UWB WORK-STUDY POSITION POSTING REQUEST FORM JOB TITLE Wetland Water Quality Assessment Technician DEPARTMENT NAME UW Bothell Facilities Services JOB LOCATION UW Bothell – Beardslee bldg CONTACT/SUPERVISOR Keya Sen PHONE NUMBER 425-352-3360 EMAIL ADDRESS ksen@uw.edu BOX NUMBER 358538 EMPLOYMENT PERIOD Summer Only [ ] Sum & Acad Year [ x ] HOURS PER WEEK Sum: 40 hrs/wk [ ] up to 19 hrs/wk [ X ] RATE OF PAY (can be listed as a range or a specific hourly rate) Acad Year Only [ ] Acad Yr: up to 19 hrs/wk [ ] 12.00 per hour Nature of Organization (short description of your dept/office mission and the kind of work you do) The Facilities Services Department is comprised of maintenance, custodial, grounds and wetlands services. Although our work covers a large area (literally and administratively), our goal is to provide timely, effective and high-quality service while attending to the day-to-day facility needs of the entire UW Bothell/Cascadia Community College campus, preventative maintenance on equipment at UWBB and soon be maintaining Husky Village. We in Facilities pride ourselves on serving our customers using our Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). Duties and Responsibilities (list tasks and projects for which student will be responsible): Assisting the Facilities Services department in assessing water quality in the UWB/CCC wetlands. Duties will include isolating and analyzing bacteria such as E. coli and Campylobacter by culture and molecular methods, from the wetland water. The student will be trained to learn techniques like PCR, gel electrophoresis and qPCR, as also to measure antibiotic resistance of bacteria by traditional culture methods. Requires modest physical effort and strict adherence to lab protocols. Minimum Qualifications (currently enrolled UW student, GPA, skills and knowledge needed, etc.): Must be a Biology major and preferably taken one or more Biochemistry and/or microbiology courses. Strong communication, problem solving and writing skills, attention to detail and ability to manage multiple objectives, ability to take directions and work as a team member, ability to work in a fast paced work environment, experience with computers in a Windows environment and using MS office (Outlook, Excel, Word etc). Preferred: Past experience working in a lab, sterile techniques . Educational Benefits (explain what skills and knowledge the student will gain and what unique learning will occur for the student in this position): Work within a professional team environment. Submit to studentemployment@uwb.edu five(5) working days prior to date you want to open position on line. UWB WORK-STUDY POSITION POSTING REQUEST FORM He / She will learn methods to culture bacteria, learn molecular biology techniques such as PCR , qPCR and DNA sequences analysis and improve their skills in data analysis and scientific report writing. How To Apply (state how students need to apply, eg. Email letter of interest/resume to (Your email) Email letter of interest / resume to ksen@uw.edu Submit to studentemployment@uwb.edu five(5) working days prior to date you want to open position on line.