APUSH Chapter 3 & 4 Unit Key Concepts Know the established

APUSH Chapter 3 & 4 Unit Key Concepts
1. Know the established differences between the Northern and Southern
colonists. Pg. 43
2. Know by what other name the Puritans referred to the “elect” Pg. 44
3. Know how Henry VIII helped to promote protestant beliefs into England. Pg.
4. Know the reasons King James I opposed the Separatists. Pg. 44
5. Know the reason the Separatists migrated from England to Holland. Pg. 44
6. Know the importance of the Mayflower Compact. Pg. 45
7. Know the purpose of government among Puritans. Pg. 47
8. Understand the impact of the founding of Rhode Island. Pg. 48
9. Know how Puritan settlement differed from other English settlement
patterns. Pg. 51
10. Understand what was the Native Americans best hope of resisting English
encroachment. Pg. 52-53
11. Know the result of King Philip’s War. Pg. 53
12. Understand England’s position to her colonies in the New World. Pg. 53
13. Know the characteristics of the Dominion of New England. Pg. 54-55
14. Understand the impact of England’s Glorious Revolution on New England.
Pg. 55
15. Understand the results of Sir Edmund Andros’s rule. Pg. 55
16. Know who originally founded New York. Pg. 57
17. Understand the reasons Quakers were unpopular in England. Pg. 60
18. Know the cultural contributions made by the Dutch to America. Pg. 59
19. Understand Pennsylvania’s Indian policy. Pg. 61
20. Know the chronological order of the following events: restoration of
Charles II, English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, and Protestant
Reformation. Pg. 42-44
21. Know what was scarce within the Chesapeake colonies populations. Pg. 66
22. Know what colonial region experienced high death rates. Pg. 66
23. Understand the reasons indentured servants were used during the early
17th century in many English colonies. Pg. 67
24. Understand the “headright” system. Pg. 67
25. Know who benefitted the most from the “headright” system. Pg. 67
26. Know what indentured servants received for their labor. Pg. 67
27. Know the definition of indentured servants. Pg. 67
28. Know from what group the Chesapeake colonies acquired most of the labor
they needed during the 17th century. Pg. 68
29. Know what group made up most immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies.
Pg. 68
30. Understand what happened to many indentured servants who gained their
freedom. Pg. 68
31. Know what group mainly supported Bacon’s Rebellion. Pg. 68
32. Know the immediate reason for Bacon’s Rebellion. Pg. 68
33. Know the results of Bacon’s Rebellion. Pg. 70
34. Know the reasons slave labor increased in colonial America. Pg. 70-71
35. Know the region in Africa where many slaves in North America came from.
Pg. 71
36. Know the meaning of the “middle passage.” Pg. 71
37. Know what factors shaped the American slave system. Pg. 72
38. Understand why slaves replaced indentured servants. Pg. 73
39. Understand urban development in the colonial South. Pg. 76
40. Know the demographics of colonial New England. Pg. 77
41. Understand why Southern colonial women were allowed separate title to
their property. Pg. 77
42. Understand why Puritans refused to recognize a woman’s separate
property rights. Pg. 78
43. Understand how New England society expanded. Pg. 79
44. Know the procedures of establishing a town in New England. Pg. 79
45. Know the importance of the New England town meeting. Pg. 79
46. Understand the Half-Way Covenant. Pg. 80
47. Understand the underlying causes of the Salem witchcraft trials. Pg. 80
48. Know what type of people were most of the accused witches during the
Salem witchcraft trials. Pg. 80
49. Understand how the environment shaped New England society. Pg. 81
50. Know the major economic products of colonial New England. Pg. 81