virus bacteria Chapter 19 Study guide

Virus and Bacteria Study Guide
1. Name the characteristics that an organism must have to be alive.
2. Which of these characteristics does a virus not have?
3. What are viruses made of?
4. What is a prion?
5. What is a viroid?
6. How does a virus enter a bacterium?
7. How does a virus enter a eukaryotic cell?
8. Name and describe the three shapes of viruses.
9. Are most viruses specific to their hosts?
10. What are the two types of infections used for viruses?
11. Describe what is happening to the host cell (including DNA) in each cycle.
12. Can viruses switch between the two cycles?
13. What is a capsid?
14. Is AIDS caused by a virus or bacteria?
15. What is a bacteriophage?
16. What is a retrovirus and how does it work?
17. Describe how vaccines prepare the body for infection.
18. What is the structural difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria?
19. Where would you find Archaebacteria? eubacteria?
20. What are the shapes of bacteria?
21. What does diplo mean? Staphlo? Strepto?
22. Describe how Gram stain can identify eubacteria (what part of the cell is it staining and
why do they stain bacteria differntly).
23. What color do gram positive bacteria stain? What about gram negative?
24. What is binary fission? What kind of offspring does it produce?
25. Describe the purpose of conjugation.
26. What are two other processes used to obtain new genetic recombinations in bacteria?
27. How are obligate aerobes and obligate anaerobes different?
28. What kind of environment could a facultative aerobe live in?
29. What is the purpose of an endospore?
30. How are decomposers good for the environment?
31. How do nitrogen fixing bacteria help some plants?
32. How do humans use bacteria?
33. Name two ways that bacteria cause disease in humans.
34. Explain what antibiotics physically do to bacteria.
35. Explain how bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics.
36. Do humans play a role in antibiotic resistance in bacteria?