Minutes of Circle of Friends Meeting

Minutes of Circle of Friends Meeting
Saturday, March 3, 2007 at Blueberry Hill Pancake House
Ten ladies were in attendance. As we had our breakfast, we discussed several things.
Arlene Blaha reported on where mission money had been sent at the end of 2006 from the
UMW. She also explained the “Thank Offering” and handed out the boxes in which to deposit
coins. This is collected by our local church on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and sent to the
conference. There is also a UMW pledge which is sent in by our church around the first of
We discussed the Circle of Friends history. We formed last year for working women, but then
didn’t want to exclude anyone, so we called ourselves the Circle of Friends. We met on
Saturday mornings and had breakfast, but never really decided on a mission. The Circle did not
meet in the fall of 2006.
We had discussion about what the Circle of Friends mission should be. It was explained that the
visit following breakfast to the Community Nurse Association was to consider this as an
organization for our mission. Other mission opportunities were also discussed: Marcy
Newberry, LATH, Interfaith Community Partners, Child Serve, and Constance Morris House.
Linda indicated that Verla Kamykowski had agreed to coordinate missions and so we will need
to be in touch with her as we move forward.
Polly volunteered to develop a sheet for each mission listing what it involved so that these could
be reviewed by our members and then a decision made regarding our mission.
We adjourned and walked to the Community Nurse Association for a tour of the pediatric clinic,
the adult clinic (in another building), the Secret Santa shop, and the Carousel re-sale shop.
Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 14 at 9:00 at June Keeley’s home: 135
Acacia Circle, #304, Indian Head Park, IL 60525. Phone is 708-246-2159. Please RSVP to
June if you plan to attend.