1. Jane Addams 2. Florence Kelley 3. Emma Lazarus 4. Mary Baker

1. Jane Addams
2. Florence Kelley
3. Emma Lazarus
4. Mary Baker Eddy
5. Walter Rauschenbusch
6. Dwight Lyman Moody
7. Louis Agassiz
8. James Gibbons
9. Booker T. Washington
10. W. E. B. Du Bois
11. George Washington Carver
12. Charles W. Eliot
13. Edwin L. Godkin
14. William James
15. William Randolph Hearst
16. Joseph Pulitzer
17. Edward Bellamy
18. Henry George
19. Lewis Wallace
20. Horatio Alger
21. Mark Twain
22. William Dean Howells
23. Stephen Crane
24. Henry James
25. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
26. Carrie Chapman Catt
27. Ida B. Wells
28. Anthony Comstock
29. Emily Dickinson
30. Henry Adams
31. Jack London
32. Paul Laurence Dunbar
33. Daniel Burnham
34. Henry H. Richardson
35. Louis Sullivan
36. Augustus Saint-Gaudens
37. Thomas Eakins
38. James Whistler
39. Theodore Dreiser
40. Victoria Woodhull
41. Carrie Nation
42. John L. Sullivan
43. James Naismith
44. Phineas T. Barnum
45. William F. Cody
46. megalopolis
47. "form follows function"
48. dumbbell tenement
49. settlement house
50. New Immigration
51. "America letters"
52. "birds of passage"
53. social gospel
54. liberal Protestantism
55. fundamentalism
56. nativism
57. evolution
58. natural selection
59. normal schools
60. pragmatism
61. talented tenth
62. land-grant colleges
63. yellow journalism
64. dime novels
65. literary realism
66. single tax
67. new morality
68. Macy's/Marshall Field's
69. Sears/Montgomery Ward
70. Little Poland/Little Italy
71. Hebrew schools
72. Hull House
73. National Consumers League
74. Henry Street settlement house
75. The Origin of Species
76. American Protective Association
77. Salvation Army
78. Christian Science
79. Young Men's Christian Association/Young Women's Christian Association
80. Chautauqua movement
81. Tuskegee Institute
82. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
83. Howard University
84. Johns Hopkins University
85. Morrill Act
86. Principles of Psychology
87. The Nation
88. Atlantic Monthly
89. Progress and Poverty
90. Looking Backward
91. Ben Hur
92. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
93. The Red Badge of Courage
94. The Education of Henry Adams
95. Lyrics of Lowly Life
96. Sister Carrie
97. Comstock Law
98. Women and Economics
99. Women's Christian Temperance Union
100. American Red Cross
101. Anti-Saloon League
102. "City Beautiful" movement
103. World's Columbian Exposition
104. "Richardsonian"