The Imperialist Vision Homework Reading Guide (complete and

The Imperialist Vision
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define: Anglo-Saxonism, imperialism, isolationism, national security, and protectorate in your
vocabulary section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 520-525:
The Imperialist Vision
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define: Maine, Platt Amendment, ”Rough Riders”, and Spanish –American War in your vocabulary
section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 527-533:
February 1898
April 1898
May 1898
December 1898
1. What was John L. Steven’s motivation to lands troops in Hawaii in 1893?
1. Why did Americans support Cuba’s fight against Spain?
2. Why did Americans begin to become enthusiastic about expanding American power elsewhere
in the world?
2. Explain why many Americans blamed Spain for the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine.
3. Explain why European nations were expanding their power overseas.
3. How prepared was the U.S. Army to fight a war against Spain?
4. How did European nations protect their overseas investments?
4. What different action could President McKinley have taken with Spain over Cuba?
5. How did many Americans begin to define manifest destiny?
6. How was Japan convinced to begin trading with the U.S.?
7. Describe the events that led to the annexation of Hawaii.
5. Why did many Filipinos feel betrayed by the U.S. government after the Spanish-American War?
6. What American policy contributed to civilian hardships in the Philipines?
8. How did Secretary of State Blaine attempt to increase American influence in Latin America?
7. How did President McKinley justify Annexation?
9. List the 3 international crises that illustrated the US approach to foreign affairs.
10. What events in the world convinced Americans to support a large navy?
8. What were the arguments for and against establishing an American empire?
New American Diplomacy
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define: sphere of influence, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, ”Great White Fleet”, Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty, Roosevelt Corollary, dollar diplomacy in your vocabulary section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 536-541:
1. What was President Roosevelt’s opinion on the role of the United States as a world power?
The US Enters World War I
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define Triple Alliance, Triple Entente, Allies, Central Powers, U-boat, Sussex Pledge, Zimmerman
telegram in your vocabulary section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 576-583:
June 1914
July 1914
April 1917
1. Why did President Wilson intervene in Mexico?
2. What factors contributed to the start of World War I (WWI)?
2. What was the purpose of the Open Door policy?
3. How did European nationalism contribute to the outbreak of WWI?
3. How did the Open Door policy and dollar diplomacy affect U.S. relations with other countries?
4. What incident triggered the beginning of WWI?
4. Why was the Panama Canal built?
5. Name the two alliances that Europe was divided into at the start of WWI.
5. Explain how the canal works.
6. Why do you think Latin American nations resented American influence in the region?
6. Why did most of President’s Wilson cabinet members support the British?
7. How was American prosperity intertwined with the military fortunes of the Allies?
8. How did Germany’s unrestricted use of submarine warfare lead to American entry into WWI?
7. What did the Roosevelt Corollary state?
The Home Front
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define conscription, War Industries Board, victory garden, Liberty Bond, Committee on Public
Information, and espionage in your vocabulary section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 584-589:
May 1918
September 1918
The War’s Impact
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define Red Scare, deport in your vocabulary section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 599-603:
1. What were the effects of World War I on the U.S. economy?
1. How did congress ensure that the United States would have enough troops to serve in World
War I?
2. What caused the wave of strikes in 1919?
2. Describe contributions of African American during the war.
3. Why did the end of the war lead to race riots?
3. How did WWI cause the federal government to change its relationship with the business world?
4. What did the American government do to solve the problem of supplying its troops?
4. Describe the conditions that African Americans faced after the end of World War I.
5. What federal agencies helped control American industries during the war?
5. After World War I, why were Americans suspicious of some union leaders?
6. What role did American women play in the war effort during WWI?
6. What were Palmer raids?
7. How permanent were women’s advances in the wartime workplace?
7. How did the Palmer raids deprive some citizens of their civil rights?
8. How did the government efforts to ensure support for the war conflict democratic ideals?
8. How was Harding able to win the presidential election of 1920?
A Bloody Conflict
Homework Reading Guide (complete and have ready for a grade tomorrow in class)
Define armistice, Fourteen Points, League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles, reparations in your
vocabulary section of your notebook.
Complete as you read pages 592-597:
July 1916
November 1917
March 1918
September 1918
November 1918
1. What new technologies were introduced in Worl War I?
2. Where did the majority of World War I battles occur?
3. Which nation suffered the largest number of military deatrhs during World WarI?
4. What was Vladmir Lenin’s first goal after controlling Russia in 1917?
5. What impact did John J Pershing and the Battle of the Argonne Forest have on WWI?
6. List the four nations that dominated the Paris peace conference in 1919
7. Why did President Wilson proposed his Fourteen Points?
8. Describe Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
9. List the results of World War I.
10. What were the provisions of the treaty of Versailles?