Skills: This activity works well for getting students to practice

Integrating the Dramatic Arts into the Common Core
Warm-Up Games
The Counting Game………………………………………………………………………..……………………….2
Pass the Clap………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………2
Zip, Zap, Zop…………………………………………………………………………………………… ………..…….3
Kitty Wants a Corner………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Bippity, Bippity, Bop……………………………………………………………………………….…………..….4
The Name Game……………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Now I Know My ABC’s……………………………………………………………………… ………………………5
Who Dun It?........................................................................................... ...............................5
Captain’s Coming…………………………………………………………………………………..………….…….5
Human Atom……...……………………………………..………………………………………… …………..……..6
Breakfast Tag………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Classroom Activities
o True or False………………………………………………….……………………………………………..8
o Multiple Choice……………………………………………………………………………………………..8
o Vocabulary Tag…………………………………………………………………………………………..…9
o Say It……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
o Tableaus……………………………………………………………………………………………………...10
o Shadow Plays……………………………………………………………………………………………...11
o Character Cards………………………………………………………………………………………..…12
o Situation Cards…………………………………………………………………………………………...16
o Performance Rubric…………………………………………………………………………………….21
Warm-Up Activities
Warm-up games are an effective way to build a sense of community within a classroom. When
students feel more comfortable with each other, it follows that they will be more willing to take risks,
particularly in terms of speaking and writing. This section includes various short exercises that are
particularly effective at the start of a course but can also be used as a productive way to use time when a
lesson runs short.
The Counting Game
Directions: Arrange students in a circle; then inform them that their task is simply to count to ten as a
group. Each number must be said individually, and if two or more people speak at the same time, the
group is to begin again at one. It is highly encouraged to have students take a few moments to let the
initial silence settle before counting. Not only does it help them focus, but it also encourages the idea
that there is nothing wrong with silence.
Debrief: After students reach ten, or fail to enough times that people’s interest begins to wane, ask
students what worked well and what was problematic. Challenge them to relate this activity to a
Skills: This game hones students’ discussion skills by having them practice their awareness of non-verbal
communication. It is also a good way to build focus and underscores the idea that discussions are not
just about talking but also about waiting for the appropriate moment.
Pass the Clap
Directions: Have students stand in a circle, and let them know that they are going to practice sending
impulses, in this case, a clap. Choose someone to start. He or she is then going to clap at the person to
his or her immediate right. That person “catches” the impulse by clapping, turns his or her body to the
right and releases the impulse by clapping a second time. It should be a quick pace, and after a few trips
around the circle, it should look like there is a pulse moving. After students have the hang of the pace,
introduce the idea of a reverse. To implement a reverse, when it’s a student’s chance to catch the
impulse, he or she throws his or her hands into the air and shouts reverse. Students then switch the
direction of the impulse, perhaps moving counterclockwise as opposed to clockwise. The impulse must
then make three complete trips around the circle before it can be reversed again.
Debrief: Ask students to consider how sending an impulse can be related to the rhythm of a discussion.
What should the ideal rhythm look like? What happens is students over-anticipate? Under-anticipate?
Skills: Pass the Clap is a way to have student practice anticipation without jumping the gun, so to speak.
While it is particularly useful in creating a group mentality and building focus, the skills can also be
translated to a discussion where it is important that students build off each other’s comments and pay
attention to the rhythm as a whole.
Zip, Zap, Zop
Directions: Have students stand in a circle. For this game they will again practice sending an impulse, but
rather than have it travel clockwise or counterclockwise around the circle, students send the impulse
across the circle. Choose a student to begin. He or she makes eye contact with another student across
the circle and says “zip” while clapping and then pointing to the student across the circle with whom he
or she made eye contact. The second student then makes eye contact with another peer, says “zap”
while clapping and then pointing to the student they have made eye contact. This third student repeats
the process but says “zop” as they pass the impulse. The pattern should repeat “zip-zap-zop” at a quick
pace. After students have a handle on the words and the rhythm, you can begin the elimination aspect
of the game. If students pause too long, do not make it clear to whom they are sending an impulse, or
goof up the words, then they are out and must step out of the circle. The remaining students should
then tidy up the circle by moving in so that there are no gaps.
