here - Peep




Please give the name and contact details of the person within your establishment/school/cluster/ group of schools who will deal with this application, all correspondence relating to it and the management of the Innovation Fund.

The person named here must be authorised to answer all queries and to sign all paperwork relating to this application and be responsible for the overall management and co-ordination of the project.

The named person should also be the first point of contact for Education Scotland and Scottish





Local Authority:








Project title:

Project aim:

When will your project start and finish?:

If you plan to apply for the fast-track (which is likely to be unsubscribed) all orders (e.g. training, resources etc) must be placed before the end of

March 2016. However, you can purchase vouchers from Peeple to enable you to pay for training or resources before the end of March but which are redeemable any time within the next financial year.

Total funding bid for:


SECTION 2: Your Proposal (max 600 words)

Please provide a brief description of your proposal and how it meets the core criteria.

This must include:

How your project will raise attainment of children and young people experiencing socio economic disadvantage.

The focus of your project

(literacy/numeracy or health and wellbeing). to help prepare a compelling application. It includes information about the Peep

Learning Together Programme and the Peep Progression Pathway qualifications for parents. We have also highlighted some of the benefits they bring to parents, carers and their children.

Don’t forget to reference the National Improvement Framework and highlight how your project will be sustainable in the long-term.

We have also made some suggestions about the sorts of projects you may wish to consider to build on your own ideas.

The evidence base for your project and explanation of how it may be sustainable beyond the funding period.

Your plans to measure outcomes.

Project Title (add in a project title of your choice)

Please feel free to use the material below to build on your ideas for projects and

Peep Learning Together Programme

The Peep Learning Together Programme (LTP) is an evidence-based early intervention/prevention programme that supports parents/carers and children

(0-5) to learn together. See for more information. The programme was developed by the charity, Peeple, who have a 20-year track record in developing and delivering creative and innovative interventions in disadvantaged communities. We train practitioners to deliver the

LTP and offer qualifications (credit-rated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority) for participating parents. We have recently received three years funding from the Scottish Government (Children, Young People and Families Early Intervention

Fund) to develop this work across Scotland.

The LTP is a structured but flexible programme that aims to: improve the quality of the learning environment at home; support parents/carers to have increased aspirations for their children and to further their own learning and employment opportunities.

The LTP offers a choice of 74 topics, divided into five learning strands. These are personal, social and emotional development, early literacy, early maths, health & physical development and communication & language.

Possible project(s) and aims


To improve transition for children from nursery to primary and raise attainment in literacy, numeracy and health and well-being

To increase parental/family engagement and enhanced learning potential of partnerships with parents within educational establishment(s)

To offer continued professional development and increase teaching skills for staff through accredited training and an evidence-based programme for engaging with parents/carers and children together



Project Delivery

E.g. We will deliver weekly Peep sessions during term time for X period, with a target group of X parents/carers and children who are living in poverty/rurally isolated/have additional support needs/have looked after status (Education

Scotland priorities). State how you will evaluate your project/measure outcomes.

The benefits of the Learning Together Programme for young children:

 secure attachment relationships with their parents/carers which act as a protective buffer against stress in later life, leading to better psychological and emotional well-being and a strong foundation for cognitive development

 improved quality of the home learning environment (with more opportunities for playing, talking, listening, sharing books and stories, singing and rhymes) leading to improved outcomes in personal, social

and emotional wellbeing, communicational and language, early literacy,

early maths and health and physical development

 improved readiness for school, becoming confident communicators and active learners and later lifelong learning

 raising attainment, reducing the risk of underachievement, poverty and experience of inequality

The benefits to parents/carer are increased:

 knowledge and understanding about their role in supporting children’s learning and development

 ability to support their child’s learning at home

 community engagement (early years and school) and enhanced support/aspirations for their children’ learning in school

 life chances, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, through engagement of families in opportunities which support their own and their child’s learning, well-being and development

 levels of literacy, numeracy and improved health and well-being

(improvements are tracked through a reflective feedback which is integral to the qualification)

 parent attainment levels. The option to gain a qualification provides

“double duty dollars” through intergenerational transfer of learning. The adults’ education will improve the home learning environment so children are better prepared for school and ultimately do better educationally, socially and emotionally

The benefits for the school:


More effective transition for the child and family into the setting

Increased parental engagement and parental support for the child’s learning at home

“Parent’s say that their engagement with Peep (LTP) has not only strengthened their relationship with their children, it has increased their knowledge of the impact they have on their children’s education and development. As a transition group, we link to the early literacies and numeracy programme of the nursery and school which not only reinforces this with the children, it also allows the parents to reinforce this learning at home. The parents are also more confident with their engagement in the school and wider community. Many have progressed onto other groups and some have developed Clovenstone’s primary parent council- the first in almost 20 years! This demonstrates the impact Peep has had

on their family and individual lives.” (Practitioner, Edinburgh).


SECTION 3: Additional Information (max 200 words)

Please provide any further relevant information here, for example how you intend to work in collaboration with others, how you will share the learning from your project and how interventions will be sustained beyond the funding period.

The Learning Together Programme provides a cost-effective, capacity building model which can be shared across local authorities. Beyond the funding period once trained in LTP, practitioners can deliver Peep sessions on an ongoing basis and can transfer these skills to any settings.

Examples of collaboration include:

Peeple/local authorities and trainers (where applicable)

nursery and school and parents/carers; Community Learning & Development (where applicable) e.g.

CLD in school/linked to school volunteer parents/carers

Share learning through Education Scotland, Peeple website (news page and practitioner forums), Early Years

Collaborative, Raising Attainment for All)


SECTION 4: Funding Requirement

Please give brief details about the breakdown of funding required to deliver the project. Sufficient detail should be given to allow us to attribute spend to specific activity.

Planned funding requirements Amount

Delete as appropriate (N.B. For those local authorities who have a training and support agreement in place with Peeple, please adjust pricing as appropriate)

2 day LTP training (includes ongoing online access to resources and City & Guilds accreditation in Engaging

Parents in their Children’s Early Learning (Level 3, unit 311)

= £375+VAT per person

1 day Peep Progression Pathway training (trains staff on how to deliver parent/carer qualifications, includes online access to resources) = £150+VAT per person

Certification of qualifications = £7.50 per parent/carer (inc.


LTP Folder (one per nursery/school) = £85 (inc VAT)




Supporting resources:

Peep Paints his Room story book = £7 (inc VAT)

Peep’s Baby Sister story book = £7 (both books for £10)

Singing Together 1 Songbook = £7 (inc VAT)

Singing Together 2 Songbook = £7 (inc VAT)

Welcome leaflet with CD = £4 (inc VAT)

Songband (7 metres, multi-coloured) = £54+VAT

Songband (10-11 metres, multi-coloured) = £72+VAT

Book and CD bundle (story books, songbooks and welcome leaflet/CD) = £30 (inc VAT)

Total Planned Expenditure £

I confirm that my local authority is aware of this application.

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Completed forms should be returned to:

