Unit 10: Soil Water Properties


Unit 10: Soil

Water Properties

Chapter 3


 Properties of soil/water that help w/ water retention

 Measurement of soil water

 Amounts of water held, why is/not held

 Characteristics of soil water flow

 Effects of saturated, unsaturated soils

 Environmental affects

 Improving water-use efficiency


 Most common limit of plant growth

 Irrigation has made more land productive

 Many roles for water in the soil

Water Chemistry

 Peculiar properties of water

 Molecule so small, it should be a gas

Highest vaporization temp

Solid phase less dense than liquid

High surface tension

Greatest solute, solvent

 Water held in soil due to H bonds

 Bonding of water to solid particles = adhesion

 Bonding of water to water = cohesion

Water Chemistry

 Strong adhesion/cohesion forces cause water films in soils to be held on soil particles

More surface area of a soil > water held

Soil Water Content

 Measuring Water Content

 Gravimetric method – measure mass water content

Sample – weigh – dry sample – weight again

Time depends on equipment

Measures mass water content

 Can also measure soil water w/ volumetric water content

Soil Water Content

 Gains & Losses of Water

 Measuring soil water volume can help in determining:

Amount of irrigation water needed

Amount of water evaporated

Depth that rainfall/irrigation water will wet soil

Soil Water Potential & Availability

Free energy – energy to do work

Soil water has less potential to do work than water molecules in a pool of water

 Can’t transport as many materials

Soil Water Potential – work the water can do as it moves from its present state to the reference state, which is the energy state of a pool of pure water at an elevation defined to be zero

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Water Potential Gradient & Water Flow

 Soil water moves in response to water potential gradient

 Water flows from areas of higher water potential

(wetter areas) to areas of lower water potential

(dryer areas) = unsaturated flow

Explains water’s ability to move upward w/ capillary action from a water table

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Water movement after rainfall or irrigation moves into & through a saturated soil by gravity

Overrides ability of water to adsorb to soil

Called saturated flow

 Soil Water Classification for Water


 Gravitational water – water that drains freely through the soil by force of gravity

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Field Capacity – measure of the greatest amount of water a soil can store under conditions of complete wetting followed by free drainage

Full saturation minus water lost to drainage

Difficult to determine average field capacity in field situations because water continues to drain & redistribute through soil following rain/irrigation

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Permanent wilting point – water held at PWP held so tight that plants not able to extract it fast enough to meet their needs

Partially explains temporary wilting (rolling) of corn

– recovery at night when water transpiration slows

In conditions of true PWP – plant probably won’t recover, unless additional water added

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Plants, Wilting Point, & Available Water

 Plants vary in their abilities to extract soil water

PWP - ~40-50% of field capacity

Available water capacity – amount of water that would be available to plants, if the soil were at field capacity

Difference between FC & PWP

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Capillary water & Saturation Percentage

 Capillary water – held tightly in small capillary pores by H bonding

Water in minute tubes that will rise through soil matrix to needed areas

Height of capillary rise inversely related to radius of the tube

 Smaller pore diameter, greater the movement

Soil Water Potential & Availability

 Saturation percentage – water content of the soil when all pores are filled with water

~ Double the amount of water at field capacity

Soils as Water Reservoirs

 Water held as films on particle surfaces

 Large soil pores – allow water to drain by gravity flow (sands, large aggregate soils)

 Small soil pores – retain water by capillary action

 >clay & humus % >water storage ability

 Water held in clay soils, held very tightly

Hold large amounts of water at FC & PWP

Soils as Water Reservoirs

 Medium textured soils – unique combination of have pores that hold large amounts of water, but not so tight that plants can’t get it

 Largest available water capacity found in silt loams & other loamy soils

 Soil organic matter, compaction, types of clay affect available water capacity

Methods of Determining Water

Content or Potential

 Porous Blocks

Can be used in the field to help w/ soil water measurement

Bury at various depths

Electrodes attached

Assists w/ irrigation needs

 Capacitance Probes

 Neutron Probes

 Time Domain Reflectometry

Methods of Determining Water

Content or Potential

 Tensiometers

 Thermocouple Psychrometers

 All can perform specific soil water measurements

 Predict irrigation needs

Water Flow Into & Through Soils

 Saturated Flow

Water flow caused by gravity

Infiltration – water entering soil

Rapid into large, continuous pores

Reduced by anything w/ reduction in pore size

Percolation – water moving through the soil

Can carry away dissolved nutrients & salts

Leaching – removal of soluble compounds in percolating water

Water Flow Into & Through Soils

 Rate of water movement controls

% of sand, silt, clay

 Which will infiltrate faster?

 Which will percolate slower?

 Which has highest leaching potential?