Debrief: Ask students what was challenging about the game. Often times they site not being able to hear
the word clearly, not being ready, or being uncertain to whom the impulse was being passed. This is a
good opportunity to discuss non-verbal communication and the importance of clear articulation and eye
Skills: A corner stone of public speaking, eye contact is a skill that students, particularly those who are
younger or unfamiliar with their peers, need to practice. This is a low-risk scenario where kids practice
the skill without necessarily realizing they’re doing so until the debriefing session.
Kitty Wants a Corner
Directions: Once again, arrange students in a circle, and select one student to stand in the center; he or
she is the kitty. Next, have the kitty walk up to a student and say, “Kitty wants a corner” to which the
student responds, “Ask my neighbor” and points either left or right. The kitty must then move to the
designated neighbor and repeat the phrase “Kitty wants a corner,” to which the new student says “Ask
my neighbor” and points to the person to his or her left or right. While the kitty is busy asking for a
corner, the other students must exchange places with someone from across the circle. The kitty’s
objective is to try and get into one of the empty spaces of the circle while students are in mid-cross.
Whoever is left in the circle is the new kitty.
Debrief: Discuss with students again the importance of non-verbal communication and the idea that it is
important to take risks.
Skills: This is an interesting game to play at the beginning of a course because most of the time, the first
students who are willing to attempt to cross the circle tend to be stronger at discussions. Again, this
game fosters non-verbal communication and emphasizes the fact that students need to depend on each
other in a classroom community.
Bippity, Bippity, Bop
Directions: For this game, arrange students in a circle. Let students know they will have to remember
some commands. If you, the person in the center of the circle, point at a person and say “Bippity,
Bippity, Bop” they must say “Bop” before you finish the line or else they are out. If, however, you point
at a person and just say “Bop” they are to say nothing or else they are out. For the next command, point
at a person and say “007.” Everyone must find a partner to stand back to back with and put up their
fingers in the typical James Bond pose. Whoever does not find a partner is out. The final command is
“Angel,” and the person at whom you point is to press their hands together while one of their neighbors
creates a halo with his or her hands above the original person’s head, and the other makes angel wings
behind the original person’s back.
Debrief: Ask students what techniques worked well for getting students out. Why do they think this
was? Ask them to identify who did a particularly good job at the game.
Skills: The silliness of the game helps kids break out of their shells, and the elimination aspect of it
ensure that they are working with all of their peers, rather than their close friends. It’s an effective ice
The Name Game
Directions: This is a simple memory game to help students remember each other’s names. Have
students brainstorm a list of adjectives that begin with the first letter of their first name and a list of
nouns that begins with the first letter of their last name, though be aware that you might need to review
what nouns and adjectives are. Next, have them choose their favorite combination. Choose someone to
introduce him or herself and share the selected combination. For instance, a student might say “My
name is Jake Pennington, and I am a jolly penguin.” The person to his left would go next and say “My
name is Anne McCartney, and I’m an Amorphous Microphone. This is Jake Davidson, who is a Jolly
Penguin.” The student to Anne’s left would introduce him or herself, Anne, and Jake. Continue in this
fashion until all students have introduced themselves and their peers.
Debrief: Ask students which names were the easiest to remember and which were the hardest. Ask
them why they thought this was. It is also fair to ask what kind of lesson this activity shows about word
choice and repetition. The more something is repeated, often the easier it is to remember, which holds
true for studying. Also, in terms of writing, it should remind students that it is important to choose
words that are atypical but not so far removed that they become obtuse.
Skills: This game works well for basic memory practice, potentially as a writing warm-up, if students take
one of the combinations and write a story about it, and it also is an effective way to get students to
learn each other’s names.
Who Dun It?
