GE-10-110. POL 333. Latin American Government and Politics

St. Cloud State University
General Education Goal Area 8
Global Perspectives
Academic Affairs Use Only:
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Prepared by: Ed Greaves, Ph.D.
Phone: 308-5164
Requesting Unit: Political Science
Department, Course Number, Title: POL 333
New Course
Will this course be flagged as a diversity course?
Already Designated as Diversity
Will this course also satisfy another General Education Goal Area?
If “Yes” specify which goal area.
Existing Course
Diversity Proposal Accompanying This Form
Course bulletin description, including credits and semesters to be offered:
Dilemmas of political development in Latin America with an emphasis on Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Mexico, and Cuba. 3Cr. Annual
Indicate the clientele for whom this course is designed. Is the course for general education only, or
does it fulfill general education and other program needs for this or another department? Obtain
signatures from any affected departments.
Students in Political Science, International Relations, Latin American Studies, International Business, and
for General Education
Indicate any changes that must be made in offerings or resources in your department or other
departments by offering this course.
For new courses or courses not yet approved for General Education, indicate any other SCSU departments
or units offering instruction that relates to the content of the proposed course.
Latin American Studies
Courses designated as General Education are included in the assessment plan for the Goal Area(s)
for which they are approved. Courses for which assessment is not included in the annual GE
assessment report for two years will be removed from the General Education Program.
The Requesting Unit understands and recognizes the above conditions.
Provide a concise explanation of how the following goal is a “significant focus” of the proposed course.
Goal Area 8: Global Perspectives
Develop a comparative perspective and understanding of one’s place in a global context.
This course examines the political, economic, and social development of Latin America from a
comparative perspective. This course also examines the economic, political, and social dynamics of the
relationship between the United States and the countries of Latin America, and the increasing
interconnectedness between the United States and the people of Latin America.
13. In order for a course to be designated as fulfilling Goal Area 8, it must address at least 4 of the 5 student learning
outcomes (SLOs) below. Check the SLOs below that are focused on in the proposed general education course.
1. Explain how they are connected and related to people elsewhere in the world.
2. Describe similarities and differences among global places and populations.
3. Analyze how political, economic or cultural elements influence relations among the world’s states, peoples, or
4. Analyze specific international issues and propose and evaluate responses.
5. Articulate a vision of their individual roles and responsibilities in a common global future.
Discuss how each Student Learning Outcome checked above is achieved in this course. (Note: Although
descriptions of typical assignments or types of assignments may be part of this discussion, it is not
appropriate to submit copies of actual assignments.)
1, 2, 5. Students must examine the political, social, and economic development of different countries in
Latin America from a comparative perspective. Political development of different countries in Latin America are
compared. Comparisons are also drawn between political development in the "developed" and the "third" world.
3. Students must be able to describe the impact that the United States has had on the political, economic,
and social development of Latin America and the impact that Latin America has had on the United States.
4. Students must be able to describe the relevant issues that dominate the relationship between the United
States and Latin America (trade and commerce, immigration, drugs, security, democracy).
List or attach the Course Outline (adequately described and including percentage of time to be allocated
to each topic). Curriculum Committees may request additional information. Topics larger than 20% need
to be broken down further. Indicate in your course outline where the Student Learning Outcomes
checked above are being met.
POL 333
Course Objectives
This course introduces students to the politics of Latin America and key issues and events in Latin American
political history. It also looks at Latin America and its relationship to the rest of the world—particularly its
relations with the US. We will look at the politics of the region through the prism of three perspectives:
I. The “macro” politics perspective (governments, formal institutions, political elites and parties, interest groups,
etc.): This perspective allows us to look at a general overview of the region, in order to discuss the main
dilemmas that currently confront Latin America—democracy, economic and social development, and social
II. Politics at the grassroots: We will look at how the “popular” sectors (workers, shantytown dwellers, peasants,
and minorities) have participated in the political process, and how these patterns have changed over the years.
III. The forces of economic and cultural globalization: The impact that “globalization” is having on the region is
important. Throughout this course, we will examine the links between Latin America and the world (with special
attention to the US-Latin America relationship), and between the local and the global.
Throughout the semester, we should keep these questions in mind:
What does citizenship mean in an increasingly global/capitalist world?
What is the meaning of “democracy”?
Can the poor in Latin America exercise voice and citizenship in a globalizing world?
How is Latin America connected to a globalized world?
What role has the international system, in particular the US, played in the political development of Latin
American countries?
1. General Political History of Latin America: the legacy of Spanish and Porgtugues colonialism, indepdendence,
authoritarian rule, and the caste system created by colonial rule (10%)
Satisfies Criteria 2 and 3
2. Contemporary Latin America and its Relationship to the United States and the World. Issues in US-Latin
American relations: democracy, immigration, security, drugs (15%)
Satisfies Criteria 1, 2, 4, and 5
3. The politics of the poor in Latin America: urban poor people's movements and their role in building democratic
governance (15%)
Satisfies Criteria 1, 2 and 4
3. Politics at the elite and popular level in Mexico (15%)
Satisfies Criteria 2,3
4. Politics at the elite and popular level in Argentina (15%)
Satisfies Criteria 2,3
5. Politics at the elite andpopular level in Brazil (15%)
Satisfies Criteria 2,3
6. Politics at the elite and popular level in Chile (15%)
Satisfies Criteria 2,3
St. Cloud State University
General Education Transmittal Form
Academic Affairs Use Only:
Response Date:
Effective Date:
Proposal Number
Course or Course(s):
Department or Unit Chair Signature
Department forward to Academic Affairs for publication and electronically to Chair of General Education Committee, Chair
of College Curriculum Committee, College Dean
Recommendation of General Education Committee:
Recommendation of University Curriculum Committee:
Recommendation of Faculty Association:
FA Senate
Action of Academic Vice President:
Entered in Curriculum Data File