Food Inc supplemental web 2.0 unit

Course Title and Grade Level: _______Foods II Grades 10-12__________
Course Description: The Foods II program begins with a study of basic food terms and
their meanings, measurements, and techniques and their impact on nutrition and a healthy
life style. It is an elective high school course for students in the 10 th, 11th, and 12th grades.
Interdisciplinary Connection: Family and consumer sciences standard under the food
science and nutrition looks at the engineering and technology trends that influence the food
supply and the agriculture and ecology standard looks at the use of technology to increases
production of our food supply. These two different discipline standards work very well
together and can be covered simultaneously by the Socratic discussion, journaling
documentation and through research. This will all be built into a Power Point presentation
developed by the student as a final assessment.
Differentiated Instruction: The students will be required to complete simple thought
provoking ATB activities and worksheets, watch an informational documentary video
consisting of several chapters, discuss the content in a Socratic seminar setting, reflective
journal the seminar and video, research specific topics from the content of the video using
the internet, cooperatively work with other students to develop a PowerPoint presentation of
the research and cooperatively work with other students to plan and complete cooking labs
using various recipes. To differentiate the learning the student will have the option of doing
a research paper, or a diagram and poster instead of the PowerPoint presentation. The
student will also be able to list words and design diagrams instead of journal important
information from the discussion and video.
Instructional Time: 5 periods per week
45 minute periods
Unit to cover 3 periods per week in the classroom setting and 2 periods per week in the
cooking lab setting over a 4 week period.
Supplementary instructional time:
 1 week of five 45 minute periods
Partial unit includes entire lesson on PowerPoint is to be taught by substitute
if necessary
DVD – Food Inc.
DVD player and TV or computer with projector
Teacher made ATB activities
Chapter notes from the media
Worksheets from the chapters
Chapter questions for Socratic discussion
Note paper & writing utensil
Computer lab
Cooking lab
Job rotation schedule and planning sheet
Supplementary Materials:
 Teacher made Web 2.0 PowerPoint presentation of documentary
film “Food Inc.”
Includes 5 of 9 chapters
Instructions for supplementary lesson:
All Students must get their folders from the correct class bin and have a writing
utensil ready. Give NO pencils or pens out to anyone.
Day one
Set up and turn on projector.
Sign on to computer.
Pull screen down to view PowerPoint presentation.
Pass out Rubric check list to all students.
Pass out Information Organizer Worksheet for Journaling
Play PowerPoint of Rubric Checklist for unit on Food Inc.
Go over each slide with class
When finished, show opener PowerPoint
If time allows, discuss opening clip.
Day two, three, four and five
1. Pass out ATB activity or worksheet to students as they arrive and have
them complete it.
2. Set up and turn on projector.
3. Sign on to computer.
4. Pull screen down to view PowerPoint presentation.
5. Discuss ATB activity before showing PowerPoint. (use lesson notes)
6. Play the day lesson power point. (labeled CD or wikispace)
7. Go over focus question.
8. Click on link to view film clip.
9. Enlarge to full screen for viewing.
10.Remind students to take notes during the film clip on their
Information Organizer Worksheet for Journaling.
11.Have students sit in a circle for Socratic discussion after film clip.
12.Use two circles if class is larger than 16- one inner and one outer
circle [outer circle observes and does not speak or intervene]
13.Have students discuss the focus question and the further questions
listed on the PowerPoint.
14.Students are to discuss with each other. Teacher is the facilitator.
15.After discussion is sufficient, end Socratic discussion.
16.Discuss topic of journal for the day and give time to write journal
reflection on the back of Information Organizer Worksheet for
Primary Resources:
“Food, Inc.” A Robert Kenner Film
“Food, Inc.” Lesson Plan at The
lesson plan has a detailed discussion focus questions, ideas
for action, worksheets, objectives, activities for each chapter
of the video.
Internet Resources:
The following internet sites will assist the student in research for their
project on the various topics discussed in the video and the Socratic
seminars. Each of these sites has been cited by the video and they are
reputable organization sites.
Center for Food Safety
Center for Science in the Public Interest
The Food Trust
Food and Water Watch
Center for Ecoliteracy
Organic Consumers Association
Instructional Unit:
Essential Questions:
How our food supply is genetically modified?
Why our food supply is genetically modified?
Who regulates what is done to our food supply?
How has technology changed our food supply?
(Standard Strand)
The student will
understandings of:
Standard Strand
PA Academic Standards
for Family and
Consumer Sciences
11.3: Food Science and
PA Academic Standards
for Environment and
4.4: Agriculture and
Performance Activities
(Standard Statement)
Instructional Strategies
(Best Practices)
Standard statements
Analyze how food engineering
and technology trends will
influence the food supply.
 Identify specific trends
in our current food
supply (i.e.; processed
meals, boxed side
 Point out what
technology is being
used for creating our
food supply
Evaluate the role of government
agencies in safeguarding our
food supply.
An opening thought provoking question will
be used as a focus for watching each
chapter of the film.
Cognitive strategy (Vygotsky 1978)
Completed ATB
Chapter ATB’s and worksheets will be used
for opening thoughts and reflection after
Material mediated scaffolds/structured
overview.(Sanacore 1983)
Written reflections after
every chapter and
Socratic discussion will be utilized after
viewing most chapters of the film.
Cognitive strategy (Vygotsky 1978)
Completed worksheets
Captioned drawing of
Lab evaluations
Teacher observation
Prepare Lab plans and schedule will be used
to organize cooking labs for cooperative
(Bonwell & Eison 1991)
Determine how active
the government is in
providing us with safe
What recommendations
would you offer the
government agencies
that safeguard our
4.4.10. D Evaluate the use of
technologies to increase plant
and animal production.
 Compare the
technologies used today
against what was used
25 years ago for
increased food
 Judge what has changed
the most.
 Justify the reason for
technologies to increase
production of our food
Cooking labs will be used for cooperative &
active learning.
(Kagan 1985) (Bonwell & Eison 1991)
Taste testing foods cooked
(Active Learning) (Bonwell & Eison 1991)
Using the computer lab with internet access,
the student will research a specific teacher
assigned video topic.
Cognitive strategy (Vygotsky 1978)
Rubric to guide and