8 English translation

English translation
8.1 Lower Limb Part A 181 Slides Eng and Dari 23 Pgs
1. Hip (os coxae)comprising of following part
a. Ilium,ischium
b. Ischium,coccyges
c. Ilium ,ischium,bubis
d. None
2. Term of pelvis means
a. Fossa
b. Basin
c. Tubercula
d. None
3. Differences between pelvis of male and female is due to which one of following requirements
a. Pregnancy
b. Abdominal viscera
c. Thoracic viscera
d. None
4. False pelvis (shallow) in female and (deep) in male
5. Pelvic outlet (wider) in female
6. Abnormality of the hip in which the angle between the top of the femur and the femoral shaft is
smaller than normal is name to following
a. Coxa vara
b. Rickets
c. Ostiomylitis
d. None
7. Coboid is related to bones of following joint
a. Wrist joint
b. Foot or ankle join
c. Metacarpale of hand
d. Metatarsals
8. Anterolateral abdominal wall external genitalia,part of lower limbs supplies by one of following
a. Lumbar plexus
b. Sacral plexus
c. Axilar plexus
d. None
9. Abdominal aorta in which region of vertebra divides into right and left common iliac arteries
a. In region of second sacral vertebra
b. In region of fourth lumbar vertebra
c. In region of first vertebra
d. None
Incompetent venous valves can cause veins become dilated and tortuous it called
a. Varicose veins
b. Edema
c. Infarction veins
d. None
Origin of psoas major and minor is
a. Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
b. Fossa sacrum
c. Processes of pelvic
d. None
The hip joint has following function
a. Extension and flexion
b. Abduction
c. Medial and lateral rotation
d. Extension,flexion,abduction,adduction,medial and lateral rotation
The acetabular labrum composed of
a. Fibroses
b. Cartilage
c. Fibrocartilage
d. None
The fibrous articular capsule is permitting one of following movement of the hip joint
a. Free movement
b. Internal movement
c. External movement
d. None
Which one of the following vein is more auspicious to varicose
a. Saphenous veins
b. Carotid vein
c. Coronary vein
d. None
Origin of piriformis is
a. Sacrum
b. Major femor torchanter
c. Processus of femor
d. None
Action of Gluteus maximus is
a. Extention of hip
b. Extention of hip joint
c. Extends thigh at hip joint, laterally rotates thigh
d. None
Superior gluteal artery supplies which one of following muscle
a. Three gluteal muscle
b. Three brachial muscle
c. Three abdominal muscle
d. Biceps muscle
19. Obturator nerve generally supplies which one of following muscle group
a. Adductor muscle group
b. Abductor muscle group
c. Flexion muscle group
d. None
20. Which nerve exits the pelvic cavity through the greater sciatic foramen below the piriformis
a. Sciatic nerve
b. Gluteal nerve
c. Femoral nerve
d. None
8.2 Lower Limb Part B 152 Slides Eng and Dari 19 Pgs
1. One of the four muscles that constitute the quadriceps femoris muscle is
a. Rectus femoris
b. Rectus obdominal
c. Rectus obdominal
d. None
2. The most lateral structure of the thigh is
a. Iliotibial tract
b. Rectus muscle
c. Medial tract
d. None
3. Insertion of Sartorius muscle is
a. Pes anserine tendon at upper tibia
b. Tendon of femoral
c. Lateral trochanter
d. None
4. Ilipsoas muscle supplies by which one of following artery
a. aorta artery
b. Carotid artery
c. Internal iliac artery
d. None
5. Rectus femoris innervated by one of following nerve
a. Femoral nerve
b. Tibial nerve
c. Ulnar nerve
d. None
6. In which part of thigh dose femoral triangle located
a. Superomedial thigh
b. In lateral thigh
c. In posterior thigh
d. In anterior thigh
7. Visible structures in femoral triangle is
a. Femoral nerve
b. Femoral artery
c. Femoral vein
d. All above
8. Posterior femoral cutaneous innervated by one of following nerve
a. Femoral nerve
b. Lumbar plexus
c. Sacral plexus
d. Obturator nerve
9. The popliteal fossa has one of following shaped
a. Diamond
b. Pyramid
c. Circle
d. Triangle
10. How many extracapsular ligament strengthen the knee joint
a. Five ligaments
b. Three ligaments
c. Four ligament
d. Five ligament
11. Sacs or pouches of synovial fluid located at friction point of joint is called
a. Bursa
b. Fossa
c. Tubercular
d. None
12. Knee joint supplies by which one of following artery
a. Femoral artery
b. Tibial nerve
c. Genecular artery
d. None
13. Posterior collateral ruptures usually occur in conjunction of following ligament
a. Ligament of tibia
b. Ligament of fibula
c. Tibial and fibular ligament
d. None
14. Lateral compartment of the leg innervated by one of following nerve
a. Peroneal nerve
b. Femerol nerve
c. Coxae nerve
d. None
15. One of the action of digitorum longus muscle is
a. Flexion toes 2-5 and dorsiflexes foot
b. Extend of toes 2 in foot
c. Extend toes 2-3 of foot
d. None
8.3 Lower Limb Part C 113 Slides Eng and Dari 15 Pgs
1. Origin of gstrocnemius muscle is
a. Lateral condyles of femoral
b. Medial condyles of femoral
c. Lateral and medial femoral condyles
d. None
2. Popliteus muscle action is
a. Rotates knee laterally
b. Rotates knee medially
c. Rotates knee medially and flexes the leg on the thigh
d. None
3. The anterior tibial artery travels with one of the following nerve between the tibialis anterior
and extensor hallucis longus muscles
a. Deep tibial nerve
b. Deep tibial nerve
c. a and b is correct
d. none
4. which one of following nerve is the nerve most injured due to the superficial position in the
lower limb
a. Tibial nerve
b. Fibular nerve
c. Sciatic nerve
d. None
5. Slung Down is occurred in one of following condition
a. When the foot comes up
b. When the foot come down
c. When the foot come internal
d. None
6. Deep fibular neuritis is (an entrapment neuropathy).
7. The most commonly injured ligament in the ankle is
a. Anterior tallofibular ligament
b. Medial ligament
c. Anterior tibiofibular ligament
d. None
The two large bony projections on the side of the ankle are
a. Medial malleolus
b. Lateral malleolus
c. Medial and lateral malleolus
d. None
The extensor tendons readily seen are
a. Tendon of the extensor hallucis longus
b. Tendons of the extensor digitorum longus muscle
c. Tendons of extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus muscles
d. None
Caused of hallux valgus in foot is
a. Acute disease of joint related
b. Pressure of foot
c. Degenerative joint disease and pressure of foot
d. None
Claw foe is
a. Making the foot appear claw-like
b. Making the foot appear hook –like
c. Making the foot appear spiral –like
d. None
Clubfoot is
a. Deformity of knee
b. Deformity of foot
c. Deformity of brachia
d. None
Edward,s syndrome in which trisomy accure
a. First trisomy
b. Second trisomy
c. Eighteen trisomy
d. Fourth trisomy
One of the risk factors of posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is
a. Obesity
b. Pain
c. Hypertension
d. None
One of the following muscle is related to muscles of the dorsum
a. Extensor digitorum brevis
b. Abductor digitiminimi
c. Flexor digitiminimi
d. None