Directions: Select one student to be a detective and send him or her out into the hallway or to
someplace where the discussion cannot be heard. Next, select an assassin, who will “murder” people by
winking at them. If a student is murdered, he or she will fall down to the ground, and it is the detective’s
job to guess within three tries the identity of the assassin. For the first few rounds, it is easier for
students to get a handle on the game if they are standing in a circle; however, as they become more
adept at guessing the assassin, permit them to mill around the class because the added movement
makes identifying the murderer more challenging.
Debrief: Ask students what the effective assassins did to make it difficult to identify them as the guilty
party. It might also be interesting to ask students what they were doing when they were not the
assassin. Did it make them look guilty, even if they weren’t? This is an effective lead-in to a discussion
about body language and how we’re always communicating.
Skills: This game fosters an awareness of body language, both in terms of reading and expressing. It also
helps students work on making eye contact and paying attention to subtly hints.
Now I Know My ABC’s
Directions: Begin by writing the alphabet on the whiteboard. Next, select two student volunteers to
come to the front of the room, and as a word of caution, this activity works better if you begin with
students who err on the side of verbose. As a class, choose a conflict the two students might be having
such as one of the students wants to copy the other’s homework or they can’t decide who should have
the last slice of pizza. The two students at the front of the board must now act out this conflict, but they
must do so in alternating sentences that go in alphabetical order. For instance, the first student might
say “Absolutely not. You cannot have the last slice of pizza,” to which the second student responds “But
I paid for it.” The first student then says “Can’t you count? You’ve had three slices, and I’ve had two.”
They continue so on and so forth, working their way through the alphabet. The round is over when
students hesitate too long, miss a letter, or finish the alphabet.
Debrief: This is an interesting activity to discuss in terms of what was easy, what was difficult because
while it’s simple to continue the story when students are seated, doing so in front of the class always
proves to be challenging. Ask them what scenarios worked best and why they thought that was.
Skills: This activity works well for getting students to practice dialogue, brainstorming for conflict driven
scenarios, and lends itself to free-writing. To more directly link it to a writing assignment, have students
continue the story or re-write the scene with an alternative resolution.
Captain’s Coming
Directions: Captain’s Coming is a much-loved game that can occasionally border on the brink of chaos
because it works better with larger groups. In order to play, students will have to learn a series of
commands that a caller will shout out. The first command is “Captain’s Coming,” and students must line
up and salute. They may not move again until the caller says “at ease,” so calling orders without saying
“at ease” is a sure-fire way to eliminate students. “Lookout” involves two students, where one must
drop to all fours while the other places his or her knee on the other’s back and pretends to look out of a
spyglass. “Row boat” involves three students, all of whom must sit on the ground in a line and sing “rowrow-row-your-boat” while mimicking rowing. “Man Overboard” also uses three people, where two join
hands around the third and rock him or her back and forth. “Seasick” involves this same position, but
the student in the middle has to pretend to retch over the side of the boat, which makes it a class
favorite. “Meal time” calls for four students seated cross-legged on the ground as if around a table; they
must mimic eating. “Tea-time” is much the same, though instead of eating, students are to pretend to
drink tea. Finally “Starfish” means that five students must link arms and turn in a circle. Be advised, it
might be best to introduce a few commands at a time.
Debrief: Begin by asking students what they liked and didn’t like about the game. This game is a good
way to get into discussions about roles and responsibilities. Those who are willing to be any part of any
scenario often last longer than those who do not. Additionally, students who initiate partners with
whoever is nearby stay in the game longer than those who want to work exclusively with their friends.
This type of behavior parallels what works well in group project dynamics and what does not.
Skills: This game, in addition to being an effective ice breaker, is designed to hone partner and group
work skills.
Human Atom
Directions: For human atom, students are to get up and orbit around the room without ever touching
each other. However, instead of simply circling, they need to pass through the center of the area, which
eliminates kids’ tendency to simply walk in a circle. Practice moving at a normal pace, which is called
level five. Then have them move slightly slower at a level four. Practice having them move at a one so
that their forward motion is barely perceivable. Next, have them jump to a level seven, which is like a
brisk walk. This activity works well when coupled with another. For instance, using human atom is a
good way to get kids to work with new partners. Simply say level zero, meaning they freeze, and have
them turn to the nearest partner. From here they can take turns having a micro-discussion over a
question you ask them, or they can use this partner to work on assignment for class.
