STAGE 16- IN AULA VOCABULARYUnit 2 Stage 16 NOUNS 1. Auxilium, -ī (n) 2. Cōnsilium, ī (n) 3. Faber, -fabrī (m) 4. Flōs, flōris (m) 5. Imperātor, imperātōris (m) ADJECTIVES 6. Melior, melior, melius 7. Parātus, -a, -um 8. Summus, -a, -um VERBS 9. Aedificō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: 10. Cōnsentiō, -īre, consēnsī, consēnsum: 11. Dēlectō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum 12. Dērīdeō, -ēre, dērīsī, dērīsum 13. Dīmittō, -ere, dēmīsī, dēmīsum 14. Effugiō, -ere, effūgī, effitum 15. Nāvigō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum 16. Pereō, -īre, periī, 17. Pōnō, -ere, posuī, positum 18. Pūniō, -īre, pūnīvī 19. Tollō, -ere, sustulī, sublatum 20. Vertō, -ere, vertī, versum 21. Supersum, superesse, superfuī PREPOSITIONS< ADVERBS< CONJUNCTIONS< MISCELLANEOUS 22. Deinde: 23. Inter (+ acc) 24. Ita 25. Nōnne? 26. Postrīdiē 27. Simulac, simulacque PICTURE STORIES, p. 72 1. Cogidubnus Quīntum per aulam dūcēbat. In aulā erant multae pictūrae, quās pictor Graecus pīnxerat. 2. Rēx iuvenem in hortum dūxit. In hortō erant multī flōrēs, quōs Cogidubnus ex Italiā importāverat 3. Tum ad ātrium vēnērunt. Mediō in ātriō erat fōns marmoreus, quem fabrī Rōmānī fēcerant. 4. Rēx et hospitēs in aulā cēnābant. Cēna, quam coquī Graecī parāverant, optima erat. Servī magnum ōvum in mēnsam posuērunt. 5. Ex ōvō, quod sevī in mēnsam posuerant, appāruit saltātrīx. 6. Tum pūmilōnēs, quōx rēx in ītaliā ēmerat, intrāvērunt. Pūmilōnēs pilās iactābant. Belimicus ultor Belimicus, prīnceps Cantiacus, postquam Dumnorix in certāmine nāvālī vīcit, rem graviter ferēbat. īrātissimus erat. omnēs hospitēs, quōs rēx ad aulam invītāverat, eum dērīdēbant. Cantiacī quoque eum dērīdēbant et vituperābant. etiam servī, quī dē naufragiō cognōverant, clam rīdēbant. 5 "iste Dumnorix mē dēcēpit," Belimicus sibi dīxit. "mē in saxa impulit et praemium iniūstē cēpit. decōrum est mihi eum pūnīre." Belimicus sēcum cōgitāvit et cōnsilium callidum cēpit. erant in aulā multae bēstiae, quās rēx ē multīs terrīs importāverat. inter haec animālia erat ursa ingēns, quam servus Germānicus 10 custōdiēbat. Belimicus ad hunc servum adiit. "hoc animal est magnificum," inquit. "mē valdē dēlectat. ursam tractāre volō; eam nōn timeō." itaque prīnceps ad ursam cotīdiē veniēbat; ursae cibum et aquam dabat. paulātim ursam mānsuētam fēcit. tandem sōlus ursam tractāre potuit. 15 mox Cogidubnus cēnam et spectāculum nūntiāvit. amīcōs ad aulam invītāvit. Belimicus statim ad servum Germānicum contendit. "rēx hodiē spectāculum dat," inquit. "hodiē hanc ursam in 20 aulam dūcere volō. nunc eam tractāre possum. hospitibus eam ostendere volō." servus invītus cōnsēnsit. Belimicus cachinnāns sibi dīxit, "parātus sum. nunc Dumnorigem pūnīre possum." Ultor:avenger Graviter ferēbat: took badly Dē naufragiō: about the shipwreck Cognoscō, -ere, cognovī: fin out Clam: secretly Impellō, -ere, impulī: push Praemium, -ī: prize Iniūstē: unfairly Sēdum: to (with) himself Ursa, -ae: bear Germānicus: german Adeō, -īre, adiī: approach, go up to Tractō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: handle Paulātim: gradually Mānsuētus, -a, -um: tame rēx spectāculum dat I rēx cum multīs hospitibus in aulā cēnābat. Salvius et Quīntus prope rēgem recumbēbant. Britannī cibum laudābant, Rōmānī vīnum. omnēs hospitēs rēgī grātiās agēbant. subitō Belimicus tardus intrāvit. "ecce! naufragus noster intrat," clāmāvit Dumnorix. "num tū 5 aliam nāvem āmīsistī?" cēterī Belimicum dērīsērunt et Dumnorigī plausērunt. Belimicus tamen Dumnorigī nihil respondit, sed tacitus cōnsēdit. rēx hospitibus suīs spectāculum nūntiāvit. statim pūmiliōnēs cum saltātrīcibus intrāvērunt et hospitēs dēlectāvērunt. deinde, ubi rēx eīs signum dedit, omnēs exiērunt. Salvius, quem pūmiliōnēs nōn dēlectāverant, clāmāvit, 10 "haec cēna est bona. numquam cēnam meliōrem cōnsūmpsī. sed ursam, quae saltat, vidēre volō. illa ursa mē multō magis dēlectat quam pūmiliōnēs et saltātrīcēs." Tardus, -a, -um: late Naufragus: shipwrecked sailor Tacitus, -a, -uma; silent Consīdō, -ere, consēdī: sit down Pūmiliōnēs: dwarf Saltātrix, saltātricis: dancing girl Saltō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: dance Multō, magis: much more