Unit 14 Word Parts For Night, Sleep, Split, Skeletal System

Unit 14
Word Parts for Night, Sleep, Split,
Skeletal System, and Orthopedics
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Skeletal System
• Bones, joints, and connective tissues
– Supports, moves, and protects body
– Has blood supply and moist membranes
– Constantly releases and deposits calcium
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Skeletal System
• skelet/o = combining form
• Origin
– Greek
– skeletos = dried up
• Example:
– muscul/o/skelet/al system = combination of muscle and
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Skeletal System
• Muscles pull on bones to produce movement at
– Muscles attached to bones by tendons at origin and
insertion points
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• orth/o/ped/ics = medical specialty of treating
diseases of and performing surgery on skeletal
• orth/o/ped/ist = physician specialist who
practices orthopedics
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Bones of the Wrist
carp = word root
carpus = wrist bone
carpi = plural form
carp/o = combining form
– Greek
– carpos = wrist
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Bones of the Wrist
• Examples:
– carp/al = pertaining to wrist
– carp/al tunnel syndrome = pressure on nerve that runs
from forearm into hand
• Caused by repetitive hand movement
– carp/ectomy = excision of all or part of wrist
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Bones of the Hand
• meta/carp/als = bones in hand beyond carpals
• carp/o/meta/carp/al = pertaining to wrist and
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Bones of the Hand
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Bones of the Fingers and Toes
phalanx = finger or toe bone
phalang/es = plural form
phalang/o = combining form
– phalang/itis = inflammation of finger or toe
– phalang/ectomy = surgical removal of finger or toe
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Bones of the Ankle and Foot
• tarsals = bones of ankle
• tars/o = combining form
• Example:
– meta/tars/als = bones of foot beyond tarsals
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Bones of the Ankle and Foot
• Malleolus
– Bony protrusions on ankles
• Lateral malleolus
– Bony process on fibula bone
• Medical malleolus
– Bony process on distal end of tibia
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Bones of the Ankle and Foot
calcaneus bone or calcaneum = heel
calcanea = plural form
calcane = word root
calcane/o = combining form
– calcane/al = pertaining to heel
– calcane/o/dynia and calcane/algia = pain in heel
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Bones of the Ankle and Foot
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Shoulder blade
scapul/o = combining form
acromi/o = combining form
– acromi/on process = projection of scapula
– acromi/al = pertaining to acromion
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Bones of the Arm
• humerus = upper arm bone
• humer/o = combining form
• Examples:
– humer/al = pertaining to humerus
– acromi/o/humer/al = pertaining to acromion and humerus
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Bones of the Arm
radius and ulna = bones of forearm
radi/o = combining form
uln/o = combining form
– radi/o/uln/ar = pertaining to both bones
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Terms with brachi/o
• brachi/o = combining form
– Describes bones and blood vessels in arm
• Examples:
– biceps brachi/i = muscle in arm
– brachi/al artery = artery in arm
– brachi/o/radi/alis muscle = extends from upper arm to
radial bone
– brachi/o/cephal/ic = pertaining to arm and head
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• Rounded bony process that protrudes from
some bones
• condyl = word root
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• Examples:
condyl/ar = pertaining to condyle
condyl/ectomy = excision of condyle
condyl/oid = resembling condyle
epi/condyle = upon condyle
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Bones of the Leg
• femur = thigh bone
– Longest bone in body
• Proximal end of femur part of hip joint
• Origin
– Latin
– femur = thigh
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Bones of the Leg
• femur/o = combining form
• Examples:
– femor/al = pertaining to femur
– femor/al artery = artery that supplies blood to leg
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Bones of the Leg
tibia = shin bone
tibi/o = combining form
fibula = long, thin bone lateral to tibia
fibul/o = combining form
– tibi/o/fibul/ar = pertaining to tibia and fibula
• E.g., tibiofibular fracture
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Fracture Facts
break through width of bone
break not through width of bone
closed or simple fracture
skin not broken
open or compound fracture bone ends protrude through skin
pathologic fracture
diseased area that weakens bone
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Fracture Facts
fraction reduction and
fixation or closed
internal fixation
external fixation
movement of body part to cause
bone ends to align without
screws or nails in bone under
skin (ORIF)
screws attached to external bar
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Bones of the Pelvis
• Ischium
– ishi/o = combining form
• Ilium
– ili/o = combining form
• Pubis
– pub/o = combining form
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Bones of the Pelvis
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• ischia = plural form
• ischi = word root
• Examples:
– ischi/al = pertaining to ischium
– ischi/o/rect/al = pertaining to ischium and rectum
– ischi/o/pub/ic = pertaining to ischium and pubis
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• Examples:
– ischi/o/neur/algia = neuralgic pain in hip
• Also known as sciatica
– ischi/o/cele = herniation through ischium
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• pubes = plural form
• pub/o = combining form
• Examples:
– supra/pub/ic = above pubis
• E.g., suprapubic incision
– pub/o/femor/al = pertaining to pubis and femur