Debrief: If this activity was used in conjunction with discussion questions, ask students to report to the
whole group an interesting comment their heard in one of their micro-discussions. It also works well as a
post-writing activity because students can use peers to refine their thinking.
Skills: This activity is useful in that it gets kids up and moving. It enables them to discuss with multiple
partners, and because of the limited amount of time in which they have to talk, it gets them to practice
staying on task.
Breakfast Tag
Directions: For Breakfast Tag have students share one by one what their favorite breakfast food is, and
encourage students to pay attention to each other. Insist that everyone must have their own food and
there can be no repeats. Next, explain they will be playing tag and select a student to begin. The person
who is it is going to try and tag others. However, the target can say the name of another breakfast food
that was mentioned. Whoever said that breakfast food is now the new “it,” and he or she must
immediately begin to try and tag people, who can attempt to save themselves by calling out other
breakfast foods so that someone else is it. After explaining the directions, though before playing, it is
helpful to review what breakfast foods each kid said. When a kid is out, he or she must go to the side of
the room and have them help keep track of who has been tagged out. Additionally, it may be helpful to
begin with Human Atom before starting the actual tagging because it establishes how fast students can
move; avoid going faster than a seven to circumvent chaos.
Debrief: Ask students which breakfast items were easy to remember under pressure and which were
not. This particular activity works well in a Spoken Word unit because it reemphasizes how important it
is to speak clearly and loudly. Additionally, because listeners only have one opportunity to listen to a
speech or a poem, it is important to choose words that are both meaningful and understandable.
Skills: This game works on word choice, quick-thinking, and memory. It is also a nice way to get students
up and moving out of their seats and may be used with any number of items other than breakfast items.
For instance, it could be used to reinforce vocabulary words for a unit. See Vocabulary tag for an
Activities for Humanities
One of the strengths of the Common Core is that, rather than being content driven, it is largely skills
based. As such, the dramatic arts, which rely on a multitude of skillsets, including verbal and non-verbal
communication, interpretation, and analysis, find a definite home in the classroom. Additionally,
because of the innately creative and active elements of drama, students tend to enjoy the activities.
True or False
Directions: This is a simple activity to get a quick read on what students understand. Simply ask a true or
false question, but rather than have one student answer the question, have everyone in the class form
T’s or F’s with their bodies, depending on what they believe the answer is.
Debrief: Discuss what the correct answer is and why.
Skills: This is a quick way to gauge where students are in their understanding. Additionally, because
students are associating a specific movement with the question, it gives their brains another access
point, through which to remember the statement.
Multiple Choice
Directions: Here again teachers can get a quick read on what their students understand. Simply give a
question with A, B, or C as a choice; generally it is easier to use the overhead. Next, have all students
simultaneously show the answer by making the respective letter with their bodies.
Debrief: Discuss what the correct answer is and why.
Skills: This is a quick way to gauge where students are in their understanding. Additionally, because
students are associating a specific movement with the question, it gives their brains another access
point, through which to remember the statement.
Vocabulary Tag
Directions: Give students a list of key terms, events, and places and begin by discussing the significance
behind each. Have each student choose the term that they think is most significant, but do not allow for
any repeats. Next, explain they will be playing tag and select a student to begin. If the person who is it is
trying to tag a student, the targeted student can say the name of another key term that was selected.
Whoever chose that term is now it, and he or she must immediately begin to try and tag people, who
can attempt to save themselves by calling out other terms so that someone else is” it.” After explaining
the directions, though before playing, it is helpful to review what term each kid said. When a kid is out,
he or she must go to the side of the room and have them help keep track of who has been tagged out.
Additionally, it may be helpful to begin with Human Atom before starting the actual tagging because it
establishes how fast students can move; avoid going faster than a 7, and enable kids to get a little mixed
up, so it’s more surprising who is “it” when a term is called.