rēx spectāculum dat II rēx servīs signum dedit. servus, quī hoc signum exspectābat, statim cum ursā intrāvit et hospitibus eam ostendit. Belimicus, simulatque hoc vīdit, surrēxit, et ad medium triclīnium prōcessit. "mī Dumnorix!" clāmāvit. "facile est tibi iocōs facere. sed ursam 5 tractāre nōn audēs! ego nōn timeō. ego, quem tū dērīdēs, ursam tractāre audeō." omnēs Belimicum spectābant attonitī. Belimicus, quī servum Germānicum iam dīmīserat, ursam ad Dumnorigem dūxit. "nōnne tū quoque ursam tractāre vīs?" rogāvit īnsolēns. "nōnne 10 tū hospitibus spectāculum dare vīs?" Dumnorix impavidus statim surrēxit et Belimicum dērīsit. "facile est mihi hanc ursam superāre. tē quoque, homuncule, superāre possum." tum cēterī, quī anteā timuerant, valdē cachinnāvērunt. 15 Belimicus, ubi cachinnōs audīvit, furēns ursam pulsāvit, et eam ad Dumnorigem impulit. subitō ursa saeva sē vertit, et Belimicum ferōciter percussit. tum prīncipēs perterritī clāmōrem magnum sustulērunt et ad iānuās quam celerrimē cucurrērunt. etiam inter sē pugnābant, quod exīre nōn poterant. ursa, quam hic clāmor terruerat, ad lectum currēbat, ubi rēx sedēbat. rēx tamen, quod claudicābat, effugere nōn poterat. Dumnorix in ursam frūstrā sē coniēcit. Salvius immōtus stābat. sed Quīntus hastam, quam servus tenēbat, rapuit. hastam celeriter ēmīsit et bēstiam saevam trānsfīxit. illa dēcidit mortua. 20 Iocus, -ī: joke Audeō, -ēre, : dare Homunculus, -ī: little man Cachinnō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: laugh, cackle Cachinnus, -ī: laughter Furēns, furēns, furēns: furious Saevus, -a, -um: savage Sē vertere: to turn oneself Immōtus, -a, -um: still, immobile Hasta, -ae: spear Quīntus dē sē postrīdiē Quīntus per hortum cum rēge ambulābat, flōrēsque variōs spectābat. deinde rēx "quō modō," inquit, "ex urbe Pompēiīs effūgistī? paterne et māter superfuērunt?" Quīntus trīstis 5 "periit pater," inquit. "māter quoque in urbe periit. ego et ūnus servus superfuimus. ex urbe vix effūgimus. simulac tūtī erāmus, servum, quī tam fortis et tam fidēlis fuerat, līberāvī." "quid deinde fēcistī?" inquit rēx. "pecūniam habēbās?" "omnēs vīllās, quās pater in Campāniā possēderat, vēndidī. ita 10 multam pecūniam comparāvī. tum ex Ītaliā discēdere voluī, quod trīstissimus eram. ego igitur et lībertus meus urbem Brundisium petīvimus et nāvem cōnscendimus. "prīmō ad Graeciam vēnimus et in urbe Athēnīs habitābāmus. haec urbs erat pulcherrima, sed cīvēs turbulentī. multī philosophī, quī forum cotīdiē frequentābant, contrōversiās inter sē habēbant. post paucōs mēnsēs, aliās urbēs vidēre voluimus. ad Aegyptum 15 LATIN I- QUICK GUIDE TO LATIN VERBS (Present, Imperfect, Perfect, Future, Pluperfect, Future Perfect) PRINCIPAL PARTS OF A LATIN VERB Most Latin verbs have 4 principal parts. You see them when you look a verb up in a Latin dictionary Example: amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus 1st Principal part – amō Present tense-1st person singular. “I love” or “I am loving” 2nd Principal part – amāre Infinitive. In English: “to + verb”. Example: “to love” The infinitive ending indicates the conjugation (1-4) of the verb: 1st-āre 2nd-ēre 3rd-ere 4th - īre The infinitive gives you the present stem of the verb. Drop the -re to get the present stem. Present tense, imperfect tense & future tense are all built on the present stem. 3rd Principal part-amāvī Perfect tense,1st person singular. “ I loved” or “I have loved” The 3rd Principal Part gives you the perfect stem of the verb. Drop the -ī to get the perfect stem. The perfect tense is built on the perfect stem of the verb. 4th Principal part – amātus Perfect passive participle, which is an adjective usually translated in English as “having been ____ed”. Example: “having been loved”. EXAMPLES from Each Conjugation: 1st Prin. Part 2nd Prin. Part 3rd Prin. Part 4th Prin. Part Present Tense Infinitive Perfect Tense Perfect Passive Participal ST 1 cantō cantāre cantāvī cantātus 2ND moneō monēre monuī monitus RD 3 agō agere ēgī actus 3rd io capiō capere cēpī captus 4TH audiō audīre audīvī audītus INFINITIVE & IMPERATIVE (singular & plural) The infinitive is the 2nd principal part of the verb. Endings: āre, ēre, ere, īre, translate: to___ To make the singular imperative, drop the –re. Endings: ā, ē, e, ī The imperative is a command, The implied subject is “you”. Singular imperative is a command addressed to one person. To make the plural imperative, add –te to the singular imperative. However, plural imperative of the 3rd congulation ending is –ite (rather than -ete). Plural imperative is a command addressed to more than one person. The implied subject is you-plural. Translate the imperative: Sing! Warn! Do! Take! Hear! 