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• Breastbone
• stern/o = combining form
• Examples:
– stern/al = pertaining to sternum
– stern/o/peri/cardi/al = pertaining to sternum and
– stern/o/cost/al = pertaining to sternum and ribs
– stern/algia and stern/o/dynia = pain in sternum
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• xiphoid = projection at inferior end of sternum
• xiph/o = combining form
• Example:
– xiph/o/cost/al = pertaining to xiphoid process and ribs
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• Backbone
• rachi/o and spondyl/o = combining forms
• Examples:
– rach/itis and spondyl/itis = inflammation of spine
– rachi/algia and rachi/o/dynia = pain in spine
– rachi/o/plegia = spinal paralysis
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• Examples:
– rachi/schisis = spine fissure (split)
• -schisis = suffix meaning split
– rachi/o/tomy = incision into spine
– rachi/o/meter = instrument to measure spinal curvature
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• Three types of spinal curvature:
– Kyphosis
• Posterior
– Lordosis
• Anterior
– Scoliosis
• Lateral
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Abnormal Curvatures of the Spine
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Regions of the Spine
Combining form
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Regions of the Spine
• sacr/o/ili/ac joint = joint between sacrum and
• thorac/o/lumbar = pertaining to thorax and
lumbar spines
• sacr/o/sciat/ic = pertaining to sacrum and
sciatic nerve
• coccyg/ectomy = removal of coccyx
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• cervic/o = combining form
• Examples:
cervic/al = relating to neck
cervic/al collar = device used to immobilize neck
cervic/o/facial = pertaining to face and neck
cervic/o/brachi/al = pertaining to arm and neck
cervic/o/thoracic = pertaining to chest and neck
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• Collection of nerve cell bodies
• gangli/a = plural form
• Examples:
– cerebral gangli/a = main cerebral nerve centers
– cervical gangli/on = one of three neural masses found in
cervical region
– cervical gangli/a = all three neural masses
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• Bones that make up spine
• vertebrae = plural form
• Intervertebral disk
– Fibrocartilaginous disk serving as cushion between
vertebrae of spinal column
• Myelogram
– X-ray used to view spine
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• Discectomy
– Removal of herniated disk
• Spinal fusion
– Procedure sometimes performed following discectomy
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• Lamina
– Thin, flat membrane that lines vertebral posterior arch
• lamin/o = combining form
• Example:
– lamin/ectomy = removal of lamina as treatment for
ruptured disk
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• noct/i and nyct/o = combining forms
• Examples:
– noct/ambul/ism and somn/ambul/ism = sleepwalking
• ambul = word root for walk
– ambul/atory = able to walk
– ambul/ance = vehicle for transporting people who cannot walk
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• Examples:
– nyct/al/opia = night blindness or difficulty seeing at night
• Caused by:
– Lack of vitamin A
– Retinal fatigue from exposure to bright light
– Retinitis pigmentosa
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• Examples:
– nyct/o/phobia and noct/i/phobia = abnormal fear of night
– nyct/o/philia and noct/i/philia = unusual attraction to night
– nyct/uria and noct/uria = excessive urination at night
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Terms with ankyl/o
• ankylosed = stiffened
– Immovable or fixed
• ankyl/o = combining form
• Examples:
– ankyl/o/sing spondylitis = condition of spine immobility
– ankyl/o/blepha/on = adhesions resulting in immovable
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Terms with ankyl/o
• Examples:
ankyl/o/stoma = lockjaw
ankyl/o/cheil/ia = adhesions of lips
ankyl/o/proct/ia = closure or immobility of anus and rectum
ankyl/o/phobia = abnormal fear of ankylosis
ankyl/o/glossia = tongue tied
ankyl/o/dactyl/ia = adhesions of fingers and toes
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Suffix: -stasis
• -stasis = to stop or control
• Examples:
viscer/o/stasis = control organ or what it produces
fung/i/stasis = stop or control growth of fungi
chol/e/stasis = stop or control bile flow
enter/o/stasis = control small intestine
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Suffix: -stasis
• Examples:
py/o/stasis = stop formation of pus
hem/o/stasis = control flow of blood
phleb/o/stasis and ven/o/stasis = check flow in veins
arteri/o/stasis = check flow in arteries
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• Word elements meaning split, cleft, and fissure:
– schizo– schist/o– -schisis
• Examples:
– schizo/nych/ia = split nails
– schizo/phas/ia = split or incomprehensible speech
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• Examples:
– schizo/phren/ia = split mind
• Group of severe mental disorders
– Disturbed thinking, emotions, and behavior
– Characterized by feelings of persecution, jealousy, and hallucinations
– Treatment:
» Antipsychotic medications and psychotherapy
– schisto/gloss/ia = split tongue condition
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• Examples:
– schist/o/cyte = split cell
• Cell with fissure
– schist/o/thorax = split chest
• Fissure
– palat/o/schisis = cleft palate
– uran/o/schisis = cleft palate
– rach/i/schisis = split spine
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• Cervix
– Neck-like structure
• Cervix of the axon
– Constriction between cell body and axon
• Cervix dentis
– Neck of tooth
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• Cervix vesicae urinariae
– Neck of urinary bladder
• Cervix
– Neck of uterus
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• cervic/ectomy = excision of cervix
• cervic/itis = inflammation of cervix
• cervic/al = pertaining to cervix
– Also refers to neck
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