Debrief: Ask students which terms were easy to remember under pressure and which were not. This is a
good lead into a discussion about how to go about studying. If students are already familiar with
particular terms, then they should spend time figuring out which terms are less familiar and spend more
time studying them.
Skills: This game works on word choice, quick-thinking, and memory. It is also a nice way to get students
up and moving out of their seats and is an effective way to further familiarize students with vocabulary
and open a discussion about the terms with which they are less familiar.
This particular activity works well in a Spoken Word unit, particularly if students are not simply limited to
favorite terms but perhaps favorite adjective or verb, because it reemphasizes how important it is to
speak clearly and loudly. Additionally, because listeners only have one opportunity to listen to a speech
or a poem, it is important to choose words that are both meaningful and understandable.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words
and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness
level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
Say It
Directions: A pair of students will come to the front of the room. They will each select a character card in
addition to a situation card, found in the resources section of this packet. Next, they will begin playing
the scene, and each must draw a vocabulary card out of the basket. Within fifteen seconds of drawing
the card, they must use the vocabulary word correctly while continuing to act out their scene. If a
student cannot use the vocabulary word correctly or does so in a way that does not make sense, he or
she is out, and a new student from the audience must take his or her place in the scene. The new
student must draw a new vocabulary card and a new character card. If, however, both students use the
words correctly, they then draw a new vocabulary card and continue to do so until someone makes a
mistake or the scene stops developing.
Debrief: Ask students which terms were easy to remember under pressure and which were not. This is a
good lead into a discussion about how to go about studying. If students are already familiar with
particular terms, then they should spend time figuring out which terms are less familiar and spend more
time on words with which they are less comfortable.
Skills: This game works on word choice, quick-thinking, and memory. It is also a nice way to get students
up and moving out of their seats and is an effective way to further familiarize students with vocabulary
and open a discussion about the terms with which they are less familiar.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words
and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness
level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase
important to comprehension or expression.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.2d Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the
complexity of the topic.
Directions: Begin by giving students important images from class. Suggested images include famous
paintings, political cartoons, or visual interpretations of climactic scenes, perhaps created by the
students themselves. Next, tell students that they are to create the story that comes either before or
after their image.
Variation 1: Have students write out a script to accompany their tableaus. Instruct them to avoid using
words and to focus on telling their story through the images they are creating with their bodies. This
method involves writing, and forces students to explore storytelling through an atypical venue. It also
requires more time than variation 2.
Variation 2: Here the activity is more improvisational and hones students’ verbal skills. Let students know
that they have 3 minutes to brainstorm the story and that they can use words to tell it.
Regardless of which variation you use, students must include three moments of perfect stillness. Here
they should try to create snapshots with their bodies. Additionally, either their first or last “snapshot”
should be a copy of the political cartoon or the painting they were given. Finally, if the entire class is
somewhat familiar with the images being used, it can be fun to guess which group is doing which
Debrief: Ask students what poses were particularly memorable? Why was that? Which story caught
their attention? What skills do they think this is developing?
Skills: Depending on the variation you use, this activity fosters creative interpretation, verbal and nonverbal communication. It also develops students’ abilities to work in groups.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.9-10.3 Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine
whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.7 Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different
artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment
Shadow Plays
Directions: Before students arrive, you will need to hang a sheet or some plain and large piece of cloth.
Then, put an overhead (or any concentrated light source) behind the sheet, leaving enough space for
students to move around.
Begin by having students identify the central moments of historical movement or a novel. (A good way
to begin is by asking what are the rising actions. What is the climax, the resolution? Write these on the
board. Next, assign students into groups of no more than five. Allow each group to select a central
moment from the board, which they will turn into a shadow play. The beauty of this assignment is that
there is a fair amount of flexibility. Some students may create puppets, others may become the puppets
by acting out scenes from behind the sheet. Encourage them to play with the shadows and figure out
where to stand to make some shadows larger, some smaller. Additionally, they can create settings by
drawing on overhead sheets or cutting settings out of paper. A suggested list of requirements is a script,
music, some sort of setting, and a written justification as to the choices the student made.
