Elections and Campaign Finance in the United States

Ch. 7, Sec. 2
Goal for Today: To
understand how
elections in the
United States work!
Different Aspects of Elections
in the United States
 Administration of Elections
 Where Elections Are Held
 Types of Ballots Used
 Voting “Innovations” in Recent Years
Administration of Elections
 QUESTION: Who is ultimately in charge of
Ohio’s elections?
 We know the states are in charge, but WHO is
in charge?
Secretary of State – Jon Husted
Jon Husted's Key Goals for the
Ohio Secretary of State's Office
 Ohio’s chief elections officer…
 Duties include…
 Administration of election law, appointment duties,
investigates election/voter fraud, among others.
Administration of Elections
 Constitution and Elections…
 Constitution allows for States to determine election
 BUT:
 Congress sets dates for certain elections, regulates
some aspects of Federal elections…
“Election Day”
 Article I, Section 4:
 “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for
Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in
each State by the Legislature thereof…”
 “The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in
November, in every even numbered year, is
established as the day for the election, in each
of the States and Territories of the United
States, of Representatives and Delegates to
the Congress…”
Where Elections Are Held
 Precincts: smallest geographical unit for
conducting elections…
 “A voting district.” - 475 in Greene County!
 Polling places are places where individuals in
precincts actually go to vote…
Help American Vote Act, 2002
 Drafted in reaction to the controversy
surrounding the 2000 U.S. presidential
 Establishes the Election Assistance
 Main Goal:
1. *** replace punch-card and lever-based voting
Types of Ballots
 “Australian Ballot”
more or less a concept (4 characteristics)… 1880s
 Office-Group*
 Party Column
Types of Ballots
 “Butterfly Ballot”
 Florida, 2000 Presidential Election
You might ask: “Mr.
Ankrom, I am clueless,
what should I expect on
election day?”
(Sample Ballot)
What is the
“Coattail Effect?”
Types of Ballots
 “Bed-sheet Ballot”
 Looooooooong…
Voting Innovations
 Vote-by-mail - 1998, Oregon… 2011,
 Problems?
 Online Voting (WHAT?!)
 Absentee Voting, and…
 Early Voting go hand-in-hand.
Remember, Vermin
Supreme wants you
to vote early, vote