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd-io 4th Infinitives cantāre monēre agere capere audīre Singular Imp cantā monē age cape audī Plural Imp. Cantāte monēte agite capite audīte PRESENT TENSE: Present stem + vowel + ō, s, t, mus, tis, nt Notice that there is a “connecting vowel” before the ending that depends on which the conjugation of the verb. 1st Conj 2nd Conj 3rd Conj 3rd io 4th Conj 1st sg. (I) cantō moneō agō capiō audiō 2nd sg.(you) cantās monēs agis capis audīs 3rd sg.(he/she/it) cantat monet agit capit audit 1st pl.(we) cantāmus monēmus agimus capimus audīmus 2nd pl.(y’all) cantātis monētis agitis capitis audītis 3rd pl.(they) cantant monent agunt capiunt audiunt TRANSLATE: I sing/I am singing; you sing/you are singing, etc. IMPERFECT TENSE * Present stem + vowel + bam, bās, bat, bāmus, bātis, bant * Notice that there is a “connecting vowel” that depends on the conjugation action in the past that was continuing or repeated 1st Conj. 2nd Conj 3rd Conj. 3rd io 4th Conj. 1st sg.(I) cantābam monēbam agēbam capiēbam audiēbam 2nd sg.(you) cantābās monēbās agēbās capiēbās audiēbās 3rd sg.(he/she/it) cantābat monēbat agêbat capiēbat audiēbat 1st pl.(we) cantābāmus monēbāmus agêbāmus capiēbāmus audiēbāmus 2nd pl.(y’all) cantābātis monēbātis agêbātis capiēbātis audiēbātis 3rd pl.(they) Cantābant monēbant agêbant capiēbant audiēbant TRANLATE: I was singing/ I used to sing; you were singing/you used to sing, etc. FUTURE TENSE: Beware! 1st & 2nd Conj’s: present stem + vowel + bō, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt 3rd & 4th conj’s: present stem + am, ēs, et, ēmus, ētis, ent (no connecting vowel) 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd-io 4th 1st sg.(I) cantābō monēbō agam capiam audiam 2nd sg.(you) cantābis monēbis agēs capiēs audiēs 3rd sg.(he/she/it) cantābit monēbit aget capiet audiet 1st pl.(we) cantābimus monēbimus agēmus capiēmus audiēmus 2nd pl.(y’all) cantābitis monēbitis agētis capiētis audiētis 3rd pl.(they) cantābunt monēbunt agent capient audient TRANSLATE: I will/shall sing, , you will sing, etc. PERFECT TENSE Perfect stem + ī, istī, it, imus, istis, ērunt (no connecting vowel) Action in the past that was a single, completed event The perfect stem is from the 3rd principal part of the verb, and is usually different from the present stem. Most 1st Conjugation verb perfect stems have –āv-. Ex.: Cantō, cantāre, cantāvī, cantātus Many 2nd conjugation verbs perfect stems have –u-. Ex; Moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus There is no single pattern for the 3rd conjugation. Some show a long vowel in the perfect stem, or a different vowel, or an –x-, Ex: Agō, agere, ēgī, actus; dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus; capiō, capere, cēpī, captus th Many 4 Conjugation perfect stems have an –īvAudiō, audīre, audīvī, auditus 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd-io 4th 1st sg.(I) cantāvī monuī ēgī cēpī audīvī 2nd sg.(you) cantāvistī monuistî ēgistī cēpistī audīvistī 3rd sg.(he/she/it) cantāvit monuit ēgit cēpit audīvit 1st pl.(we) cantāvimus monuimus ēgimus cēpimus audīvimus 2nd pl.(y’all) cantāvistis monuistis ēgistis cēpistis audīvistis 3rd pl.(they) cantāvērunt monuērunt ēgērunt cēpērunt audīvērunt TRANSLATE: I sang/I have sung, you sang/you have sung, etc. PLUPERFECT TENSE Perfect stem + eram, erās, erat, erāmus, erātis erant(no connecting vowel) Action in the past that happened before some reference point 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd-io 4th 1st sg.(I) cantāveram monueram ēgeram cēperam audīveram 2nd sg.(you) cantāverās monuerās ēgisterās cēpisterās audīverās 3rd sg.(he/she/it) cantāverat monuerat ēgerat cēperat audīverat 1st pl.