Debrief: Ask students what moment stood out. What group made particularly effective choices? Discuss
how central characters change over the course of the story. Ask students how central events build off
each other.
Skills: This activities hones students’ verbal and non-verbal communication, their writing skills, and
requires them to think creatively. Moreover, in the brainstorming process, students are analyzing the
structure of important events.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific
details; provide an objective summary of the text.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.7 Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different
artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden’s “Musée des
Beaux Arts” and Breughel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.9-10.3 Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine whether
earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting
motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or
develop the theme.
Character Cards
Dance Instructor
Radio DJ
Flight Attendant
Tattoo Artist
Window Cleaner
Zoo Keeper
Bill Rider
Interior Designer
Santa Claus
House Painter
Camera Buff
Disco Dancer
Cat Lover
Fire Fighter
Ballet Dancer
Enraged Motorist
Situation Cards
Can’t remember a name
Heckler interrupts
Elvis contest
Loss of job
Super glue accident
fear of germs
iron man contest
credit card crazy
bad hair day
new job anxiety
no pets allowed
slippery when wet
Rude service
Sharing a taxi
Gooey substance
neat freak
meet a famous person
corn stuck in teeth
first day of school
Interview gone bad
Dancing Lessons
bad breath
being evicted
Lost ticket
Christmas Shopping
Mouse in the house
Reversed Seats
Found $100 bill
Sings every word
late for appointment
Need milk
Overly superstitious
Unrequited Love
Washing Hair
Language barrier
Hearing aid breaks
Pick pocket
All sold out
Lingering Road Rage
Lost glasses
Power Outage
Locked in
Dead body
Baiting a fishhook
Learning to drive
Obsessed with politics
Thumb war
Test anxiety
Changing a tire
Upset over pimple
Sports Nut
Penny pinching
Relaxation Time
Extreme Fatigue
Mosquitoes invade
Aliens visit
No food or drink allowed
Childish behavior
Lost pet
Blind date
Wallet stolen
Throbbing Toothache
Gambling problem
Forgotten birthday
Career Counseling
Suggested Performance Rubric
Produce ideas and work with
little or no resemblance to a
model and many original
ideas while still sharing a
common theme or objective
Produce ideas and work that
combine some elements of a
model and some original
Combine existing
knowledge and make
connections between many
disparate and even unrelated
Combine existing
knowledge and make
connections between some
disparate and even unrelated
Use advanced skills and
Use intermediate skills and
Verbal Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Voice, pitch, pace, tone,
pronunciation, and
enunciation are used
deliberately, effectively, and
passionately to underscore
the central ideas.
Facial expressions, gestures,
posture body language, eye
contact, poise, and
movement are used
deliberately, effectively, and
passionately to underscore
the central ideas.
Main idea is clear,
supported, and enriched
by relevant evidence,
anecdotes, and/or details
Produce ideas and work that
Reproduce existing ideas
combine many elements of a
and work
model and few original ideas
Combine existing
knowledge and make
connections between a few
disparate and even unrelated
Use a mixture of
intermediate and basic skills
and techniques
Use knowledge from a
single source
Use beginning/basic
Voice, pitch, pace, tone,
pronunciation, and
enunciation are used
deliberately and underscore
the central ideas.
An attempted is made to use
voice, pitch, pace, tone,
pronunciation, and
enunciation effectively
Little attention has been paid
to voice, pitch, pace, tone,
pronunciation, and
enunciation. The result feels
Facial expressions, gestures,
posture body language, eye
contact, poise, and
movement are used
deliberately and underscore
the central ideas.
An attempted is made to use
deliberate facial expressions,
gestures, posture body
language, eye contact, poise,
and movement
Little attention has been paid
to facial expressions,
gestures, posture body
language, eye contact, poise,
and movement .
Main idea is clear and wellsupported but could benefit
from additional details
Main idea is present; may
be broad or simplistic
Main idea is still missing,
though possible topic/theme
is emerging