Unit 4

Orthopedics, Osteopathy, and Body


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• Origin

– Greek

– osteon = bone

• oste/o = combining form

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• Examples:

– oste/o/pathy = disease of bones

– doctor of oste/o/pathy = doctor who receives special training about skeleton and its relationship to disease

– oste/o/path/ic = adjectival form

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Bone Conditions

• oste/itis = inflammation of bone

• oste/o/malacia = softening of bone

– Caused by:

• Deficiencies of vitamin D and phosphate

• Abnormal excretion of calcium

– Contributing factor:

• Tobacco use

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Bone Conditions

• oste/o/por/osis = deterioration of bone matrix that results in pores and weakness

– Caused by:

• Menopause

• Calcium deficiency

• oste/o/penia = decreased bone density

– Not as extreme as osteoporosis

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Bone Conditions

• oste/oma = bone tumor

– Hard growth on bone

• oste/o/sarc/oma = bone cancer

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• cost/o = combining form

• cost/al = adjectival form

• Examples:

– cost/ectomy = removal of rib or ribs

– inter/costal = between ribs

• Can refer to muscles between ribs that move them during breathing

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• Framework of bones at base of spine

• pelves = plural form

• pelv/i = combining form

• Examples:

– pelv/i/metry = taking pelvic measurements

– pelv/i/meter = device used to measure pelvis

– cephal/o/pelv/ic

= head of fetus and mother’s pelvis

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• Pubis

– Forwardmost bone of pelvis

– Pubic bone

• Another term for pubis

• pub/o = combining form

• Example:

– supra/pub/ic = region above arch of pubis

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Bone Marrow

• myel/o = bone marrow

• Examples:

– myel/o/cyte = young bone marrow cell

– myelo/cyt/ic = pertaining to myelocytes

– myelo/blast = bone marrow germ cell

• Precursor to myelocyte

– oste/o/myel/itis = inflammation of bone and marrow

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Spinal Cord

• myel/o = spinal cord

– Same combining form as bone marrow

• Example:

– myel/o/cyte = cell associated with myelin of brain and spinal cord

• Myelin

– Sheath that covers nerves

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Spinal Cord Conditions

• myel/o/cele = herniation of spinal cord

• mening/o/myel/o/cele = herniation of spinal cord and meninges

• encephal/o/myel/o/pathy = any disease of brain and spinal cord

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Gray Matter

• Brain and part of spinal cord made of nerve cell bodies that appear gray

• poli/o = gray

– Gray matter of nervous system

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Gray Matter

• poli/o/myel/itis = inflammation of gray matter of spinal cord

– Can result in:

• Paralysis of limbs

• Muscle atrophy

– Caused by viral infection

– Prevented by inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV)

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• arthr/o = joint

• Examples:

– arthr/itis = joint inflammation

– oste/o/arthr/itis = inflammation characterized by destruction of bone and joint tissue

– oste/o/arthr/o/pathy = bone and joint disease

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Joint Procedures

• arthr/o/scope = instrument used to look into joint

• arthr/o/scopy = procedure for examining joints with arthroscope

• arthr/o/plasty = surgical repair of joint

• arthr/o/tomy = incision into joint

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• rheumat/ism = painful disorders of joints, muscles, and connective tissue

• rheumat/ology = specialty that studies, diagnoses, and treats rheumatic conditions

• rheumat/ologist = one who specializes in rheumatology

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Rheumat/oid arthr/it is

– Results in:

• Changes in joint structure

• Increase in synovial (joint) fluid

• Inflammation

• Pain

• Joint deformity

– Caused by systemic autoimmune response

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• Connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones

• Origin

– Latin

– tendo = to stretch

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• Three combining forms:

– ten/o

– tend/o

– tendin/o

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Tendon Conditions

• tendin/itis = tendon inflammation

• ten/algia = tendon pain

• ten/o/dynia = tendon pain

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Tendon Procedures

• Three terms for surgical repair of tendon:

– tend/o/plasty

– ten/o/plasty

– tendin/o/plasty

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• Bursa

– Small serous sac between tendon and bone

• bursae = plural form

• Origin

– Latin

– bursa = bag or purse

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• Examples:

– burs/itis = inflammation of bursa

– burs/ectomy = removal of bursa

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• Tough elastic connective tissue found in:

– Ears

– Nose tip

– Rib ends

– Lining of joints

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• chondr/o = combining form

• Examples:

– chondr/algia = cartilage pain

– chondr/o/dynia = cartilage pain

– chondr/ectomy = removal of cartilage

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• Examples:

– chondr/o/cost/al = pertaining to cartilage and ribs

– inter/chondr/al = between cartilages

– hypo/chondr/ial = below cartilage

• Rib cage cartilage region

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• menisc/us = crescent-shaped cartilage structure in knee joint

– Prone to injury and tearing

– Lateral

• On outer portion of knee

– Medical

• On inner part of knee

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• menisc/itis = inflammation of meniscus

• menisc/ectomy = removal of meniscus

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Other Connective Tissues

• Ligaments

– Attach bone to bone

• Fascia

– Attach muscle to muscle

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Bones, Muscles, and Connective


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• orth/o = straight

– As in bone

• Example:

– orth/o/ped/ist = physician who specializes in prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders

• Fracture

– Break in bone

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• orth/o/tics = science that studies and develops appliances used as supportive devices

• orth/o/sis = devices used to stabilize or prevent deformity

– E.g., splints, casts

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• prosthe/sis = appliance that replaces body part

– E.g., artificial leg

• prosthet/ist = one who works with patients who need artificial limbs

• prosthet/ic = pertaining to prosthesis

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Growth and Development Terms