Soil structure

Organic matter – improves soil structure, increases #/size of pores

Depth of the soil to impervious layers

Amount of water in the soil – if soil is already wet/dry

Water Flow Into & Through Soils

Soil temp – warm > cold

Compaction – can reduce pore space, decrease infiltration

Permeability – the amount of saturation in the root zone (top 60”) that will affect the amount of water flowing through the soil profile

Limited by least permeable layer in the soil

Major factor in productivity of soil/suitability for development

Water Flow Into & Through Soils

 Hydraulic conductivity – commonly used indicator of permeability

 Permeability rates:

Impermeable <.0015”/hr

Very slow - .0015 .06”/hr

Slow - .06 .2”/hr

 These soils limited for campsites, playgrounds, tillage of ag fields

Moderately slow - .2 .6”/hr

 Soils < moderately slow considered insufficient for septic tank fields & irrigation

Water Flow Into & Through Soils

Moderate - .6 – 2.0”/hr

Moderately rapid – 2-6”/hr

 Soils > moderately rapid also not favorable for septic tank fields, wastewater irrigation – doesn’t filter well

Rapid – 6-20”/hr

Very rapid >20”/hr

 Unsaturated flow

 Water moves naturally from wetter – drier areas

 Movement may not be downward

Water Uptake by Plants

 Water Absorption Mechanisms of Plants

 Passive absorption – caused by constant pull of water moving through plants

 Plant water lost by transpiration

Drier air exerts more atmospheric pull on water, increases transpiration rates

Root extension – expansion/extension of roots into new areas in the soil ability to absorb new water as it is encountered

Water Uptake by Plants

 Active absorption – plant expends energy to absorb water

Plant selects specific solubles to absorb

 Helps equalize osmotic potential

Accounts for very small part of total water absorbed

Absorption through leaf stomata – plants can take in water from fog, rain, dew

Water Uptake by Plants

 Depths of Water Extraction

 Most plant water extracted from shallow depths

 Depends on:

Saturation of the soil

Soil texture


 Trees will go deep

 Grasses remain shallow

 Want to encourage roots to get water from deep soils – more drought tolerant

Water Uptake by Plants

 When Plants Need Water Most

 Visible symptoms of wilt – damage already done

Especially during critical growth periods (flowering to fertilization), rapid size increase

 Plants can wilt even when soils are sufficiently wet – if climate is so hot that evapotranspiration rate > absorption rate

Consumptive Use & Water Efficiency

 Evapotranspiration (ET) – water lost by evaporation from soil & transpired through plants

 Occurs in dry, windy, warm conditions, soil surface moist

 Can involve a large amount of water

Consumptive Use & Water Efficiency

 Water Use Efficiency (WUE)

WUE – transpiration + plant growth + evap from soil + drainage loss (to produce a unit dry plant wt)


– soybeans may use ~.5”/d

 Want to encourage plant available water to maximize growth by reducing evap losses, excessive drainage losses

Evap loss – keep soil canopied (soybeans)

Drainage loss – proper drainage through fields, waterways, terracing, etc.

Reducing Water Loss

 Reducing Evapotranspiration

 Mulches

Straw, peat, gravel, etc.

Barriers to moisture moving out of soil

Keep soil temp cooler

Long dry periods – doesn’t necessarily decrease amount of water lost (can actually increase if mulch wicks moisture from ground)

Reducing Water Loss

 Fallow

Common in dryland farming

Leave land unplanted in alternating years to accumulate extra soil water

Amount of water saved is small, but enough to justify

Ex ~4” water needed to produce wheat from seed to maturity

 Each additional 1” available water increase yield 4-7 bu/ac

Reducing Water Loss

 Reducing Waste & Runoff

Plant selection should carefully match soil’s water characteristics or conserve soil water

 Some research into converting brushland to grasslands to help conserve soil water

Grasses root less deeply than brush

Grasses go dormant earlier in fall

Grasses intercept less precipitation, more water infiltrates soil

Reducing Water Loss

More protection from soil erosion

Found to conserve >2” more water/yr

 Forests transpire much water

Also intercept rain that’s allowed to evaporate before it can reach soil

Still can’t clear-cut all forests

 What consequences would there be?

Reducing Water Loss

 Improved irrigation

Closely manage irrigation systems w/ better water controls

Drip irrigation – most efficient use of water, sprinkler irrigation least

 Reuse of Wastewater

Municipal treatment plants, industry, irrigation tailwater

Can be high in salts/sediment

Much can be available

Reducing Water Loss

 Conservation terraces

Slow water runoff

Catch basins to collect water

 Soil organic matter

Positive impact on PWP

Increased organic matter %, increases ability of water to store water