(we) cantāverāmus monuerāmus ēgerāmus cēperāmus audīverāmus 2nd pl.(y’all) cantāverātis monuerātis ēgerātis cēperātis audīverātis 3rd pl.(they) cantāverant monuerant ēgerant cēperant audīverant TRANSLATE: I had sung, you had sung, etc. FUTURE PERFECT TENSE Perfect stem + erō, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erint(no connecting vowel) Action in the future that happened after some reference point 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd-io 4th 1st sg.(I) cantāverō monuerō ēgerō cēperō audīverō 2nd sg.(you) cantāveris monueris ēgisteris cēpisteris audīveris 3rd sg.(he/she/it) cantāverit monuerit ēgerit cēperit audīverit 1st pl.(we) cantāverimus monuerimus ēgerimus cēperimus audīverimus 2nd pl.(y’all) cantāveritis monueritis ēgeritis cēperitis audīveritis 3rd pl.(they) cantāverint monuerint ēgerint cēperint audīverint TRANSLATE: I will have sung, you will have sung, etc. Active Imperative parā parāte monē monēte rege regite cape capite audī audīte Active Infinitive Present I Present parō parās parat parāmus parātis parant parāre II monēre regere III III (-iō) capere audīre IV moneō monēs monet monēmus monētis monent regō regis regit regimus regitis regunt capiō capis capit capimus capitis capiunt audiō audīs audit audīmus audītis audiunt Imperfect parābam parābās parābat parābāmus parābātis parābant monēbam monēbās monēbat monēbāmus monēbātis monēbant regēbam regēbās regēbat regēbāmus regēbātis regēbant capiēbam capiēbās capiēbat capiēbāmus capiēbātis capiēbant audiēbam audiēbās audiēbat audiēbāmus audiēbātis audiēbant Future parābō parābis parābit parābimus parābitis parābunt monēbō monēbis monēbit monēbimus monēbitis monēbunt regam regēs reget regēmus regētis regent capiam capiēs capiet capiēmus capiētis capient audiam audiēs audiet audiēmus audiētis audient Perfect parāvī parāvistī parāvit parāvimus parāvistis parāvērunt monuī monuistī monuit monuimus monuistis monuērunt rēxī rēxistī rēxit rēximus rēxistis rēxērunt cēpī cēpistī cēpit cēpimus cēpistis cēpērunt audīvī audīvistī audīvit audīvimus audīvistis audīvērunt Pluperfect parāveram parāverās parāverat parāverāmus parāverātis parāverant monueram monuerās monuerat monuerāmus monuerātis monuerant rēxeram rēxerās rēxerat rēxerāmus rēxerātis rēxerant cēperam cēperās cēperat cēperāmus cēperātis cēperant audīveram audīverās audīverat audīverāmus audīverātis audīverant Future Perfect parāverō parāveris parāverit parāverimus parāveritis parāverint monuerō monueris monuerit monuerimus monueritis monuerint rēxerō rēxeris rēxerit rēxerimus rēxeritis rēxerint cēperō cēperis cēperit cēperimus cēperitis cēperint audīverō audīveris audīverit audīverimus audīveritis audīverint Aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātus: build Dērīdeō, ,dērīdēre, dērīsī, dērīsus: mock, deride Pōnō, pōnere, pōsuī, pōsitus, put, place Capiō, capere, cēpī, captus, take, capture Pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītus, punish Infinitive, imperative singular, imperative plural Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ PRESENT: I build, I am building, etc Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ IMPERFECT, I was building, I used to build, etc Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ FUTURE: I will build, etc USE THE PERFECT STEM, WHICH YOU GET FROM THE 3rd PRINCIPAL PART PERFECT: I built, I have built, etc Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ PLUPERFECT, I had built, etc FUTURE PERFECT: I will have built, etc Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ laudō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: praise: What conjugation does this verb belong to? Translate into English Tell the tense Laudāvī laudābō laudāte Laudābam Laudāverō Laudō Laudāre Laudā Laudāveram parō, parāre, parāvī, parātum: prepare, make ready Parō is 1st conjugation, like laudō, so the forms of laudō above should help you. Translate into Latin To prepare: parāre Prepare! (singular) parā Prepare !