Call for Artists--The Sarah Simonds Green

Call for Artists--The Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory Sculpture
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
~Mother Teresa
The University of Washington Bothell in conjunction with the UWB/CCC Wetlands Oversight Committee is seeking
artists to participate in a competitive design process for the creation of a permanent public sculpture on their shared
campus utilizing the UWB wetland restoration as a means of exploring the connection between social equality and
environmental health, not just locally but globally as well. This sculpture will be installed on the grounds
surrounding the recently built Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory at the edge of the North Creek Wetland
Restoration. Artists are also welcomed to submit proposals for ephemeral works, works that involve social action or
Eco art works but they must also leave a permanent sculpture to commemorate the work or event.
This call is open to all professional artists working and living in the State of Washington. Special consideration will
be given to proposals that demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the North Creek wetland restoration
and the local and global relationship between social equality and environmental health.
Deadline for Submissions: noon on Friday March 14th, 2014
Project Details
“The campus shared by the University of Washington Bothell and Cascadia Community College includes a 58-acre
wetland that ranks among the largest floodplain restorations in the Pacific Northwest. Work on the project began in
1998 with construction of a new stream channel system that returned North Creek to a more natural configuration.
Subsequent planting of native species of bushes, flowers, and trees along with active monitoring of the site are
recreating a forest similar to what would have existed generations ago. A rich diversity of wildlife has returned to
the area.” --taken from the UW Bothell website. For more information, please visit:
This project should inspire, provoke thought, and raise awareness of the connection between social equality and
environmental health, and should also function to draw attention to the incredible success of North Creek wetland
restoration. This commission will serve to commemorate the completion of the Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory
and the changes this area has encountered through the wetland restoration. This sculpture will be seen by the
UWB/CCC students, faculty, staff and visitors as well as the frequent pedestrians and cyclists on the trail through the
North Creek Wetlands.
Doctor Gordon Green is the generous benefactor of this conservatory. He chose to name it after his mother Sarah
Simmonds Green with the intention of honoring the legacy of his pioneering Bothell family which has long ties to the
University of Washington.
The Sarah Simmonds Green Conservatory is a greenhouse and conservatory which showcases an innovative
integration of education, architecture, nature and stewardship and the proposals should consider all of these
aspects of this facility. This conservatory houses a classroom as well as a botanical laboratory and an exhibition
space and is built on the location of the original greenhouse that was utilized to launch the wetlands restoration
Call for Artists--The Sarah Simonds Green Conservatory Sculpture
project, giving it significance importance and meaning. You are welcome to incorporate seating for contemplation
for your sculpture if appropriate.
We are not looking for a figurative representation of the wetlands or nature in a sculptural form. We are initiating
an innovative arts program and collection at the University of Washington Bothell/ Cascadia Community College
campuses and are interested in being surprised and intrigued by your submissions. Instead of seeking the safest,
most direct solutions for this project (what you think others may wish to see), we are hoping to see your most
inventive imaginings. Consider the academic environment and the UW Bothell’s mission statement when making
your proposal. Please familiarize yourself with this wetland restoration, and in particular the history of this area and
the relationship between social equality, social beliefs and environmental health in this community and the world at
It is our hopes that this project will inspire the one time visitor, while continuing to hold the imagination of the
frequent or daily visitors as well. This will require that the sculpture function on more than one level. How can we
impact social change through artwork? How can we begin conversations that lead to significant change? How does
change begin and can one small act lead to widespread changes in our thoughts and actions?
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
Budget and Time frame
The overall budget for this project shall not exceed 15,000$. Upon invitation, the selected artist will receive one
third of the money at the onset of the project, one third at a mutually agreed upon midpoint, and the remainder at
the satisfactory completion of the project.
Once chosen, the artist will begin work with a committee comprised of members of the UWB/CCC Wetlands
Oversight Committee, the Board of Regents, community members, engineers, landscape architects and grounds
crew. The design consultations will begin directly upon selection with an installation date of November 15, 2014.
Submission Checklist:
Please submit the following for consideration:
1. A written proposal (with a title) describing the project and its intended location and how it addresses our
2. An artist’s statement (as it relates to this project)
3. At least one image of the final piece (sketch, Photoshop or illustrator image, photograph of a clay, wood or
mixed media model of your sculpture, etc.). If it is difficult to understand your project through only one
image, please provide as many as needed.
4. A preliminary budget (this does not need to be very extensive. It only needs to demonstrate the feasibility
of the project).
5. A plan and elevation drawing of the proposed work.
Please post all of these requirements on the class website and submit a copy to me via e-mail.