Welcome letter and syllabus

Dear parents and students,
My name is Kara Mueller and I am the new Spanish teacher at Garber High School and Cramer Middle
School. I’m really looking forward to working with the outstanding students here. I have heard such wonderful
things about this school district! I have taught middle and high school Spanish levels I-IV previously for sixteen
years. I also had the opportunity to teach Spanish to K-5 students for a year as well. Last school year I had the
great privilege of working with the Central American refugees that were housed at the Wellspring Lutheran
Services shelter in Bay City. I was employed by Lutheran Social Services of Michigan working in cooperation
with Wellspring. I am sure that I learned just as much from the refugee children as they learned from me.
I earned a Master of Arts in Spanish degree from the Madrid, Spain campus of St. Louis University over
the course of three summers spent there. I have been very fortunate to have traveled extensively throughout
Europe and parts of Central America. I lived in Germany from 1994-1995 and was able to drive often to many
of the bordering countries. The summers spent in Spain also afforded me the opportunity to travel to many
amazing places. In the summer of 1997, I completed a foreign study in Costa Rica. Throughout the years I
have taken trips with student groups to places such as Chicago, New York, Spain, France, and Costa Rica. I
love sharing my passion for foreign language and adventure with young people!
My goals are entirely aimed at making Spanish class a positive experience for students. I believe that
every child can learn. We will build on the strengths that students already possess and work to build up areas
in which they might struggle. I must stress the importance of students staying focused on learning the grammar
in Spanish I as this will be key to their success throughout the year, and in all of their subsequent Spanish
courses. Grammar does not go away. It is the basis for the language and essential to understanding. Students
are strongly encouraged to ask questions for deep understanding every day!
Parents often ask how they can help their child study and which resources teachers recommend. I
recommend bringing a Spanish/English dictionary to class every day. Students will be required to make
flashcards for vocabulary. Parents can help students by using flashcards with them! The website
www.flashcardmachine.com is fantastic to practice Spanish and many other subjects! It is free, check it out!
Search for my flashcard sets by the author name profesoram. I have placed a link to this and other great
websites on my teacher page at the district website www.e-hps.net. I will continue to add content throughout
the year. Most cell phones can download educational apps and may be used when students have down time
when traveling for sports or clubs.
In the event that parents need to contact me, please email me at muellerk@e-hps.net. If a phone call
is necessary, please email me first about your concern so that I may be prepared for our conversation and to
set up the best time to speak. To reach me by phone please dial 989-894-9710 ext. 2399 to leave a message.
I will return your call as soon as possible, normally within 24 hours.
Kara Mueller
Spanish Teacher
Garber High School and Cramer Middle School
Mrs. Mueller’s classroom expectations
*All students are expected to arrive to class on time, be prepared to learn, and possess
the supplies necessary for class.
*All students are expected to show respect to their classmates and their teacher at all
times. This includes respect for personal property and privacy.
*Students must have a folder to keep notes and vocabulary well organized. This should
always be brought to class.
*Students will make flashcards for vocabulary words. Construction paper is provided in
the classroom, but index cards may also be used, if preferred, and purchased by the
*In an effort to reduce classroom disruptions and encourage responsibility, 6th grade
students should use the restroom at Cramer Middle School prior to lining up to walk to
Garber. Our class time is short and our time together is precious. We lose several
minutes walking between buildings.
*Students are strongly encouraged to use their lockers to store property and supplies
that are not needed for class. Backpacks pose a safety concern when placed on the
floor. Backpacks are not prohibited, but they are strongly discouraged. Many of our
activities require movement around the room and backpacks inhibit that movement.
*Late work is work that was not turned in on time. This is not absent work. Late work
will be accepted at a reduced value of 50% less than the original amount possible for
the assignment.
*A student with an excused absence will have as many days to make-up an
assignment for full credit as were missed. In the case of an extended absence, more
time may be allowed. For example, if a student is absent on Tuesday and returns to
school on Wednesday, the work assigned on Tuesday that was missed will now be due
on Thursday. Any work that was due on Tuesday should be turned in upon return to
school (Wednesday, in this case.)
*Students are expected to complete their own work. Cheating/plagiarism will result in a
failing grade on that assignment for all students involved. Remember, no grade is
worth the price of your integrity! It is not acceptable to use translation programs to
complete work.
*We will follow all school rules and grading policies found in the student handbook.
Please use that as a reference for questions you may have.
Welcome to 6th grade exploratory Spanish class!
This will be an exciting marking period for all of us! You are about to take a journey through the
language and cultures of many different countries around the globe. Studying foreign languages and
cultures is so fun and interesting! Please read below for answers to common questions and some
specific expectations and details about our course and classroom procedures.
What will we study?-We’ll study the basic grammar of the Spanish language. We’ll learn about
people, places, and topics that are relevant to our daily lives and travel to foreign countries. We’ll
study the cultures and customs of people living in Latin America and Europe who speak Spanish.
We’ll explore some of the awesome history and very modern aspects of Spanish speakers.
How will we learn?-We’ll practice learning our vocabulary in many ways. Repetition and participation
will be key to remembering. We’ll speak Spanish to each other often as we learn certain skills and
build upon them as the year progresses. We’ll create awesome projects and present them often in
class. We’ll research other cultures and go online to explore other places and current events.
How will I be graded?-Grades will be determined by the points earned on projects, assignments,
and tests. Grades will be based on written work and points earned by speaking. It will be very
important to complete all assignments properly. I will return work to be completed if it is not
satisfactory, so it’s always best to do it well the first time. If it’s worth doing…it’s worth doing well!
How can I practice at home?-Please visit www.flashcardmachine.com as often as possible to
practice vocab. Look for the author profesoram to find flashcards that I’ve already prepared for you.
There are also so many apps that can be downloaded onto your devices to play, practice, and learn!
How can I be prepared for class?-Daily required materials are paper, pens or pencils, your Spanish
folder with ALL of your notes and vocabulary, your smiling face, and your hunger for knowledge.
Please use the restroom prior to class to avoid disruptions to your learning opportunity!
Are you mean?-I am a fun teacher with a passion for the Spanish language and culture. I want you
to enjoy learning and exploring with me. I have very high expectations for my students and I will not
accept half-hearted work. If I give an assignment I have a goal behind it and it is important. I do not
give busy work and I do not give a lot of homework. You will use your class time wisely and we will
have a great year together!
Mrs. Mueller
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please detach bottom, sign and return-keep letter for future reference
I have read the information about Spanish class and discussed it with my child.
Parent signature______________________________________ date_______________________
Best phone # to call___________________________________________