training leaflet and booking form

Peep Training Leaflet
Peeple is an early intervention charity that trains practitioners and works with families to support
children’s learning. The main ways in which we do this are by using the Learning Together Programme to
support parents/carers with their children’s learning, and by training practitioners around the country
(and beyond) to use the Programme. Our other training courses for practitioners’ support different
aspects of working with families, focusing on our Peep Antenatal Programme, the Peep Progression
Pathway (accredited units for parents/carers), working with South Asian families, and supporting Early
Our Learning Together Programme aims to help parents and carers to:
enhance the quality of the Home Learning Environment, by valuing and extending everyday
learning opportunities
develop secure attachment relationships with their babies and children
help improve children’s communication and language, social and emotional development, early
literacy and maths, and health and physical development
gain qualification units based on their use of the programme (optional).
In 2015 we updated the Learning Together Programme.
The evidence-based content and flexible approach
remain at its heart, with the addition of new and
updated topics, activities and underpinning information
and research, and an easy-to-use format.
The programme can be delivered flexibly – for example:
 in groups - targeted or universal, age-related or
multi-level, antenatally, in school or nursery
(including transition), outdoors, at the pool etc
 one-to-one - in the home or other outreach
 in drop-ins - eg child health clinics, Stay and Play.
Evidence base
Our work has been evaluated in five independent research studies by the Universities of Oxford and
Warwick. These show that Peep programmes:
 successfully reach isolated families and engage them in their children’s learning
 help parents become more aware of their children’s development and how to foster it
 help children develop good foundations for literacy and strong self-esteem
 enable practitioners from a wide range of professions develop new skills and fresh approaches to
unlock parents’ and children’s potential.
Peep Training courses for 14-20 people take place around the UK and Ireland – see overleaf.
For further information or to discuss holding an event in your area please contact us on 01865 397970
or or visit our website
Peep Training Leaflet
Peep Learning Together Programme Training (2 days) with Peep City & Guilds accreditation
Aims The training will equip practitioners to:
explore and effectively deliver the different elements of the updated Peep Learning Together
Programme, using the updated topics, session plans and resources - in universal &/or targeted
delivery, whether in homes, drop-ins, groups, or other settings
gain Peep City & Guilds unit accreditation
understand how to offer parent qualification units (optional) via the Peep Progression Pathway.
Who for Practitioners from any professional background who plan to use our Programme with families.
Programme Resources
Online access to the programme (including topics and session plans) is included in the training price, or
trained practitioners may choose to buy a folder containing all topics, for £85.
Accreditation Level 3 City & Guilds Unit 311: Engage parents in their children's early learning is built into
the training. It is achieved by completing a portfolio of short written tasks (maximum 250 words)
supported by evidence of actual Learning Together Programme delivery. The accreditation contributes
to quality assuring Programme delivery and continuing professional development. The cost is included in
the training price; once registered, there is a £20 charge to withdraw.
Delegate feedback ‘Very warm and welcoming delivery. Trainers created a non-judgemental, safe
environment - what you would hope to carry through in your own Peep sessions. I really enjoyed the
addition of practical demonstrations/activities. I found the training to be excellent.’
Training Price £375 + vat [or £325 + vat for any practitioners who completed ‘Peep for practitioners’
2-day training], including online access to the updated Learning Together Programme
Conversion Learning Together Programme Training (1-day) with Peep City & Guilds accreditation
Aims This Conversion training is a condensed version of the 2-day Peep Learning Together Programme
Training for existing Peep practitioners, and shares the same aims. The updated training will enhance
the quality of your Peep practice as well as introducing you to the updated programme.
Who for Practitioners who completed ‘Peep for Practitioners’ training and/or delivered the Peep LT
programme since January 2014 (only available until Dec 2016)
Accreditation Level 3 City & Guilds Unit 311: Engage parents in their children's early learning is built into
the training, and included in the price, as above.
Delegate feedback ‘So glad I did update training, Programme much easier to follow and understand.
Can’t wait to try it out with new groups.’
Training Price £155 + vat, including online access to the updated Learning Together Programme
Managers’ Briefing (up to 2 hours)
If you are thinking about using Peep programmes in your area or you manage Peep-trained staff, then
contact us to arrange a free session for managers and commissioners, to discuss how the Programmes
and Training can support your work.
Peep Training Leaflet
How to book onto any of our courses,
arrange a course in your area
or find out more
Please contact us on 01865 397979
or return a booking form by email or post
Peep Antenatal Programme Training: Getting to know your baby (1-day)
Aim Practitioners will develop their understanding, confidence and skills in developing and supporting
secure parent-infant attachment relationships, leading to better outcomes for the child in terms of their
cognitive development, the relationships they build and their resilience to cope if life gets tough.
Who for Practitioners working with parents and partners during the antenatal and postnatal period.
Entry requirements Experienced in working with families with young children; Relevant level 3+
qualification; Access to regular supervision (see website for further details)
Price £190 + vat, including online access to Antenatal Programme resources
Working with South Asian Families Training (1-day)
Aims Practitioners will develop their understanding, confidence and skills in:
engaging and supporting South Asian families to learn together, using songs, stories and activities
raising awareness of the benefits of home languages (eg Punjabi and Urdu)
Who for Any practitioners working with South Asian families (whether in Peep or other contexts)
Feedback ‘Even though I have experience of working with South Asian families it was all useful.’
Price £95 + vat, including Singing Together in Urdu and Punjabi CD
Early Communication Matters Training (1-day)
Aim Practitioners will develop their understanding, confidence and skills in improving the speech,
language and communication skills of all young children, working with parents to support this, and how
to support children who are waiting for speech and language referrals.
Who for Practitioners working with babies or young children
Price £190 + vat
Peep Progression Pathway Training (1-day)
Aim Practitioners will be able to deliver and assess Peep Progression Pathway qualification units for
parents/carers, as part of their Peep programme delivery (SQA in Scotland, NOCN in the rest of the UK)
Who for LTP-trained practitioners with relevant qualifications/experience (see website for details)
Price Contact us to discuss: Denise for Scotland (t 0131 446 3715) or Marie for rest of UK (t 01865 397974)
Peep Training Leaflet
Training Course
All Learning Together (LT) courses include online access to
the updated LT programme, and C&G accreditation
Learning Together Programme (LTP) Training (2-day)
LTP Conversion Training (1-day) Please note entry
No. of
Training date
Training location
Peep Antenatal Programme Training (1-day) Please note
entry requirements
Working with South Asian Families Training (1-day)
Early Communication Matters Training (1-day)
Peep Progression Pathway Training (1-day) Please
note entry requirements
Payment, Cancellation and Refund policy: (Peep Learning Ltd Vat Registration no: 768 4173 94)
Peep Learning Ltd, the trading arm of Peeple, will invoice you within a few days of receiving this form. Delegate
places will be confirmed on payment. Fees are refundable if cancelled more than two weeks before the course.
Please complete all fields. (If more than 3 delegates, contact us for a Delegate list form)
Delegate name/s:
Delegate’s Job title:
Delegate’s email address:
Contact Person & Job title (if different):
Organisation & Address:
Mobile (for contact on the day):
Manager’s email:
Invoice address – this section must be completed
Organisation & Address:
Email (to email invoice):
Purchase order no. (if applicable):
Please return this form to: t 01865 39790
Total £ (excl vat):
f 01865 778181