Review for Chapter 2, Section 1 Quiz

Review for Chapter 2,
Section 1 Quiz
Chapter 2
The American Colonies
Chapter 2, Section 1
Spain’s Empire in the Americas
I. Spain’s Empire in the Americas
A. Conquistadores
1. Hernando Cortes- conquered the Aztecs
a. settlers- married Native women
b. encomienda system
The system of 'encomienda' gave Spanish settlers the right to an Indian's labour
in exchange for his "care and religious instruction." Thus, conversion to
Catholicism went hand-in-hand with enslavement and early death.
B. Large Empire in the Americas – Spain
became the richest and most powerful
nation in Europe
1. the Mayans
2. the Incans- Francisco Pizarro
C. The Conquistadores Push North
1. Ponce de Leon- Florida
2. colony- New Mexico
3. the conversion of the Natives to
a. congregaciones
b. missionaries
D. Resistance to the Spanish
1. the settlers try to force Spanish culture
on the Natives
a. destroyed sacred Native American
b. forbade ceremonies and rituals
2. Pope’s Rebellion
Pueblo Revolt (1680): American Indian
On this date the Pueblo peoples of the colony of New Mexico rose in
revolt against the Spanish friars, soldiers, and colonists who had
seized their lands, enslaved them, and forced them to renounce
their ancestral gods. Inspired by a medicine man named Popé,
Pueblo leaders planned a coordinated uprising, which began on this
day with simultaneous attacks on many Spanish settlements and
came to an end on August 21, when the governor and his remaining
forces abandoned Santa Fe and began a retreat south. The
victorious Indians restored their shrines and resumed practicing their
religion. In the next decade drought, hunger, and disease brought
renewed hardships and fueled factional disputes among the
Pueblos, and the Spanish reconquered the territory by 1692.
Chapter 2
The American Colonies Emerge
I. Spain’s Empire in the Americas
A. Conquistadores
1. Hernando Cortes- conquered the Aztecs
a. settlers- married Native women
b. encomienda system
B. Large Empire in the Americas – Spain became the richest and most powerful
nation in Europe
1. the Mayans
2. the Incans- Francisco Pizarro
C. The Conquistadores Push North
1. Ponce de Leon- Florida
2. colony- New Mexico
3. the conversion of the Natives to Catholicism
a. congregaciones
b. missionaries
D. Resistance to the Spanish
1. the settlers try to force Spanish culture on the Natives
a. destroyed sacred Native American objects
b. forbade ceremonies and rituals
2. Pope’s Rebellion