(plural) parāte I prepare parō I was preparing parābam I will prepare parābō I prepared/have prepared parāvī I had prepared I will have prepared Tell the tense fut parāveram parāverō 28. Moneō, monēre, monuī monitum: warn What conjugation is moneō? Translate into English Tell the tense Monēte Monēbimus Monēre Monuimus Monuerimus Monēbāmus Monē Monuerāmus Monēmus Dērīdeō, dērīdēre, dērīsī, dērīsum: mock, make fun of, deride. What conjugation is dērīdeō? Translate into Latin To mock dērīdēre Mock! (singular) dērīdē Mock! (plural) dērīdēte We mock dērīdēmus We were mocking We will mock Tell the tense dērīdēbāmus dērīdēbimus We mocked (we have mocked) dērīsimus We had mocked dērīserāmus We will have mocked) dērīserimus 29. pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum: place, put What conjugation is pōnō? Translate into English Pōsuerat Pōnere Pōnet Tell the tense Pōnēbat Pōnit Pōsuerit Pōne Pōsuit Pōnite Vertō, vertere, vertī, versum: turn What conjugation is vertō? Translate into Latin Tell the tense To turn Turn! (singular) Turn! (plural) He turns He was turning He will turn He has turned/turned He had turned He will have turned 30. Cōnsentiō, cōnsentīre, cōnsēnsī, cōnsēnsum; agree What conjugation does this verb belong to? Translate into English Cōnsēnserant Consentient Cōnsentī Cōnsentīte Cōnsentīre Cōnsentiunt Consentiēbant Tell the tense Cōnsēnserint Cōnsēnsērunt Give the forms of pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītum punish Pūniō is 4th conjugation, like cōnsentiō, so the forms of cōnsentiō above should help you. Translate into Latin To punish Punish! (singular) Punish! (plural) They punish They were punishing They will punish They punished/have punished They had punished They will have punished 31. Translate into English (tollō, tollere, sustulī, sublatum-raise, lift) am, ēs, et, ēmus, ētis, ent Tollēs Tollitis Sustulimus Tollere Sustulerātis Tollēbātis Tollite Sustulerint Sustulērunt tell the tense. 32. Num and nōnne are question words num: surely .. . not? Expects a negative answer; nōnne: surely . . . . ? Expects a positive answer. Translate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. nōnne haec pictūra est pulchra? ____________________________________________________ num perterritus es?_______________________________________________________________ tūne effugere poterās? ____________________________________________________________ nōnne rēx tibi illum canem dedit?____________________________________________________ nōnne Caesar inimicum superāvit?____________________________________________________ num Caesar inimicum superāvit? ____________________________________________________ 33. Which form of quī, quae quod would you use? a. All the guests whom the king had invited, mocked Belimicus. ______________ b. Even the slaves, who had heard about the shipwreck, mocked him.___________ c. Belimicus wanted revenge on the man whose slaves mocked him. __________________ d. Belimicus wanted revenge on the men whose slaves mocked him.________________ e. Belimicus, whom the Cantiaci had previously favored, now mocked him. (faveō takes the dat)_______ f. The villa in which King Cogi lived was huge. ____________ Quī quae quod Cuius cuius cuius Cuī cui cui Quem quam quod Quō quā quō Quī Quorum Quibus Quōs Quibus quae quārum quibus quās quibus quae quorum quibus quae quibus 34. Give the correct form of bonus, -a, -um, which agrees in case, number and gender with the noun it modifies. In each case, bonus, -a, -um modifies the noun that precedes it. Translate a. saltātrīx _________ hospitēs delectāvit. Saltātrīx is feminine. _____________________________________________________ b. hospitēs saltātrīcem ____ amāvērunt. Saltātrīx is feminine. ______________________________________________________ c. hospitēs nautās _________ laudāvērunt. (nauta is masculine) ______________________________________________________ d. Quīntus fabulam dē saltātrīcibus _____________ narrāvit. ____________________________________________________ e. hospitēs saltātrīcī _____________ favēbant. (faveō takes the dative case). 35. Do “Practicing the language” A on p. 81 1)Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 2) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 3) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 4) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 5) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 6) ) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ J. Do practicing the language B on p. 81. 