-plasia = changes in number and form of cells

-trophy = changes in size of cells and organs

-genesis = original growth of cells and organs

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Terms with -plasia

-plasia = changes in number and form of cells

• Examples:

– a/plasia = lack of or decreased cell growth

– ana/plasia = abnormal growth of undifferentiated cells

– dys/plasia = production of abnormally formed cells or tissues

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Terms with -trophy

-trophy = changes in size of cells and organs

• Examples:

– a/trophy = decrease in size of tissue

• Wasting

– hyper/trophy = increase in size of cells, tissues, or organs

– hypo/trophy = progressive degeneration

• Same as atrophy

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Terms with -genesis

-genesis = original growth of cells and organs

• Examples:

– a/genesis = absence of original development

– hyper/genesis = repeated creation of body parts or organs resulting in extras

– hypo/genesis = congenital underdevelopment of organs

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Defective Development

• plasia = development

• dys= defective

• Examples:

– dys/plasia = defective formation or development

– a/plasia = failure of organ to develop

– hyper/plasia = overgrowth or too much development

– hypo/plasia = deficient development

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Defective Development Conditions

• oste/o/dys/plasia = of bone

• myel/o/dys/plasia = of spinal cord

• arthr/o/dys/plasia = of joint

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• dent = word root

• dent/o and dent/i = combining forms

• dent/al = adjectival form

• Example:

– dent/ist = doctor who takes care of teeth

• Doctor of dental surgery (DDS)

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Types of Teeth

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Dental Terms

• dent/algia = tooth pain

• dent/oid = resembling tooth

• inter/dent/al = between teeth

• orth/odont/ist = dentist who specializes in straightening abnormally positioned teeth

– orth/o = straight

– odont/o = shaped like tooth

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Prefix: peri-

• peri= around

• Examples:

– peri/odont/al = gums or tissues around teeth

– peri/odont/ist = specialist in gums and tissues

• Many perform surgery

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Prefix: peri-

• Terms referring to membrane surrounding:

– bone = peri/oste/um

– cartilage = peri/chondr/ium

– heart = peri/cardi/um

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Prefix: supra-

• supra= above

• Examples:

– supra/lumbar = above lumbar region

– supra/costal = above ribs

– supra/cranial = on top of head/skull

– supra/pubic = region above arch of pubis

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Prefix: ab-

• ab= from or away from

– Away from midline

• Examples:

– ab/normal = away from/not normal

– ab/errant = structure that wanders from its normal path

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Prefix: ab-

• Examples:

– ab/duct/ion = movement away from midline

• Arm moved away from body

• Fingers spread apart

– ab/duct = to take away from

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Prefix: ad-

• ad= toward

– Toward midline

• Examples:

– ad/duct/ion = movement toward midline

– ad/duct = to move toward midline

– ad/here = to join separate tissues together

– ad/hesion = formed when tissues join

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Prefix: ad-

• Examples:

– ad/dict/ion = drawn toward some habit

– ad/dict = person addicted to substance, action, etc.

– Typical ad/dict/ive substances:

• Drugs and alcohol

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Body Regions: Lumbar

• lumbar = pertaining to lower back

– Includes five vertebrae:

• L


, L


, L


, L


, and L


• lumb/o = combining form

• Example:

– supra/lumbar = above lumbar region

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Body Region: Chest

• thorax = chest

• thoraces = plural

• thorac/o = combining form

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Body Region: Chest

• Examples:

– thorac/o/pathy = any chest disease

– thorac/o/tomy = incision into chest

– thorac/o/lumbar = pertaining to thoracic and lumbar vertebrae

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Body Region: Abdomen

• abdomin/o = combining form

• abdomin/al = adjectival form

• Example:

– abdomin/o/thorac/ic = pertaining to abdomen and thorax

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Divisions of the Abdomen

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Thorax and Regions of the Abdomen

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• Unit of measurement

-meter = instrument used to measure or count

– Suffix

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• Examples:

– cyto/meter = counts cells

– cardi/o/meter = measures heart

– thorac/o/meter = measures chest

– cephal/o/meter = measures head

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Additional Terms: Centesis

• Surgical act of puncturing body cavity or organ with hollow needle to draw out fluid

• Examples:

– abdomin/o/centesis

– cardi/o/centesis

– thorac/o/centesis

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• amni/o = protective sac around fetus

• Example:

– amni/o/centesis = puncturing of sac to remove cells for genetic testing

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Urinary Bladder

• cyst/o = combining form

• Examples:

– cyst/o/scopy = process of examining urinary bladder with scope

• cyst/o/scopic exam

– cyst/o/cele = herniation of bladder wall

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Urinary Bladder Procedures

• cyst/o/tomy = incision into bladder

• cyst/ectomy = removal of bladder

• cyst/o/plasty = surgical repair of bladder

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• hydro= prefix for water, fluid, or watery fluid

• Examples:

– hydro/cyst = saclike structure with watery contents

– hydro/cele = collection of fluid in herniated cavity

– hydro/therapy = treatment using water

– hydro/phobia = abnormal fear of water

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• Examples:

– hydro/cephal/us = condition characterized by enlarged head due to increased amount of fluid in skull

• Can result in:

– Head deformity

– Brain damage

– Abnormal eyes

• hydro/cephal/ic = adjectival form

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• Abnormal fear

-phobia = suffix

• Examples:

– acr/o/phobia = fear of heights

– carcin/o/phobia = fear of cancer

– dys/morph/o/phobia = fear of deformity

– bacteri/o/phobia = fear of bacteria

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