…… …the genes should travel together fig. 2-11 Sex (cell division) XX XY Sex (cell division) XX on Y chromosome XY Chromosomal problems Diploid cells have 2N chromosomes (46) Gametes have N chromosomes (23) What if meiosis was abnormal? disjunction disjunction A B C A B C Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY) Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY) Characteristics may include: * Tallness with extra long arms and legs * Abnormal body proportions (long legs, short trunk) * Enlarged breasts * Lack of facial and body hair * Small firm testes * Small penis * Lack of ability to produce sperm * Diminished sex drive * Sexual dysfunction * Learning disabilities * Personality impairment Turner’s syndrome (X0) Turner’s syndrome (X0) Characteristics may include: * * * * * * short stature lack of ovary development webbed neck elbows bent “out” heart, kidney,thyroid problems bone problems Genes are OK… … have an abnormal # of chromosomes Genes, Chromosomes and DNA A. Mendel and Peas B. C. simple inheritance patterns phenotype/genotype, dominant recessive heterozygous/homozygous, Mendels “laws” Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance Chromosomes Cell division: mitosis and meiosis Gene linkage, crossing over, nondisjunction Molecular basis of Inheritance DNA structure and replication Molecular basis of inheritance What molecule(s) is (are) responsible for storing the genetic information? Molecular basis of inheritance Griffith transformation Hershey and Chase nucleic acid Chargaff nucleotides/ratios Watson and Crick double helix Molecular basis of inheritance What molecule(s) is responsible for storing the genetic information? •Carbohydrates •Nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) •Lipids •Proteins The molecule with P (nucleic acid) makes its way into the infected cells, not the molecule with S (protein). Is it DNA or RNA ? DNA, not RNA (sensitive to DNase) DNA Digest it Phosphate groups Bases (A, C, G, T) Sugars (deoxyribose) fig 2-20b fig 2-20b Cells have constant relative amounts of different bases: 31% A 19% G 31% T 19% C (for humans) Cells have constant relative amounts of different bases: 31% A 19% G [A] = [T] 31% T [C] = [G] 19% C (for humans) Watson and Crick Nucleotides(4) P-S-B Watson and Crick Nucleotides (4) S-P backbone P-S-B Watson and Crick Nucleotides (4) S-P backbone Linear strands Double helix P-S-B Watson and Crick Nucleotides (4) S-P backbone Linear strands Double helix P-S-B Watson and Crick Nucleotides (4) P-S-B S-P backbone Linear strands Double helix Bases are complimentary A and T C and G fig 2-21 With Watson and Crick’s double helix model it was easy to understand how a cell could copy all its genetic material DNA Replication fig 2-22 End of Chapter 2