AP World History

Period 5: Industrialization and
Global Integration, c. 1750-190020% of test
Key Concept 5.1:Industrialization and Global
 Industrialization fundamentally changed the
production and consumption of goods around the
 A variety of factors led to the I.R.
Europe’s location and geographical distribution of coal, iron,
Agricultural productivity
Legal protection of private property
Access to foreign resources
Accumulation of capital
Key Concept 5.1:Industrialization and Global
 Machines
 Steam engine
 Internal combustion engine
 Possible to exploit fossil fuels
 Factory systems
 Specialization of labor
Second Industrial Revolution
Steele, chemicals, electricity, precision electricity
Key Concept 5.1:Industrialization and Global
 Need for raw materials led to specialized mass
production of single natural resources (cotton, rubber,
palm oil, sugar, wheat, etc)
Decline of agricultural activity in some places-Textile
production in India
New consumer markets-China
Mining centers-copper in Mexico, gold and diamonds in
Development and expansion of financial institutionsstock markets, insurance, gold standard, corporations
Classical liberalism-Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill
Transportation and communication
Key Concept 5.1:Industrialization and
Global Capitalism
 Social Classes
Middle class and
industrial working class
Gender roles changed
conditions and new types
of communities
 Global Capitalism
Alternative visions:
Utopian socialism,
Marxism, Anrarchism
Government promotion of
Japan, Tsarist Russia,
China’s SelfStrengthening, Ottoman
Reforms: state pensions
and public healthGermany, suffrage rightsBritain, public education
Key Concept 5.2: Imperialism and NationState Formation
 States expanded overseas colonies and established
new types of colonies
Modern empire building impacted regional warfare
and diplomacy
Increase in European influence, USA, and Japan
Land based empires in Eurasia were challenged by
new empires
New ideas about nationalism, race, gender, class,
and culture developed and facilitated growth of
empires and formation of new national identities
Key Concept 5.2: Imperialism and NationState Formation
 Strengthening colonial control-British in India,
Dutch in Indonesia
 Europeans used warfare and diplomacy to establish
empires-Britain in W. Africa, Belgium in Congo
 European settler colonies-British in S. Africa,
Australia, New Zealand and the French in Algeria
 Economic imperialism-British and French
Key Concept 5.2: Imperialism and NationState Formation
 Imperialism influenced state formation and
contraction around the world
Anti-imperialism resistance led to the contraction of
Ottoman Empire
USA and Russia expanded their land borders
New states developed on the edge of existing
empires-The Cherokee Nation, Zulu Kingdom,
Nationalism-Germany, Philippines, Liberia
Social Darwinism justified imperialism
Key Concept 5.3: Nationalism, Revolution, and
 Intense period of revolution and rebellion, establishment
of new nation states
Enlightenment –Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau
Revolutionary documents-Declaration of Independence,
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, Jamaica Letter
Individual Rights, Natural Rights, Social Contract
New ideologies
Liberalism, Socialism, Communism
Women’s suffrage, emergent feminism-Mary
Wollstonecraft, Declaration of Sentiments
5.4: Global Migration
 Number of migrants increased significantly
 Change connected to transoceanic empires and a global
capitalist economy
Some economic benefits
Some people became economic commodities
Produced dramatically different societies on both ends
Challenging for governments-trying to foster national
identities and regulate the flow of people (enclaves such
as Indians in S. Africa) (Chinese Exclusion Acts)
Global population rose because of changes in food
production and improved medical conditions
New transportation
Increased urbanization-people relocated to cities
Key Concept 5.4 : Global Migration
 End of slave trade but increased indentured labor
and penal colonies
 Long Distance migration
 Regulation of borders (passports, citizenship as part
of nation state)
Demographic and Environmental Changes
 Migration – Immigration
 Why?
 Where?
19th c. Migration to Latin America
 Asian immigration to
Latin Americans
Filipinos in 16th
Indentured labor:
Chinese, Japanese,
Korean and
Brazil now has 2.3
million Asian Latin
3% of population today
in Peru
Changing Relationships between Latin
America and the World
 Political independence (Simon Bolivar and Gran
 Rebellions of the Last Incas
 Economic dependency (sugar, coffee, bananas,
 Emerging Relationship with the United States (neoimperialism)
Simon Bolivar--The Jamaica Letter
 “The role of the inhabitants of the American
hemisphere has for centuries been purely passive.
Politically they were nonexistent. We are still in a
position lower than slavery, and therefore it is
more difficult for us to rise to the enjoyment of
freedom…States are slaves because of either the
nature or the misuse of their constitutions; a
people is therefore enslaved when the government,
by its nature or its vices, infringes on and usurps
the rights of the citizen or subject.”
Simon Bolivar--The Jamaica Letter
 “More than anyone, I desire to see America fashioned into the greatest
nation in the world, greatest not so much by virtue of her area and
wealth as by her freedom and glory. Although I seek perfection for the
government of my country, I cannot persuade myself that the New
World can, at the moment, be organized as a great republic. …. The
American states need the care of paternal governments to heal the
sores and wounds of despotism and war.”