1)Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 2) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 3) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ 4) Latin_________________________________________________________________________ Trans________________________________________________________________________ Aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātus dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus To build: ______________________________ to lead:_________________ Build! (singular)________________________ Lead! (sing.)_____________ Build! (Plural)__________________________ Lead! (pl)________________ I build/am building______________________ He leads/is leading___________________ I was building/used to build______________ He was leading/ used to lead:___________ I will build:____________________________ He will lead:_________________________ I built/have built:_______________________ He led/has led: ______________________ I had built:____________________________ He had led: _________________________ I will have built: _______________________ He will have led: _____________________ Videō, vidēre, vīsī, vīsus: See veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventus To see: ________________ to come: ___________________________ See! (singular)________________________ Come! (sing)________________________ See! (plural)__________________________ Come! (pl)_________________________ We see/are seeing_____________________ They come/are coming_______________ We were seeing/used to see_____________ They were coming/used to come:______________ We will see___________________________ They will come:_____________________________ We saw/have seen____________________ They came/have come:______________________ We had seen_________________________ They had come:____________________________ We will have seen_____________________ They will have come:________________________ A B C D E 1. I had sailed: navigāre navigābam navigāveram navigāverō navigō 2. They will punish pūnābunt pūniēbant pūniunt pūnīvērunt pūnient Pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, 3. We turn vertāmus vertēmus vertunt vertēbāmus vertimus 4. Turn! (sing) vertā verte vertī vertite vertātis 5. I lifted tollī tollō sustulī sustulerō sustuleram supererō superābō superfuī superō supersum consentiēbis consentiēs consēnsisti Vertō, vertere, vertī, Tollō, tollere, sustulī, 6. I will survive Supersum, superesse, superfuī 7. You will have agreed consentīs Consentiō, consentīre, consēnsī sum, esse, fuī consēnseris Aedificō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātus: build Dērīdeō, ,dērīdēre, dērīsī, dērīsus: mock, deride Pōnō, pōnere, pōsuī, pōsitus, put, place Capiō, capere, cēpī, captus, take, capture Pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītus, punish Infinitive, imperative singular, imperative plural Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ PRESENT: I build, I am building, etc Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ IMPERFECT, I was building, I used to build, etc Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ Aedific____ dērīd_____ pōn____ cap___ pūn______ FUTURE: I will build, etc USE THE PERFECT STEM, WHICH YOU GET FROM THE 3rd PRINCIPAL PART PERFECT: I built, I have built, etc Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ PLUPERFECT, I had built, etc FUTURE PERFECT: I will have built, etc Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Aedificāv____ dērīs_____ posu_____ cēp______ punīv_______ Active Imperative parā parāte monē monēte rege regite cape capite audī audīte Active Infinitive Present I Present parō parās parat parāmus parātis parant parāre II monēre regere III III (-iō) capere audīre IV moneō monēs monet monēmus monētis monent regō regis regit regimus regitis regunt capiō capis capit capimus capitis capiunt audiō audīs audit audīmus audītis audiunt Imperfect parābam parābās parābat parābāmus parābātis parābant monēbam monēbās monēbat monēbāmus monēbātis monēbant regēbam regēbās regēbat regēbāmus regēbātis regēbant capiēbam capiēbās capiēbat capiēbāmus capiēbātis capiēbant audiēbam audiēbās