Assemblage Sculpture Rubric

Name of Your Sculpture:
Rubric: The Assemblage
Your Name:
20: Using the influence of Nevelson or Rauschenberg and then translating it into
your own style
20: Work Ethic: You were prepared and worked hard during class time! I didn’t
have to ask you to get off of your ipad, or to get busy.
10: Use of Formal Elements: Color, line, shape, and texture are used to create a
solid composition
10: Consideration of 3D elements : The sculpture uses the third dimension to
communicate (space, form, shadow, etc.)
20: Correlation with Topic: How well your sculpture relates to your focus for the
semester. Please explain anything about your piece and your focus that will help me
to understand your approach!
10: Creative use of Materials: You used found objects to create a work of art. You
didn’t just “put the goat in the painting”…you made it art
10: Safe use of hot glue, epoxy, spray paint, cutting tools, or other materials.
100 Total.