 “As soon as we are strong and under the guidance of a liberal nation
which will lend us her protection, we will achieve accord in cultivating
the virtues and talents that lead to glory. Then will we march
majestically toward that great prosperity for which South America is
New Dependencies
 Sugar
 Guano
 Bananas
 Coffee
Banana Republics
Rise of Western Dominance
 Patterns of Expansion
 Imperialism and Colonialism
 African continent, much of Asia, and Oceania
Ethiopia and Siam
 Hawaii and New Zealand
Rise of Western Dominance
 Cultural and Political Reactions to western
dominance (reform, resistance, rebellion, racism,
Japan– Commodore Perry and Meiji Restoration
 Russia– Reforms and Rebellions
 Siam and Ethiopia-- defensive modernization
 China--Boxer Rebellion
 Islamic and Chinese responses compared
 Impact of Changing European Ideologies on
Colonial Administrations
Rise of Western Dominance
Scramble for Africa
Talking Points: The Magnificent African Cake
 Berlin Conference
 Boer War: Dutch and the British
 Liberia and Ethiopia
 Resistance efforts
 Cecil Rhodes
 Lobengula and the Rudd Concession
 King Leopold’s Ghost
 French vs. British rule
 Resource exploitation: rubber, diamonds…
Comparing Intervention
 Forms of intervention in 19th century Latin
America and Africa
 Case studies:
US involvement in Latin America compared
to Belgians in Congo or British in Nigeria?
British actions in South Africa (Boer War)
compared to British in Falklands or French
in Algeria?
Italian intervention in Ethiopia compared to
French in Haiti
Race and “Civilization”
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
 Revolutions (Haiti, Americas, Europe) and colonial
 Enlightenment ideology as well as the use of
spirituality in some rebellions
 Liberal political principles embraced suffrage,
abolition, and gender equality
Political Revolutions and Independence
 Revolutions
 Why Revolution now?
 Where?
United States (1776)
 France (1789)
 Haiti (1803)
 Mexico (1910)
 China (1911)
Political Revolutions and Independence
 Latin American Independence Movements
 Why?
Simon Bolivar
Political Revolutions and Independence
Haitian Revolution
Political Revolutions and Independence
Mexican Revolution
Liberator-Hero Analysis: Eulogies and
New Political Ideas
 Rise of Nationalism
 Growth of Nation-states
 Compare to Germany, Italy, Japan, India, Ethiopia…
Resistance in Africa
 Samoure Toure
 Menelik II
Abolition: End of the Slave trade
 Why?
 William Wilberforce
“So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did the Trade's
wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for
Abolition. Let the consequences be what they would, I from this time
determined that I would never rest until I had effected its abolition.”
“Is it not the great end of religion, and, in particular, the glory of
Christianity, to extinguish the malignant passions; to curb the violence,
to control the appetites, and to smooth the asperities of man; to make
us compassionate and kind, and forgiving one to another; to make us
good husbands, good fathers, good friends; and to render us active and
useful in the discharge of the relative social and civil duties?”
Abolition of slave trade- Britain 1807
 18th century
conservative Islam
 Modern Legacy
within Arab
Mohammad Ali and Egypt
“Such being my supreme pleasure on
all the points above specified,
thou, thy children, and thy
descendants, grateful for this
exalted sovereign favour, ye shall
always be diligent in scrupulously
executing the conditions laid
down, ye shall take need not to
infringe them, ye shall be careful
to ensure the repose and the
tranquility of the Egyptians by
protecting them from all injury
and from all oppressions, ye shall
report to this place, and ye shall
apply for orders on all matters of
importance which concern those
countries, it being for these
purposes that the present Imperial
FIRMAN, which is decorated with
my sovereign signature, has been
written, and is sent to you. “
Suffrage Movements
 Small presence of movement in Latin American
countries though in Africa women were more
involved in nationalist struggles (later)
 National women's suffrage was granted in 1929 in
Ecuador, 1932 in Brazil, 1939 in El Salvador, 1942
in the Dominican Republic, 1945 in Guatemala,
and 1946 in Argentina.
 In African countries, men and women have
generally received the vote at the same time, as in
Liberia (1947), Uganda (1958), and Nigeria (1960).
Impact of Industrialization in Latin America
 Raw materials
 Beef Extract (BWH series…)
 Trade
 Case studies– student jigsaw
Brazil (The Seamstress)
Impact of Industrialization in Africa
 Raw materials
 Colonialism
 Case Studies– student jigsaw
Congo (Choices unit)
Rhodesia/ South Africa
The Gambia/ Senegal (Donald Wright’s book)
 Roles and conditions of upper/ middle versus
working/ peasant class women in western Europe
compared to women in Latin America and SubSaharan Africa in the 19th century
Changes in Global Commerce, Communication
and Technology
 Modes of Transportation/ communication
 Impact of railroad, steam, telegraph
 Suez Canal, Panama Canal
Panama Canal
Panama Canal
Suez Canal
Suez canal opened
in 1869
 What are the global processes that are at play? Which
have intensified? Diminished?
 Predict how the events of the 19th century are a
natural culmination of earlier developments.
 Speculate what historical events in the 19th century
would have most surprised historians of earlier eras.
 What region (s) are in a position to be “players” in
the next period?