Essay #1 -

Portfolio I - Informative Essay
Marcela Black
Aliens are not the enemy. Regardless of their hostile attitudes, scary appearances or
austere looks, there is never a good reason to be repelled by them. Some U.S. Nationals suppose
that because of their savage, brute, and unpolished character, immigrants should be treated as
invaders and always be kept out. Others are plainly afraid of newcomers taking over America.
Talking about foreign immigrants is such a controversial topic that can definitely cause
confusion of beliefs, ideals, and principles. It is widely believed that those who support them
only do it due to ignorance, but the fact is those who reject alien immigration only repel it due
to their own fear and weariness of the unknown. When it comes to antagonizing illegals, the
most vocal and malicious are always the most ignorant. There is plenty of rejection directed
towards aliens; even the already established immigrants, who are now part of the American
society, choose to oppose their cultural origins. And while some will always remain loyal
supporters of immigration, they should not condone the fact that immigrants are changing the
American culture.
Diversity is good for any society. A community with varied cultural influences has a
richer background and can produce a much more enhanced culture. Individuals who are
exposed to different traditions and cultural backgrounds are more prone to enjoy all the
wonders the world has to offer, they are usually more open minded and successful in life. Also,
having the knowledge and experience of how difficult living in a third-world country can be,
immigrants have a more grateful attitude towards accomplishments, material possessions, and
goals achieved. Americans have a very competitive personality and may only benefit from
learning about such an appreciative take in life. This may even help change the all ‘deserving’
American attitude, and allow them to live without harboring feelings of resentment towards
those who become more successful in life.
Portfolio I - Informative Essay
Marcela Black
Religion is something that clearly separates America from other countries. America is a
God-fearing culture and should not be influenced by pagans and atheists. The American
Constitution has always been based on freedom of religion, but a few events in the recent
history of the United States demonstrate that religion fanaticism (which is commonly
originated in foreign countries) can be very dangerous and even mortal when left uncontrolled.
Some religions are extremist and violent and ought to be closely monitored. Take those
religions where women are asked to wear odd dress styles and required to cover their faces in
public, for example. These are not customs of the American way of life, and as such, should be
restricted or banished. Clothing, traditions, or holidays belonging to other countries, should
not be allowed here. Foreign holidays such as: the beginning of the Chinese year, Cinco de
Mayo, Victoria Day, or Hanukkah, have no place in the American holiday calendar. Observing
foreign holidays would only permit the alteration of traditions that should be otherwise be
aimed towards inciting the patriotism of America and promoting its culture.
Language is another barrier that will need to be broken. Chinese population in America
cannot ask that their logographic writing system be used instead of the regular Latin alphabet
system, nor can Brazilians expect everyone to learn Portuguese to be able to communicate with
them. Unfortunately, one can already see the American culture changing. Examples can be
found everywhere: bilingual signs, advertising, and commercial labeling. All of which are
attempting to ‘make things easier’ for immigrants. Americans should not be ‘helping’
immigrants stay in their old ways, but rather encourage them to change and adapt to their new
home. Aliens should recall the popular phrase “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” to
remember what needs to be done while visiting or living in a foreign land. Immigrants should
adapt to the “American Style” not all the other way around. It is imperative that candidates for
Portfolio I - Informative Essay
Marcela Black
citizenship learn English, dress the part, and act American in every sense of the word before
they can even be considered. The American culture and its foundations must remain unaffected
to be preserved. American traditions and culture are designed to promote patriotism and
should be left intact.
When immigrants start planning their move to America, they should also be planning
on a complete internal transformation. They need to leave their bad attitudes and bad habits
home. Those bad attitudes and habits have (over the years) obviously contributed to bring
down their society, making their country’s situation subpar. A change in attitude, dedication,
and commitment levels, ought to be attained in order to truly become American. Alien
immigrants shall adapt their beliefs and ideologies, not only to fit in, but to achieve a successful
transformation: one should be open to change and always strive for success. By deciding to
move here, they are accepting an implicit obligation to grow into this new lifestyle. After all,
the American culture is the very reason that drew them to immigrate in the first place!
It is said that traditions brought by immigrants to this country can only enrich
American culture. However, cultures can only be preserved with the continued use of
traditions, knowledge, and rituals, passed on from generation to generation. The American
society should not expect to keep their culture intact and unaffected if it continues to allow new
immigrants to change it. Americans need to stop foreigners from changing their culture.
Incomers being accepted into American society shall assimilate the American culture and adapt
to it, not just induce the customization of said culture to fit their individual likes and
preferences. If the reason why outsiders come to America is to live “the American way,” then
they should live like a true American. America must remain America in every single sense, to
ensure its preservation and continued success!