audiēbat audiēbāmus audiēbātis audiēbant Future parābō parābis parābit parābimus parābitis parābunt monēbō monēbis monēbit monēbimus monēbitis monēbunt regam regēs reget regēmus regētis regent capiam capiēs capiet capiēmus capiētis capient audiam audiēs audiet audiēmus audiētis audient Perfect parāvī parāvistī parāvit parāvimus parāvistis parāvērunt monuī monuistī monuit monuimus monuistis monuērunt rēxī rēxistī rēxit rēximus rēxistis rēxērunt cēpī cēpistī cēpit cēpimus cēpistis cēpērunt audīvī audīvistī audīvit audīvimus audīvistis audīvērunt Pluperfect parāveram parāverās parāverat parāverāmus parāverātis parāverant monueram monuerās monuerat monuerāmus monuerātis monuerant rēxeram rēxerās rēxerat rēxerāmus rēxerātis rēxerant cēperam cēperās cēperat cēperāmus cēperātis cēperant audīveram audīverās audīverat audīverāmus audīverātis audīverant Future Perfect parāverō parāveris parāverit parāverimus parāveritis parāverint monuerō monueris monuerit monuerimus monueritis monuerint rēxerō rēxeris rēxerit rēxerimus rēxeritis rēxerint cēperō cēperis cēperit cēperimus cēperitis cēperint audīverō audīveris audīverit audīverimus audīveritis audīverint Translate Amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. amāvistis __________________ amātis __________________ amāveritis _________________ amābitis __________________ amāverātis_________________ amābatis___________________ amāte_____________________ amā______________________ amāre ____________________ putō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum: think 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. to think ___________________ Think! (singular) _____________ Think! (plural) ______________ he thinks__________________ he was thinking______________ he will think________________ he has thought, he thought________ he had thought_______________ he will have thought_____________ habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum have 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. moneō, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. habuī _______________________ habuerint ____________________ habēs _______________________ habēbāmus ___________________ habuerās ____________________ habēbit _____________________ habēre ______________________ habē ________________________ habēte ______________________ -ēre, monuī, monitum: warn Warn! (sing) ___________________ Warn! (pl) ____________________ to warn ______________________ We warn _____________________ We were warning _______________ We will warn __________________ We warned/have warned ___________ We had warned: _________________ We will have warned ______________ dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductum: lead 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. dūcēbās _______________________ dūxeritis ______________________ dūcis ________________________ dūcēs ________________________ dūxerātis _____________________ dūxistis ______________________ dūcere _______________________ dūc! _________________________ dūcite _______________________ dīco, -ere, dīxī, dictum: say 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I say _________________________ I was saying ____________________ I will say_______________________ I have said, I said _______________ I had said _____________________ I will have said __________________ to say ________________________ Say! (singular) _________________ Say! (plural) ___________________ Dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī, dormītum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. dormient _______________________ dormīveris _____________________ dormiunt ______________________ dormīvimus ____________________ dormīveram ____________________ dormī _________________________ dormit ________________________ dormīte _______________________ dormīre _______________________ audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. to hear _________________________ Hear! (sing) ______________________ Hear! (pl) ________________________ I hear__________________________ I was hearing_____________________ I will hear_______________________ I heard/have heard_________________ I had heard______________________ I will have heard___________________ 1.